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Opioids If I ever had any doubts about grapefruit juice, they're gone now.


Nov 26, 2011
I realize I post about methadone a bit too often, but this is so amazing to me that I had to share it. Besides, it could actually help people by lowering doses - it's that powerful. GFJ potentiation is one of those things you hear about all the time, but try it yourself and you're never quite sure if it actually made much of a difference or if it was just the placebo effect. Me being on maintenance, taking the exact same dose every single day at the same time, AND being a fast metabolizer experiencing very objective withdrawal symptoms very quickly for methadone, I was able to test it out with a little bit of empiricism.

I made a topic the other day, asking about GFJ and whether or not it made any difference if I drank it several hours after my dose instead of before. Everyone said it wouldn't work. It did. If I go one single day without, I start getting uncomfortable as early as 16 hours after dosing. More than 24 and I start showing classic opioid withdrawal symptoms. That's the best part about this - I could have done this experiment and said I felt better, didn't get sick or whatever - ie. still subjective effects.

It has now been over 48 hours since that dose - the one I took BEFORE the GFJ and haven't had a drop of methadone or any other opiate since. It's not that I just don't feel sick - I'm still feeling it. Strongly. My pupils aren't quite pinpoint, but they're much smaller than usual. Normally, they would literally take up my entire non-white eye with no iris visible. I would also be sneezing, sweating like crazy, dealing with those horrible goosebumps/chills that turn into a hot flash the second you turn up the heat, and other withdrawal effects. It's really incredible, because I honestly feel as though I had my dose this morning without any problems. I'm going to use this to halve my dosage, but I still want to taper properly.

For years, I've tried the technique and many variations thereof, but could never rule out placebo beyond doubt. Now I can without hesitation, and in a way that other people can easily see for themselves to confirm, if they wanted to. The difference this time was carefully going over all the seemingly insignificant finer points of the method - I used WHITE grapefruit juice and not red, made sure it was pure juice and not some watered down cocktail, it was unsweetened although I don't know if that makes any difference, and I drank an entire 1 litre (2 pint) container of it. I can't get over just how clearly it worked. Nobody doing this (barring some sort of enzyme deficiency or mutation) could ever again say that they aren't sure if it works. I've also tried so many other things over the years with oxycodone, hydromorphone, morphine, codeine, heroin, and hydrocodone. It probably did work on at least some of these occasions, but NEVER anywhere nearly enough for me to make a post like this.

I feel obligated to add an important disclaimer to this: the very fact that grapefruit potentiation works is evidence of its dangers. If you're going to try it properly like I did, MAKE SURE YOU START OFF WITH THE SMALLEST POSSIBLE DOSE OF YOUR OPIATE and make sure you're working well within your known tolerance. People do die all the time like this, and now I can see why.
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