Admin Attention If I can't say that I used something illegal here, then where can I?


Apr 29, 2013
Why can't I discriminate myself IF I WANT TO? Why do I have to use an OBVIOUSLY INCORRECT person like my grandpa/friend, if I want to say "they" used something? Does using the word "I" or "me" discriminate others somehow?
No, it draws attention AWAY from others. Does the fact that in court one of the site users is a drug user mean anything to/about the site?

Yeah, you're right. It doesn't change a goddamn thing. don't, in fact using using such phrases isnt allowed ...see Bluelight_User_Agreement_(BLUA)

Specifically :-

Specifically, you may not:
use Bluelight in any way, shape or form for unlawful purposes, including, without limitation:
attempting to solicit, obtain sell or supply contraband substances or substances of a quasi-legal status or information on how to do so;
posting or exchanging any information on ongoing or future criminal activity, any information which can be construed as discussing such activity or actively encouraging others to engage in criminal activities;
ask for advice regarding drug tests;
use ineffective self-incrimination avoidance terms. Terms include but are not limited to: SWIM; my dog; etc.

Hope that clears that one up :)
Hey LeeviON.

It sounds like there is a bit of confusion/a misunderstanding. We at Bluelight are asking that you refer to yourself in the 1st person and not use phrases such as "my gerbil, my dog, SWIM, my friend, my grandpa" etc when asking questions. This makes it hard to read and does not protect you from the law.

Just to reiterate what Allein quoted from the Bluelight User Agreement (BLUA).

Specifically, you may not:
  1. use Bluelight in any way, shape or form for unlawful purposes, including, without limitation:
    • attempting to solicit, obtain sell or supply contraband substances or substances of a quasi-legal status or information on how to do so;
    • posting or exchanging any information on ongoing or future criminal activity, any information which can be construed as discussing such activity or actively encouraging others to engage in criminal activities;
    • ask for advice regarding drug tests;
    • use ineffective self-incrimination avoidance terms. Terms include but are not limited to: SWIM; my dog; etc.

Any other questions please feel free to post them here.
So JUST to make it clear as day when I've used heroin, I can say that "I've used heroin, and it was great!"?
So JUST to make it clear as day when I've used heroin, I can say that "I've used heroin, and it was great!"?

It depends on which forum you're going to post it in. For example that would be inappropriate for sober living, but fine in drug culture. Just read the forum guidelines. But yes, you can speak in the first person
Okay, thanks!!
I did read BLUA, but I misunderstood the part "Use of ineffective self-incrimination avoidance terms. Terms include but are not limited to: SWIM; my dog; etc." as in, don't use SWIM, use my friend or something which could actually hold in court as one is innocent until proven otherwise, and one could just say "I don't remember which friend."

But thanks again :)