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I'm about to shroom but what about sleeping?


Jun 26, 2008
I took a Norco I got a few caps for A Christmas gift so I got plenty of weed in just worried it's so late. Will shrooms effect my sleep? I don't expect them to be too strong. So I guess I'll take them now. They shouldn't keep me up like meth will they?
You should be able to sleep after 6-7 after taking them. Mushrooms are kind of sedating and don't impair sleep that much.
You should be able to sleep after 6-7 after taking them. Mushrooms are kind of sedating and don't impair sleep that much.
This, mushrooms aren't like LSD, where you get that cracky stimulated feeling for quite a while after you stop tripping. Don't necessarily expect to sleep right after shrooms, though, if that's your concern, as the psychological state of tripping and often of post-tripping isn't really compatible with sleep, you'll often been thinking too hard to sleep (this is different though from LSD where you are stimulated as a matter of pharmacology.)
I ended up getting so sick. On the plus side now that I'm not dying I feel pretty good but what a waste. I'm tempted to eat the barfed up shrooms.....
Yeah, shrooms are gross. Next time maybe make capsules or something. Or put them with peanut butter or something. They don't actually taste that godawful but the gross thing is more texture than anything.
Better yet buy some 4-acetoxy-dmt which feels very similar to shrooms, though perhaps a bit more mystical.
Better yet buy some 4-acetoxy-dmt which feels very similar to shrooms, though perhaps a bit more mystical.

4-aco-DMT is basically psilocin (which is what shrooms metabolize into), but I would have to disagree with the “more mystical” part; IME, shrooms have a more “spiritual” aspect to them, and almost feel like the earth is speaking to you (or through you). However, this is not to discount 4-aco-DMT, which is one of my favorite psychedelics. Arguably (again, IME) the visual aspect of 4-aco-DMT is more pronounced, and has less of a body load, so ymmv.
I always thought 4-AcO-DMT was more "transparent" than shrooms to pick a word.
It seems more DMT like to me, having a more serious mindset. Less giggles and etc. Mushrooms are more spiritual, but 4-aco-dmt is more visual, and also harder to integrate. I took 350mg once while disinhibited on benzos and I thought that if I survived I would never see the world the same way. I was fine however.
Weed is fabulous for killing nausea. Did you not smoke up before eating the shrooms?
Being stoned on the come up of psychedelics is also a fantastic way to increase your anxiety, even if it can help with body load.
holy shit that must have been one hell of a trip? Or was this in a benzo blackout and you don't remember much?

I remember the whole thing unfortunately. I was pretty sure I was going to die. It was ontop of 80mg of 4-ho-met. Benzos open a black hole inside of me that skyrocket my drug use and cause massive dose escalation. I figured that if I survived I would have to quit my job and be institutionalized for at least a few weeks as I thought it would be difficult to integrate the experience. This wasn't true of course but someone did take me to the hospital. Of course I was fine although my systolic blood pressure was over 200. No lasting problems.

My guess is that a lower dose (like 200mg) would be possibly worse (psychologically) than the 350mg I took. At 350mg it is just too confusing and at times amnestic. That said it was horrifying. I was sort of sucked into this sea of black and white swirls, it was one of the most inexplicably revolting feelings i've ever had.
My guess is that a lower dose (like 200mg) would be possibly worse (psychologically) than the 350mg I took. At 350mg it is just too confusing and at times amnestic.

That kinda makes sense.

Im glad you came out the other side mostly intact. Hard to imagine how crazy that must have been.
I remember one time when i was tripping on shrooms I snapped and locked myself into a bedroom and ended up in a meditative sleep like trance it felt as though I had been sleeping for the whole time when I got myself out of there.

I was tripping with another dude.
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