I'm a shithead who's fresh out of other shitheads

PS by which I mean that in Australia there have been, nationwide, 105 deaths, I believe. As opposed to US fatalities, which I am appalled to see are now 92,000 plus. So this nationwide lockdown of absolutely everything seems a bit OTT.

Mind you I guess the very stringent measures we've got here might explain why we've escaped the horrendous impact....plus the isolation, etc.

Shit another text from brother. I am getting scared to read them.
Oh God I MUST leave the house. I'm so depressed by this falling out with my brother that I'm just bloody well going to get drunk again. Like I did yesterday. It's too lonely on my own. I can't even go to an AA meeting because they're all closed because of fucking COVID which is fucking STUPID because this is Australia ...

You don't have to beat yourself up for drinking either. You're going through it right now, shits tough. But you are taking the right steps towards being more cognizant of your behaviors and negative patterns.

Even without a meeting, a walk around the block, or even stretching/exercising can help alleviate some pent-up energy.

Are y'all on mega lockdown there? Seems like everyone's trying to get back out there in US
You don't have to beat yourself up for drinking either. You're going through it right now, shits tough. But you are taking the right steps towards being more cognizant of your behaviors and negative patterns.

Even without a meeting, a walk around the block, or even stretching/exercising can help alleviate some pent-up energy.

Are y'all on mega lockdown there? Seems like everyone's trying to get back out there in US
Yeah, still mega lockdown here. Nowhere to go. All the bars shut as well as AA meetings.
I love going to bars on my own.
I'm in Perth, fellow Aussie.

I don't know what it would be like having a bond with a drug using sibling. My sister is a total straight edge (actually she isn't, we just don't use together and she doesn't know I know).

I'm the shit head out of the two of us and you seem to be the more together out of you two. It must get tiring being the one taken for granted...

Setting boundaries is bound to make him try to put the bullshit back on you so standing firm and making him self sufficient will mean he won't see it's for the best for you just what it means for him.

It's for the best you don't front money as why should you, he can ask the dad or be an adult and fend for himself, won't happen if he gets help all the time.
I'm in Perth, fellow Aussie.

I don't know what it would be like having a bond with a drug using sibling. My sister is a total straight edge (actually she isn't, we just don't use together and she doesn't know I know).

I'm the shit head out of the two of us and you seem to be the more together out of you two. It must get tiring being the one taken for granted...

Setting boundaries is bound to make him try to put the bullshit back on you so standing firm and making him self sufficient will mean he won't see it's for the best for you just what it means for him.

It's for the best you don't front money as why should you, he can ask the dad or be an adult and fend for himself, won't happen if he gets help all the time.
Hey! Nice to meet another Perth-dweller ... But I'll have to watch what I say a bit - as you know our town is small and I don't want to dox him!
Yeah, I do feel taken for granted. It's not just burns like the one described in my OP but a lot of stuff. Like he always borrows all by my tech - laptop, even phone, without asking- and he usually breaks everything. I don't have a computer at all right now because while I was in hospital he borrowed mine and broke it ... But you're never allowed to say that. I have to agree that it was "already basically broken" in order to avoid a shit storm.