TDS I'm going through 500mg etiz a week and want to taper down. Help please


Feb 9, 2018
I have no idea where to start? Deduct 10mg every two days. I have 2 months with oh shipments paid for so they're not going to keep coming. Bif anyone could help me with a taper schedule I'd over you forever serious. :?:?:?
Is there any way you can get it done at a clinic? Safest bet for you at this point.
That's a tough one, mate. You're taking an enormous amount per day. That's over 500mg of diazepam if 1mg of etiz is = 10mg of diazepam. (Note that I've no idea how true this is). Either way, it's a fuckload and there is really no safe way to do this outside of some kinda medical facility but I think you will need too, at least to drop to an equivalent dose of diazepam and slowly taper out patient. Is this something you would have support doing?

Despite the seriousness of the situation, you've got some decent options that have worked for others in similar situations so don't despair. All the best, let us know what's happening :)
That's a tough one, mate. You're taking an enormous amount per day. That's over 500mg of diazepam if 1mg of etiz is = 10mg of diazepam. (Note that I've no idea how true this is). Either way, it's a fuckload and there is really no safe way to do this outside of some kinda medical facility but I think you will need too, at least to drop to an equivalent dose of diazepam and slowly taper out patient. Is this something you would have support doing?

Despite the seriousness of the situation, you've got some decent options that have worked for others in similar situations so don't despair. All the best, let us know what's happening :)

My family wouldbthroe me out I mean I've only been taking that amount less than a month and got to that amount in the past 2 weeks. I took 30mg this morning and will take 5 tonight. I have 37 mg left until my package comes Monday. You think lowering ten mg a day or every other day would help taper. Or maybe get ddiclazeoam since it has a long half life and use that to taper. But any patient program is a no go. My family things weed is literally the devils weed.
^I'm curious, what lead you to escalate dosage so rapidly? Was it simply tolerance or were you feeling some withdrawal effects creeping in? I guess I am trying to gauge how physically dependant you are on it. What happens if you take, say, 5mg less for a day or so? Do you feel sketchy or just bored and want to get high?

Its a hard one, because I know that I would be having seizures trying to reduce from that dose, though I have epilepsy. I basically cannot take any amount of benzos without entering some kind of withdrawal, and during my own taper I was still having seizures constantly. Of course, there are extenuating circumstances for me.

Its been one month of use? Have you had a benzo addiction before?

I think you could be safest tapering down over a few weeks as gradually as possible. I honestly cannot tell you what amount is best, but I would make the cuts relative to what you are taking. So, if you are taking 70mg a day, I would cut by 10% of that dose (7mg). That puts you at 63mg, so the next cut would be 6.3mg. The next cut would be something like 5.6, and so. I think the one problem there is that a long taper might deepen your issue, but I honestly don't think cutting by 10mg every 2 days is safe. If you were taking diazepam, you are talking about cuts of 100mg or so, and there is no way that is advisable.

If you cannot seek medical treatment, you will need to adopt a bit of trial and error, but keep in mind- and error here is extremely dangerous. I'd suggest reducing the dose and seeing how you react. You will know pretty quickly if its too big a cut and can increase by a bit.

Good luck mate, you can do this <3. I wish you were able to seek medical treatment though.
Hi mate, yes I can help! :)

First of all, you have my deepest of sympathies... and optimism! I've been there and actually recovered pretty fast, with no noticeable long term effects; bar a few grand mal seizures to my name due entirely to my own foolishness i.e taking my last dose and not being able to get more/forgetting to dose/etc. People who haven't been lost in the benzo powder thing (and even those who have) often seem to baulk at the ridiculously excessive tolerance that can be rapidly accrued. It seems that once you reach a certain point, things don't move in a linear pattern any more, and your normal/active dose increases exponentially. Once this starts, supply/money eventually becomes your bottleneck, and this can actually work in your favour, because it's literally unsustainable to afford say a street/pill benzo addiction.

Your tolerance can lower back to a more traditional/conservative level (and this is the most crucial element of the solution I'm about to offer), but it will rapidly return to exactly where it was at a rate never previously imagined if you take benzos on an anywhere near frequent/reckless basis, for even a few days or weeks.

We will need to know your current usage rates i.e dosage/dose frequency/etc. If you aren't already, you should start logging dose, time and date on your phone/whatever.

The way that I personally tapered off a high dose was to wait 2-3 (it's best to think of it in terms of 48/72 hours, because accuracy is crucial) days without dosing, and my tolerance would drop a bit. There was a huge problem here in that at around the 72 hour point I would have a grand mal seizure, usually within 1-4~ hours; so I would have to dose as soon as I woke up. This is incredibly dangerous (and differs for everyone), and if you can wait less time (say maybe 48 hours?), this will help. Three days is very tight, probably way too tight; but it's what I personally had to do to lower my tolerance by a significant amount. If you're anything like me, re-dosing outside of your maintenance schedule within 48 hours will just fuck the whole thing up and increase your tolerance even further. You need to dose only to prevent serious withdrawals/seizures). FTR the tell tale signs of seizures for me were always brain zaps and body jolts/involuntary movements.

Once my tolerance was lowered slightly, I could drop my dose a bit, and take an active dose, on the low end (i.e don't get too fucked up; you'll probably take more). I used to aim for what I called a 'maintenance dose' i.e just enough to prevent withdrawals/feeling shitty/having seizures; probably equivalent to around 1mg for me without tolerance, or half of my 'preferred' dose (2mg). Obviously the doses I was talking were far in excess of 1-2mg, and it's the same for you, so I just had to kind of work out the relative doses for myself, and refer to the logs I kept in a notepad file on my phone.

You should be able to lower your dose more rapidly than a person who is tapering off of say 2-3mg etizolam, because your tolerance means that the ratio your body recognises benzos at is totally skewered. You need to find out how much you can lower by via trial and error, but if you wait two days then you might be able to lower by say 2-5mg, maybe less, maybe more. Swilows estimate of about 10% sounds about right to me, and is roughly how much I lowered by. Once you get to more traditional levels of benzo use you should begin to taper by the amounts that other people do, and your powder will go a lot further, so you can hopefully do a long taper. Just bare in mind that you might be inclined to start upping your use again, but like I say, your tolerance will literally start jumping back to where it was... and you may well quite suddenly find yourself in a situation whereby you have an ineffective dose left and you know you're screwed.

How old are you? And which country? Once you are down to traditional levels you might want to consult your GP for a long term taper of diazepam/clonazepam. There is no need to experience significant withdrawals or long term effects if you do a long taper, once your dosing stabilises to traditional levels. It can also help to have a neutral (none drug taking) friend/relative administer your doses.

Oh and one more thing, I'm not sure how you're dosing but doing so accurately is imperative for this. You should be using volumetric dosing, with propylene glycol or similar. It's really easy and important, because you can't accurately reduce by milligram amounts via guessing/weighing.

Hopefully that helps/makes sense. If you need any help, just ask.
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^Great post my friend. Glad you've weighed in here :)
OP, I hope the responses will help but even more, I hope you are OK. Check back in and let us know!
And rest assured, this is a situation that you can emerge from :)

for optimism sake you will see a post I made on here about three years ago, at the time going through 70mg clonazolam a day. (way worse off than you are.) And today I am down to 7mg clonazepam with a P.

My taper was far from traditional but I have suffered no seizures and only 3-5 sleepless nights (which is on par for 3yrs?).

This is a shite question but I think it is the most important one to ask, what is your supply looking like. Why can't there be more, this could be a life and death thing, I suggest starting by making the largest order you possibly can. But bottom line is what are we working with.

Although it has taken me about 3 years I am pretty sure I have still been moving a little quicker than the benzo taper chart.
I would go down to 45 tomorrow and stay there for a week or two depending on what you have than 40. basically 5 mg a week till you get down to about 20, (now keep in mind if you start twitching, your head starts feeling light, your sweating a ton) these are signs you may need another mg or 2 OR YOU MAY HAVE A SEIZURE. (BTW none of this is medical advice, one fool tryin to help another). I am sure this will be bashed as too quick a taper schedule and it very well may be for you so listen to your body, but it sounds like your in a time crunch.

are you scripted any benzos or just for fun? If scripted I would switch back to those when you get to around 15mg a day. If not anything that tickles your gabba receptors will help a bit. I found lyrica and alcohol and opiates to be of great use. Obviously don't trade one habit for another, these are supplements for the real bad nights.

Confidence. Benzos cause stress rebound and causes quicker seizures. The less you worry about it the less it will affect you
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I have no idea where to start? Deduct 10mg every two days.

thats too fast. so you're taking 500mg a week - roughly 70mg a day? i assume you're taking it all throughout the day rather than all at once? start with taking a couple mg off each dose you take throughout the day, so if you take 30mg x2 times per day, try taking 25-27mg for each dose, and stay at that dose for 3-7 days. if you feel the wd is bearable after that long and you arent having seizures or anything you can drop a couple more mg off and then stay at that dose for 3-7 days, and repeat this cycle. this is the basics of tapering, you slowly lower your dose and have each step down last at least a few days to a week (or even longer, for really long lasting stuff like antidepressants and methadone). the idea is basically to keep your withdrawals to a minimum so you can still function and go about your day. there are more rapid ways to taper down but i wouldnt recommend them with a benzo; withdrawal from gaba agonists like benzos, barbiturates, and alcohol can outright kill if its too severe in addition to seizures and such, so medical supervision and guidance is needed for anything other than a slow, easy taper down.
They haven't logged in since the 11th, so they may not have even seen most of the responses. OP can you check in to let us know how you are doing?
^right. Tranced, awesome post and you have my admiration for truly caring about helping people. Would also like to hear from OP, although I kinda did the same thing and disappeared until my habit was more uh reasonable. Idk believable almost. But please, not much is documented from what id call like a super taper. I pretty much spewed my guts about how I got through mine. (not that I am finished).