I'm going to overdose with the next month once I obtain the heroin

"throw yourself in Front of a moving car.... subsequent Refusal to accept doctors claims that mental or emotional causes maybe at the root of some of your Pain."

Wrong... Not at the root.... Anxiety and depression is definitely a result of pain, but not root. Only the doctors not trying to diagnose and treat me say that. Those trying to help me acknowledge the pain yet can't force the proper specialists to not fear losing their license prescribing realistic opiod doses or to be the one to diagnose pain in someone just waiting for a diagnosis to point out they've been neglected this for years getting sucked into it.

Tl : Dr

Millennial is born in between 1980-1995/2005 depending on definition. There is a stereotype of being self entitled, into fads, arrogant, and lazy....
I believe money is supposed to represent ones effort to give to the community to in return recieve from the community, which is why it's gained from work. I don't care for avacado toast.... I believe no one person is better then another nor one species or animals v plants. I've done everything to get where I am myself and when I shoot heroin I maintain a job, complete activities of daily living, and live actively.

No I don't want to die, but I'm addicted to pain relief. I'll die even if it means harming myself to relieve means of the pain... I'll develop an opiod dependency if it means no pain... I'd give up opiods if it meant no pain. I can go on.

I'll check everything in the morning.
I understand you taco.
Wish you could see some Other doctors who might.....I dunno.... Care.... maybe they just refuse To give you whatever dose of opiates you are needing, because that level of prescription would violate the laws at this point??

Also -- couldn't you may be GET the MRI performed by simply agreeing TO pay for it out of pocket? Since they are claiming you "can't get one" because your insurance won't pay for it....I'm just wondering whether you could forgo the insurance and just get it yourself? I did that once. I didnt have to come up with the entire $3600 all at the time OF service. I think I gave the radiologist $300 the day of, and split the rest into payments. By the way, doing that did me several favors : I hit my deductible alot earlier IN the year, there for my insurance had TO pay 100% on everything the Rest of the year; I got the freaking MRI which proved my condition at the time (*my treatment was easy; no surgery or nothin just shots )....and I realize this occurred in 2007n the cost for an MRI is likely twice that amount by now
Here we have a radiology CLINIC which is a private business not affiliated (at least not owned by ) either OF the two major hospitals. An order for an MRI can be done wherever the Patient chooses, I believe.
Maybe you can look into trying something along that route...unless what you're saying is that the doctors Won't even Order an MRI for you? ? If that's the case then mosssssst definately we gotta figure out a way for you to see some doctors in another area.at least another office.

I hate the way our medical records are all Online now. Supposedly it's for the Convenience of the Patient to view their own files. Ahhhhh BULL Shit it's so that doctors ANYWHERE can log in n see your whole fuggin "history"---- AS DOCUMENTED BY DOCS YOU HAVE SEEN --' so ya know, no.matter who you get to see its TRUE, they often read this shit -for-a-record and form their opinions and attitudes regarding you and your condition well before you ever even walk in their door.

I've been there; I know where you are coming from. And I guess you are saying the "hit by a car " deal was an emotional response to all the suffering you'dbeen dealing with; I understand you were not just some crazy person trying to end it all for no reason.

Believe me I understand a person living with so damned much physical pain which led to mental n emotional anguish, that it seemed like maybe Death would provide the only alternative to that suffering. So they chose Death.
So it was an AWFUL loss and a waste and a goddam sickening situation.

Your saying that you Don't want to die..... that's the best thing I've read in as long as I can remember.

There has to Be a way...to get the MRI done, to get a decent specialist to view IT. Maybe a certain surgery could solve ALL of this in one fell swoop and you could live either pain free or with Greatly reduced levels of pain.
Keep advocating for yourself; talk to an actual radiology CLINIC and ask them how you should go about this when your docs are saying you don't need the imaging and you Know you need it done. Ask questions n get their advice.... I always have to remind myself ten times not to go INTO these situations with an attitude or that will ensure I'm treated like crud.....

I have to and I recommend you try, to advocate for yourself with a Firm but Willing attitude. Keep an open mind every time you deal with a doctor just mentally Wipe the slate clean OF all the times they screwed you over and Start again... start again start again.

I can't tell whether you Wanna be using heroin or if it's just serving as a last resort in times your pain level gets outta control
I hear you ON the matter of "addicted to pain relief "..... but...you're an intelligent person so certainly you realise your mind n body are connected and what's also connected are ALL the effects of opiates: a man does NOT simply become addicted TO a singular facet of a substance. Sadly. We get addicted to the high as well , regardless whether that was our intention.

Keep being honest.
Keep helping Yourself
Keep looking for solutions
Keep trying.

Oh...someone earlier asked why I keep returning to this thread to cut you down FURTHER; well I dont. I keep returning to this thread to try and help. And if I'm unable to help, well at least I can stand with you for awhile; I'm not giving up as long as you don't.
I'll update... I should've said Tl : Dr : Y as I meant to say I will read this when I can focus on it. Catching up on sleep now
Fox you misunderstand completely.... I don't live with my family, I attempted for my life up until 16 drug free only failing the whole time, once I began cannabis I went from being unhealthy to healthy yet that didn't matter to my family as they believe in abstainance to such a degree they didn't take me to doctors I should've seen as a child only to start blaming everything on cannabis making it impossible to see the doctor being a minor relying on them. They even threatened to kick me out of the house 3rd time smoking, but first time catching me as if I was a misbehaving child when most consider me sweet, kind, polite, and considerate. This was when I was 16 still a minor, which I argued was illegal as I wouldn't be able to find a place to live or get a job so I wasn't aloud to make it to 18 without my support being threatened that any child deserves if available, which it more then was.

I ended up dropping out of high school early to try to get an early start on college and get a job and earn my own money to find my own way as obviously I couldn't trust my family as they had been undermining me ever since I started the cannabis. So when I discovered opioids actually helped me be able to make effort more easily at my job, complete activities of daily living, and keep a pain in my lower back I remember I experienced in high school up until I smoked cannabis leading me to wonder about it and connect it to a couple incidents on a water slide and carrying my backpack one strap like a lazy idiot. So when I find something I know can be provided no cost under insurance, that was under my parents at the time, could help me stop using cannabis while I find a doctor to discuss the pain and how to treat it.

I was working with a mental health specialist who I went to for writing a MAPS article about MDMA that I was trying to talk to do my parents could respect my interest in chemistry I discovered through my experience extracting DMT. As well as my interest in psychology I had long before the drugs without saying someone who uses drugs can't study drugs essentially as the more educated I become the more I realize my focus is on neuropsychopharmacology and the area of personality development understanding abnormal development and their causes. In the end the psychiatrist, who was supposed to be playing the role of family counseling/individual psychotherapy specifically not figuring l focusing on drugs to prescribe, told my parents, "Talking will do no good. He won't take my drugs. Here's a program," passing a pamphlet obviously he recieved money for referrals. That was the beginning of the end where he gave them a false duel diagnosis while revealing to them I use opiods without my knowledge. Because of that they spent the next month making things harder and harder for me wherever they can until I broke down and did what any of my family would do growing up, but being the youngest and the "black sheep," they lied to the police to have them put me in the hospital where they hoped to force drug treatment on me while naming every red flag from excessive drug use, suicide, and aggression when none was even close to the truth. I actually only started attempting to kill myself after the incident.

To say the least you don't know shit Fox from the post where you label your issues. I would not only have a job, volunteer in the community, and actually live off my own money if I wasn't attacked for being addicted to pain relief where it started with cannabis, lead to opiods, led to an abusive relation, led to rape, led to identify theift, and led to any stupid choice I made in hopes to find long term support to stabalize and successfully pursue physical therapy and other treatment methods to end the need for maintain the pain. I have been off opioids for long periods during this now 5 years heroin, 7 years opiod dependency, and 10 years utalizing substances.

I was taught what I'm about to point out as institutionalized racism/prejudice or ignorant/unintended racism/prejudice. Basically you're assuming the worst of me for the choices I made as if I didn't think about every aspect and feel horrible going throughout... Yes I fucking walked out the hospital with the thoughts "Fuck life, Fuck these doctors, fuck this pain, fuck the dependency, fuck this stress, fuck this hopelessness" announcing to them I was going to kill myself only for them to laugh thinking I was just trying to manipulate them for the drugs when yes; I wanted the opiods that the doctor should've sent to the pharmacy to manage my pain and take me out of withdrawals, but really I wanted the disrespect and neglect to end so I could succeed to live rather then scrape by and exist. So I slammed my head into the door wanting to die yet not, knowing it would fail yet be evidence of self harm, and told the front desk again walking out at a normal pace a good 10 blocks just waiting for a sign to stop.

After calling 5 people only telling me to put myself through the hospital bullshit again alone so not knowing where to jump 100 feet to garuntee death I walked up a block to a main road, crossed two lanes in the green, and froze seeing the headlamps thinking "this is going to be bad, but I'm here" accepting I might die probably being the only reason I was okay letting go and going limp rather than tightening up hitting my right as my shoulder hit the window cracking it as I slid off the hood as the stopped and landed on my head... I got up and started walking thinking, "it didn't work... Where am I going to succeed?" As 4 people jumped out of the car along with someone on the corner begging me to stop where I collapsed on the sidewalk only able to cry and apologize as they only thought of me holding my head making sure I didn't get whiplash after ruining their drive home from dinner as the ambulance came. I told the officer exactly what happened, it was my fault, they are not liable, and just complied with questions and then had to wait through the ambulance ride, getting set up in the ER, explaining what has happened, and being asked if I wanted fentanyl or dilaudid where I told them I don't want them die of overdose so dilaudid. The first injection of 1 mg stopped me from screaming in pain yet a half hour later I hit full withdrawals, which oddly coincided with a nurse flushing my rig and I assume without narcan as the doctors would not have questioned why I was screaming again as the pain returned while I started sweating bullets feeling hot/cold to extremes. 2 mg had me a little better and after making sure my ankle wasn't broken I recieved another 2 mg, which kept me stable for 6 hours.

So yes they had a car accident because I intentionally tried to kill myself.... Are you really going to argue semantics with someone who has a history of suicide attempts obviously struggling with intent at this point in remission at best? That's the problem with people who are supposed to help these days.

Anyways I appreciate the supportive words and advice. I'm going to continue and hope this stuff I need arrives and works out so I can go back to my job and sustain my management myself while engaging in treatment. I just need the diagnosis. Now please let me finish reading and correcting all this shit you're insinuating about me before you continue talking shit about me like I'm a selfish asshole as you all don't know me. Ever think I have thought to kill myself yes for personal peace, but also because I can only accept myself as a problem to everyone else with the way I'm treated and find the best answer to the problem if it can not be fixed is to remove it. Serriously if one doesn't understand how the intention can be not selfish they can't understand what one may be going through to develop this thought therefore not know how to prevent it from happening or undo it. I welcome criticizm, but it needs to constructive and not to make yourself feel better reading the situation attempting to convince yourself it's not as depressing, hopeless, and sad as I make it out to me by insinuating and trying to convince everyone it's not hopeless and just the fault of laziness from myself. Fuck anyone who thinks that as I they will never understand what I went through and I wish they don't have to and that no one ever goes through it again. That's why I want to study neuropsychopharmacology...

So no one goes through the neglect and pain I did. So there's someone motivated to be educated to be able to be there for and help others, which can not happen if I can't help myself while I need help that I, like many others who don't deserve the neglect and deserve the exact same support I ask for anyone deserves, are unable to recieve it as those meant the provide it are too afraid of over restrictive sources of access and providers refusing to provide for the sake of themselves and their job as it's not too give others what they refuse me, as I'm not assuming I'm treated especially worse then anyone else, just the usual worst that destroys many lives.
Obviously I'm still going through the responses. To clarify.... I didn't just get heroim as I would just be sleeping until it was Wednesday. Friends going to help me obtain a supply of quality that will get me through the first two weeks of work so I can start earning the money I need to buy the heroin and go back to work in a stable ain't right earn the money I need to maintain a supply so I can pursue the non drug treatment methods what my job. Last time I tried to rely on an abusive relation as as support to get off opiods and most likey any relationship like that I find in my position will likely be abusive as I'm vulnerable and full of drama, which only a predator trying run gain for themselves would want me in my area. This time I'll maintain the stability and treatment enough that I could do the rapid phenobarbital detox again without relapsing damn near immediately due to pain. The suicidal ideation is only in remission and since I couldn't afford to overdose if this didn't work out and it reactivated then I'd have to jump from one of the 3-4 areas in mind, which wouldn't be peaceful, but it would lead to it. I'm about the long term relief not immediate gratification.
Since you post all of this here we take that to mean you want people's opinions / advice.

I won't Trouble you with further responses. All you want is pity and while yeah I pity you, there's nothing more I can DO but suggest you get inpatient long term mental health care.
Good luck
I already have.... My mental heath provider agrees that it is impossible to do so when most of my anxiety comes from whether or not I get the substance to use (or a method of pain management that allows me through the treatments I need to complete activities of daily living).

I don't want pity.... Sympathy is difference and while it is welcomed not what I wanted. Honestly I wanted someone to help me manage pain and give me BTC at one point and originally just wanted to confirm no one could help and leave some kind of mark so there was an understanding why it happened if it did so maybe someone else wouldn't be neglected why I was and someone else one day could be helped because of me. Not because I want credit, but because I don't even want my worst enemy to suffer my life.

I can't do inpatient as I have the dog. I am always looking for outpatient, but I need the pain management to make sure I can travel to and from treatment and home. That requires opiods as I can't safely drive thanks to the spasms that are triggered in my low back issue, I can't afford someone else to drive, add the bus triggers my pain without opiods.

Again I appreciate constructive criticism... Just not "go find therapy" as if I haven't attempted the suggestion recently it am just too ignorant if not too stupid
I sent that last one before I really finished my thoughts, but they pretty much are I guess. Hopefully things go as plan as I will not be able to handle my life falling apart again.... Things seem to be changing for the better though as I said and it's because I'm giving up on trying to find things through the normal proper routes and I'm taking into my hands and saying fuck all to those standing in my way trying to stop me of course just saying excuse me to others in my way.
^^^^thanks for chiming in shroomy
You kinda said what I intended to say but you were able to say it a lot more softly. Truly those who know me around the BL community know I DO care; I just think as shroomy reminds us, a good long look in the figurative mirror goes a long way towards helping each of us.
Taco of course I wish you no harm. I just cannot fathom feeling so badly one minute and magically ok the next; yet I'm certain that's just one more pitfall of active addiction and yes most of us have been there.

I need ask --- what exactly is the definition of a "millennial " any way? I've seen kids EVERY where from age 14-25 claiming to be a Millennial so truly I am confused as to the parameters of the term.

Yeah true that. What the fuck, not even 20 yet? If that is true. Dude, you have your whole life ahead of you. You have more time to heal than you will ever need. You could take the next decade to recover from all of this and still live a long productive life. If you kill yourself, you'll never how you might have turned out as a 30 year old man.

Also, heroin makes people flat out suicidal. Any opiate really, when abused. I was suicidal getting off them and when I was on them I was indifferent to life or death.

They also increase pain over time. It is possible that your pain is much less severe than it actually is due to all the mental health issues and well opioid induced hyperalgesia is a known fact. I am rarely bothered by back pain anymore, I do have chronic pain but over 5 months off opiates now and quit heroin last june or july which is really the devil of them all. Well my back pain is miraculously about 50 - 75% relieved. It is enough that I can not only go for a walk around the block without those drugs, but practice intensive hot yoga daily.

If you do not exercise, then what are you thinking dude. It helps depression so much if I don't go to hot yoga my anxiety depression and chronic pain, bpd all get severe within a matter of a couple days. Give that a try. You have years of things to try. You can always do it later but you can never take it back. Why not hang in there, wait and see how you are a year or two from now. This shit that is torturing you may start to become a thing of the past. I just don't think you can say you'll be in pain for the rest of your life at your age and also considering you are abusing opiates, which increases pain levels significantly with long term abuse in my experience.

Why not try some healthy things to make yourself feel better and have more confidence. Pick up a hobby, I don't even pay for my yoga except through shiftwork. It's normally crazy expensive but I work for it there. Anyways. That has improved my pain immensely as it got me to move areas of my spine that I was protecting for far too long, from an acute injury that had probably healed. It was my brain that was fucked up for the most part and it took me a long time to accept this. I do have an injury but it is not as life ruining as I once thought and experienced it subjectively to be. I don't understand why you can't hold out a little longer. I am much older than you with a shit life and many days I wish I was dead but then again, where will I be a year from now? Things might get better.
I am rarely bothered by back pain anymore, I do have chronic pain but over 5 months off opiates now and quit heroin last june or july which is really the devil of them all. Well my back pain is miraculously about 50 - 75% relieved. It is enough that I can not only go for a walk around the block without those drugs, but practice intensive hot yoga daily.
Wow Shroomy, I didn't think you were gonna make it tbph! Way to go!! Doing shifts to pay for your yoga is the best recovery program of all :)
Yeah, I had a plan to kill myself this year at a date that has now passed by. Still sort of wish it had happened but here I am getting through another day.

Hot yoga is the biggest part of my personal rehab. It is remarkable to me how I found something that not just reduces my back pain to the point that it is no longer life-ruining or all that distracting - I never in a million years thought something other than opiates would relieve it and after 7 years of chronic physical agony! - but that is also getting me flexible and very fit. I look like I am in the best shape of my life and I was always a gym rat, just skinnier more balanced overall and more flexible now and I prefer that with chronic pain I think being lighter weight is a good thing. As the classes I do are intense enough that I don't think I'd ever get too big from them. I think yoga found me, I was into it before my injury and I started this year in very early oxy detox. It controls my BPD symptoms to a great extent, reduces my anxiety and depression for sure. It is also a little community consisting of many hot foxes so if I knew how to meet girls better that would be cool I've still made some friends I find solace being around attractive women. I like talking to the ones that I like and asking them questions and stuff but it never gets anywhere still it's chill as before I couldn't even string a sentence together with them. I am more comfortable talking to them and my anxiety goes down while I am there, it is a very peaceful place to be and no gym rat egos at all so far. The dudes that go are chill too.

I don't think I would have made it this far off opiates without sticking to that as I start to fall apart entirely if I don't go for a few days. As soon as I realized I wasn't as fragile as I thought I was I dove right into this, it is my discipline.
As the title says that's my plan. I give up. I'll never have the trust needed from others to gain necessary support to complete activities of daily living or even just to be able to lay in bed, stand up, or at in a chair without aggravating the painful areas. I'm done with all of the lying "professionals" that refuse support on the grounds I am an addict so I need to go become dependent on methadone or Suboxone at doses equivalent to 1-6 grams of morphine just to say that I'm "following a standard treatment plan."

Fuck them, fuck everything, fuck this world, fuck the hustlers, fuck the dealers, fuck the great lie that is the opiod epidemic, and Nich of all fuck my life I want it to end.

Only way this would change is if I was sent 1100$ a month to buy dope for a couple months as I stabalize in my old job. That's not happening nor can I get a script of 40 mg 2x a day at most of oxycodone ER with 5-10 mg oxymorphone IR 4x a day.... The equivalent to 210 mg of morphine through the day. That's at most while the oxycodone could likely start at 20 possibly just 10 mg per dose. Yet nope.... All they say is I'm a drug seeking addict go overdose on methadone. Fuck everything I'm done

Overdosing on heroin can be unpleasant, painful, lead to seizures, etc. It's not euthanasia. You can expect to feel quite unpleasant during an opiate overdose.

When I say unpleasant, I mean severe dysphoria. It's really terrible.

Please reconsider suicide, but specifically your plans in particulra.
Yes I tried commiting suicide on cocaine last month. $1000 I won't get back and first time I may have of had a seizure, I just remember blacking out.

Definitely not the first of suicide attempts. I'd say speak to every person on earth before you go ahead. Although easier said than done.
People seem to be ignoring my posts completely and just talking to one another giving advice on who they assume I am based upon bias vs reading my posts I clearly explain just about everything. Not reading it offends me completely and reminds me no one will listen even if I do talk and ask for help....

It's reconsidered for now, but my suicidal intent is essentially impulsive based upon situation degrading I do everything to hold together. Hopefully I can hold it together... I'll add it's not just the pain. The pinching causing spasms or limiting range of motion are the biggest problem. 'Nuff said.
People seem to be ignoring my posts completely and just talking to one another giving advice on who they assume I am based upon bias vs reading my posts I clearly explain just about everything. Not reading it offends me completely and reminds me no one will listen even if I do talk and ask for help....

It's reconsidered for now, but my suicidal intent is essentially impulsive based upon situation degrading I do everything to hold together. Hopefully I can hold it together... I'll add it's not just the pain. The pinching causing spasms or limiting range of motion are the biggest problem. 'Nuff said.

You need to remove yourself from the negative environment even if it is for 30 minutes and be some where positive.

Sorry I am not good at the moment myself so am just mummbling.

I feel you though. I poured out my story and only got one response.

So now am trying to find myself a psychiatrist to chat with.
I agree with you.... Who wants to send money for me to go to the local water slide park? :D
I find solace being around attractive women. I like talking to the ones that I like and asking them questions and stuff
Lol, me too! The hot ones are so hot they create their own atmosphere in the area close to them imho ;)

Overdosing on heroin can be unpleasant, painful, lead to seizures, etc. It's not euthanasia. You can expect to feel quite unpleasant during an opiate overdose.

When I say unpleasant, I mean severe dysphoria. It's really terrible.

Please reconsider suicide, but specifically your plans in particulra.
That was not my experience when I overdosed, but I can see how that could happen, since I've felt dysphoria from simply too much H.
Lol,Lol yeah in layman's terms... ; ) hehe. That is cracking me up right now I am really stoned. I'm a horny lil junkie. But I haven't used opiates in a long time, need to quit the xanax at some point and go back to val. Feel better on xan than etiz though the latter I developed a ridiculous tolerance to and the switch has been pleasant but yeah there is that to deal with just not yet. I am feeling the post-acute withdrawal bad I hadn't been functional in a long time tryna relearn everything.

Yeah man enjoy the summer why do that in the summer of all seasons. Although maybe I am thinking in terms of my own climate. Summer is epic, why now. You gotta be by someplace that's chill to be outside, nature is essential.
Yes I tried commiting suicide on cocaine last month. $1000 I won't get back and first time I may have of had a seizure, I just remember blacking out.

Definitely not the first of suicide attempts. I'd say speak to every person on earth before you go ahead. Although easier said than done.
Are you being serious?