Mental Health i tried (and failed) again today. graphic?


Feb 6, 2010
i tried to die again today. it didnt work, it was an honest attempt and now im not sure how i am going to hide it and honestly where i go from here.
i had regrets for a second after the first one but then i became even more sad and kept going
i may not try again until at least after i get back from philly next week but i dont know. the fucked up thing is that i made sure to take my suboxone last nigbt because i knew if i didnt i wasnt going to stay clean but i knew that i wasnt going to make it past today without trying again.
i tried to cut my jugular then when that didnt work i switched sides and tried to hit.the carotid. it looks like what happens when dudes get stabbed in prison right now on my neck, ive got a few long gashes, the biggest one is about 2-3 inches long by a half inch wide...that i may superglue together so i dont have ti go to the ER and explain what happened because since it didnt work i at least want to make it to the penguin game next week.
im not sure if this is even appropriate for i here cause i never post in here..
i cant edit on mobile for now i am fine and im not going to the hospital. ive tried taking the pills and they either dont work or make me more suicidal.
obviously right now neither of my parents know and id prefer it to stay that way because they honestly dont care anyway. their selfishness is half of the reason ive felt rhe way i do for so long