If I can?t get high anymore why can?t I quit? Desperate for help and answers!!!


Jan 9, 2018
I know if I cut back on my roxicodone (prescribed for me due to chronic pain) Until I?m down to nothing and stay that way for A month, it will it start working better again AND I?ll get a high from it too. I think pain medication only works because it affects the brain, it tricks the brain into thinking that the pain isn?t as bad as it really is. Getting high equals less pain. I?m not wrong am I? Does anyone else take opioids for pain? They sure as hell don?t heal you, and it still actually hurts, when taking the meds it just doesn?t matter that it hurts. And in the beginning I was lucky enough for it to give me some energy so I could get things done. Now, not only does it not work as well, I don?t get high and all I feel like doing is sleeping. I?m lazy and I?m depressed because of it! So if I could just taper off of it for month, and try not to be too active, although that?s almost impossible because I?m a single mother of two kids, but if I could just grin and bear it for one month, I not only will feel better again but I will have the energy to be there for my kids and enjoy life. Not only does the Roxies make me tired now but very lazy too. But why can?t I stop!? I?m not afraid of the withdrawal, I?ve done it before, and I did it slowly so I didn?t have horrible symptoms, but yet I can?t seem to stop taking it! It does work a little for sure now, But this could be so much better. Any insight would be appreciated!!
You're going through some painful stuff. Opiates are great for pain relief. Short term. They stop working.

I was put on opiates for pain as well. Not only did I need them - I liked them.

Then my life got affected by them. In a very negative way. I ended up using heroin. It's alot cheaper. At first.

There's definitely psychological elements to using. Alot of them.