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I took LSD the other day and I can't believe the things it showed to me

I know, but but the fact that reality isn't accesible without intermediates, doesn't mean that is not accesible at all, or that "nothing is real". Of course we can't directly observe atoms, but indirectly we can know how they behave, and in their behavior we can imagine it's properties. Otherwise we wouldn't know that they are mostly void, like you said. The fact that reality seems solid to us has no relevance to the fact that matter is mostly void. We can understand that "experience" and "matter" are two different components of reality, because we relate to reality in some way. The fact that matter and experience are different instances of reality doesnt mean they are mutually exclusive, it's when they happen TOGETHER that reality emerges. It would be of no use to disregard everything as "unreal" just because we can't directly access reality and everything we know appears to us veiled through our senses and our rationality. Our experience of matter - and spirit - IS what makes reality happen, so instead of saying "ALL IS NOTHING, EXPERIENCE IS FLAWED SO THERE IS NO COMMON GROUND, THE ONLY TRUTH IS BEYOND THIS WORLD" i would rather take care of my own experience of this world and the way other people experience it, and do my best to build a meaningful world in THIS earth, that you call an illusion, that you call vacuity, that you call a deception of our senses and a lie.

If everything were an illusion, then why call it illusion? Concepts can only be defined by it's boundaries, that's why absolutes are impossible. For an objectivity to become "positive", it must be surrounded by it's own negation.

I would combine the two! I do believe all this is illusion with no agreed commonality beyond the basics and even that is up to interpretation. That said there is enough of 'agreed' reality to navigate this existence and have a meaningful experience it is just that that experience is rooted in illusion and as such can only be a shadow of its true form. I have no idea whether or not there is a 'beyond this world' so tend to operate under the belief that what I see is what I get and I work with that within my current understanding.
what happens if you keep tripping after this realization? what comes next?

Life! After enlightenment there is life. WE continue on our journey albeit with a new realisation of the world but we return to our more or less normal way of being as that is how we function, (OK so some up and join a commune or drop out of society) but with hopefully a deeper understanding and less pain.
Life! After enlightenment there is life. WE continue on our journey albeit with a new realisation of the world but we return to our more or less normal way of being as that is how we function, (OK so some up and join a commune or drop out of society) but with hopefully a deeper understanding and less pain.

It's like the Zen koan, paraphrased. "Before enlightenment, the mountain is a mountain. When seeking enlightenment, the mountain is no longer a mountain. After enlightment, the mountain is a mountain.";)
So regress and rejoice.. =D

@ everything is connected in the universe:

Not telling you what you were showed, but in my experience yes it feels exactly like that but it can be explained by recent research results showing that LSD causes a lot of cross-chatter in the brain, so a lot of melding and unification of function. The only actual universe we can experience is the one conjured in our minds, and that is the one that can feel more or less connected.

In reality [meaning going beyond simple experience but looking empirically for consistencies in the world using hypotheses, theories, experiments >> science], yes sure the universe is considered a closed system and every part of it influences the system and is influenced by it. We as people see difference and similarity as part of our own intelligence (they are two of a number of hallmarks of intelligence). Seeing the duality or nonduality of the world is in our perception while really it is neither or both.

That's just a sidenote though, the point is still that being able to shift that view and being able to see multiple aspects is a very important part of consciousness expansion imo. Often a consequence of being able to shift that view is a transcension since it breaks you out of a single mode and lets you consider that mode from a more meta point of view. And that is what nevertheless validates unity experiences.
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It's like the Zen koan, paraphrased. "Before enlightenment, the mountain is a mountain. When seeking enlightenment, the mountain is no longer a mountain. After enlightment, the mountain is a mountain.";)

Exactly we don't well I don't know many who have glimpsed enlightening do anything other than going back to what they were albeit more awake. You just may find yourself less interested in the bullshit.
Exactly we don't well I don't know many who have glimpsed enlightening do anything other than going back to what they were albeit more awake. You just may find yourself less interested in the bullshit.

Exactly. Everything is the same, and yet it's not... You are more aware of the unity of existence, and you can release yourself to participate fully in the life experience. It's an illusion, but you know it and accept it, and that gives you power. It's worked for me for the past 47 years, since my first experience with LSD.=D