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If I took 15mg of Valium for 3 days, and I was to have an oxycodone..


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
Would I die? So I’ve been finding oxycodone that have spilled and yesterday I was strong enough to say no.. today idk I don’t have Valium to help me say no cause I try my best not to combine anything. So let’s just say I was to find an oxy (10mg) and I was to be dumb enough to keep it if I took half 5mg would it still be considered combining ?
Diazepam has a long half-life and the metabolites linger in your body for weeks, but once the acute effects are past, it should be safe to take a low dose weak opioid like 10mg oxycodone.
Ok that’s what was confusing was the half life part, but most metabolites are inactive correct?
Diazepam has a long half-life and the metabolites linger in your body for weeks, but once the acute effects are past, it should be safe to take a low dose weak opioid like 10mg oxycodone.
Further, the two can be combined, and it is heavenly, you just have to know your limits. I always recommend against it because I'd hate for someone to die or get hurt based on my bad advice. But I combine opioids and benzodiazepines just about every time I take either of them. I'm a hard head for benzos though. YMMV.
Ok that’s what was confusing was the half life part, but most metabolites are inactive correct?
Correct. It'll show up on a piss test for up to two months after (longer than pot even which is really annoying when you're looking for work but have bad anxiety).
Fucccckkkkk well I guess it’s good I’m on disability for the next two months. Yeah I’ve combined in my past but I got really shaken when most of the music artists I listened to die from acute drug combinations. Lil peep from fentanyl and xanax among many others. I doubt I’ll find one today though but who knows .
Correct. It'll show up on a piss test for up to two months after (longer than pot even which is really annoying when you're looking for work but have bad anxiety).
Lil peep from fentanyl and xanax among many others.
God knows what's in street bars these days, I only take alpraz that I get prescribed. Fent of course is horribly dangerous in and of itself. All the rappers dying of these ODs are probably getting fent laced bars, as it's nearly impossible to OD on alprazolam by itself.
Sadly yes. I took a couple before and passed out for a day straight after a quarter. I’m going to look for oxy in the floor haha that dropped.
God knows what's in street bars these days, I only take alpraz that I get prescribed. Fent of course is horribly dangerous in and of itself. All the rappers dying of these ODs are probably getting fent laced bars, as it's nearly impossible to OD on alprazolam by itself.
I cannot deal with COD right now I still have some lingering effects of the Valium I guess.. and I’m getting a really short fuse. I switched over to farm sim 19.
Personally, I take a razor to my Call of Duty discs and chop them up real fine, then snort them. The rush is sooooo lush.
I cannot deal with COD right now I still have some lingering effects of the Valium I guess.. and I’m getting a really short fuse. I switched over to farm sim 19.
Obviously Xork and I are ust joking around hahah. Personally I haven't enjoyed a CoD game since the original Modern Warfare when I was a teen. It had so many novel concepts. Now they've released the exact same game over and over for 15 years and people still buy it... which perplexes me. Why would you pay 60 bucks every year for a game you already own? It's not an MMO, you're not getting real new content. But I digress, my opinions about CoD are biased. My old college buddies STILL buy the new ones to this day and I have to wonder how we were ever really friends. I always had a hard time getting any of them to take acid with me, save for my roomy who would hoover up anything I put in front of him lol.
It’s for the best. Ehh I got some white Thai kratom and a bunch of weed. Ima try to get that in me.
Obviously Xork and I are ust joking around hahah. Personally I haven't enjoyed a CoD game since the original Modern Warfare when I was a teen. It had so many novel concepts. Now they've released the exact same game over and over for 15 years and people still buy it... which perplexes me. Why would you pay 60 bucks every year for a game you already own? It's not an MMO, you're not getting real new content. But I digress, my opinions about CoD are biased. My old college buddies STILL buy the new ones to this day and I have to wonder how we were ever really friends. I always had a hard time getting any of them to take acid with me, save for my roomy who would hoover up anything I put in front of him lol.

Nah man I really plug Call of Duty. I think I have a problem, the high is fantastic but the damage is not worth it. I can't seem to stop though.
I play farm sim. I don’t have to compete with anyone but the other bitch ass computer controlled farmers. Really wish they added a feature where I could poison their crops. Fuck whoever owns field 8
Nah man I really plug Call of Duty. I think I have a problem, the high is fantastic but the damage is not worth it. I can't seem to stop though.