I think i'm cursed- i need help

In my opinion, it's a lot to do with how to think and our perception of the world and what is going on around us. If we start to believe that we are cursed then we are going to start noticing the bad tings that happen to us more. We will then say to ourselves "See such n such happened, that shows I'm cursed," our negative attitude will affect our things. For instance you mention some girls rejecting you? But you do not tell us of how you reacted towards them before the rejection. What was your body language saying, what were your thoughts saying to you? If, for instance, you thought to yourself "these girls are going to reject me" You may have given off a negative body language to the girls which said that you were not interested or weren't as open to them as you may have wanted them to think. You may have come across as negative or miserable and this would have put them off.

I'm not saying that you are a bad person. I'm just suggesting that maybe you need to look at the bad tings in your life from a different an angle. Have you, unintentionally caused unfortunately things to happen with your perception of how doomed life is towards you - that you are cursed? If this is the case, then unlike a curse, you can change all of this by your ways of thinking. Have you considered looking into Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)? It's a type of therapy which helps us look at our behaviour, thoughts and actions. It may be of use to you.

Also please don't' take offense to this but I did not read your post because you wrote it in one big paragraph and I could not read it properly.

Take care,
I'm in your same situation man

Hello Cecil, My name is David and all my life is suffering bro. I have literally 0 friends, I'm 24 and I've never had a girlfriend, I have aches all throughout my body, my situation is very similar to yours. No matter what I do I can't seem to get out of this, I think I'm cursed or something hidden. I'm sorry for all the things you're going through man and I think we should talk.
Im 27, also feel like my life could be a lot better but ive experienced a lot of bad luck, find myself thinking of suicide to feel relief, wanting to do ayahuasca or dmt for healing purposes, anyone interested on a chat or skype hit me up.. we can discuss and relate on life stories and maybe it would be usefull towards taking the right steps..
This post was started a few years back so I'm wondering how life is for you now? I'm asking because I hope it's gotten better and because I'm hoping you found a solution that could help me. I'm a believer that you get what you put out to the world. I have always had a troubled life for as far back as can remember. Picked on as child. Little to no self esteem. Feeling unloved by my mother and never knowing a father. Cheated on by girls i gave nothing but love to. These things would obviously create a negative viewpoint and attitude towards the world and have. I recognize that and I see it and have also been told that by people. Yet I still have managed to always want the best for people and pray for there happiness. I'm very understanding of people and why they do what they do as well as with myself because I have spent 15+ years critiquing and analyzing everything about myself. Wierd shit too. Like how I carry myself and walk and wonder why I do and how others see it. Point is that I am a good man. Good looking. Fairly intelligent. Yet it feels as though there is something outside of myself that is making sure I will never be happy. There are random, very few times that I feel on top of the world and right afterwards it all comes crashing down leaving me worse off then where I started. Like its dangling it in front of me to remind me of what I should have but never will. Times when all I was putting out was beautiful, positive energy. So thats where i idea falls short. Sure. Life's not perfect. But this is something else. Ive reflected over situations and pieced events together getting chills looking at the way things happened. Things that could have not came together so randomly and perfectly to end me up in the dark emptiness unless someone had engineered it. Not even like I was upset and only looking at the negative because at that point I was so broken that i felt nothing so my thinking wasn't distorted by emotions. I can't get a girl for shit. Good looks don't help. Being a good man doesn't help. Good job doesnt help. My friendships all fall apart and I always feel alone. I can't my good jobs because my work relationships always get bad after so long. I always feel like everyone hates me. Right now I'm on the verge of being homeless. It just goes up and down for me. I think about putting my pistol in my mouth and ending it daily. I don't because I have a beautiful 5 year old son that loves and adores me and I love him just the same. I didn't go into detail about the bad things that happen but trust me its like something is fucking with me. Like a demon. I hope your life has gotten better if anything. Oh yeah thats another thing I have always felt like I'm not supposed to grow old. Like I'm supposed to die young. I have never seen or felt a future for myself.
I knock down that curse!!, you can do it too brother!

This post was started a few years back so I'm wondering how life is for you now? I'm asking because I hope it's gotten better and because I'm hoping you found a solution that could help me. I'm a believer that you get what you put out to the world. I have always had a troubled life for as far back as can remember. Picked on as child. Little to no self esteem. Feeling unloved by my mother and never knowing a father. Cheated on by girls i gave nothing but love to. These things would obviously create a negative viewpoint and attitude towards the world and have. I recognize that and I see it and have also been told that by people. Yet I still have managed to always want the best for people and pray for there happiness. I'm very understanding of people and why they do what they do as well as with myself because I have spent 15+ years critiquing and analyzing everything about myself. Wierd shit too. Like how I carry myself and walk and wonder why I do and how others see it. Point is that I am a good man. Good looking. Fairly intelligent. Yet it feels as though there is something outside of myself that is making sure I will never be happy. There are random, very few times that I feel on top of the world and right afterwards it all comes crashing down leaving me worse off then where I started. Like its dangling it in front of me to remind me of what I should have but never will. Times when all I was putting out was beautiful, positive energy. So thats where i idea falls short. Sure. Life's not perfect. But this is something else. Ive reflected over situations and pieced events together getting chills looking at the way things happened. Things that could have not came together so randomly and perfectly to end me up in the dark emptiness unless someone had engineered it. Not even like I was upset and only looking at the negative because at that point I was so broken that i felt nothing so my thinking wasn't distorted by emotions. I can't get a girl for shit. Good looks don't help. Being a good man doesn't help. Good job doesnt help. My friendships all fall apart and I always feel alone. I can't my good jobs because my work relationships always get bad after so long. I always feel like everyone hates me. Right now I'm on the verge of being homeless. It just goes up and down for me. I think about putting my pistol in my mouth and ending it daily. I don't because I have a beautiful 5 year old son that loves and adores me and I love him just the same. I didn't go into detail about the bad things that happen but trust me its like something is fucking with me. Like a demon. I hope your life has gotten better if anything. Oh yeah thats another thing I have always felt like I'm not supposed to grow old. Like I'm supposed to die young. I have never seen or felt a future for myself.

Hi bro!!

How you doing!? Hopefuly you doing great and continues well with your daily activities.

I'm david aged 28 from Tanzania, East africa. I'm young,Enegertic, humble, and with sense of humour and who had been passing through the same shadow of death and killer anxiety, depression, physical and pyschological ailment, defriendship situation, anger and hatred toward me from all people regardless of my goodloking and job status. It was hell..absolutely hell. I faced rejection..everywhere..everwhere I go and I everthing I touched was surely dies and turn into dust.

Fortunately I met a truly man of God with an amazing spiritual power she prayed for me and booom!! miracle happened. I was officialy delivered from that evil and for the first time in my life lucky, happiness, Love and Joy smilled at me once again after so many years of blockages and tension I finaly became mental and physical fit.

So I'm encouraging you to not give up but fight as harder as you can coz odds were meant to be overcomed and you must proves to those who cursed you that you can rule your destiny through the power of the most high.

I realy want to help you so much coz I know what difficults you have been through..trust me i can feel your pain and suffering. its insane!! I realy want to help you for free of charge to fight this nightmare and trust me we can win this thing square brother reach me via [email protected] for more info and strategic planning.

No need to worry you got a friends brother.

Kind regards,
Story of my life..

I feel you. I can totally relate to your story, I have always been that way, and still going same.. I accepted Christ,I thought everything in my life is gonna change, I agree there is some progress in life, some good luck..but the bad luck seems to follow me everywhere, not just me, the people near me,I felt like I bring bad luck to people, I feel like its because of me my family is going through bad luck too, the men I dated suddenly had issues financially for no reason, I don't know why this is happening, I am so sorry to hear about you, drugs never worked on me too, while others were tripping balls I was like , why doesn't it affect me, I tried psychiatrists, pills and all sort of things, nothing is working, I just feel like nothing is working anymore.. life feels like punishment, I have this inner voice telling me to kill myself, I was too coward to do that, I seriously don't know where I am going anymore,everyday feels like a punishment,I feel hated for no reason, I get treated like shit inspite of being so nice, I don't want to take revenge on anyone either, I just want an escape..You are not alone, I am here , if you want to vent.
I really don't know what has happened to me, but i really think i'm cursed. I have the worst luck in the world, and things never seem to get better. Financial disasters, people constantly hating me for no reason at all, my car always breaking down, girls treating me like i'm the ugliest, most worthless piece of shit they've ever seen, horrible tourettes/tics that plague me 24/7 that i cannot get ahold of to save the life of me, health problems, and severe depression that will not leave me even though i'm trying hard to get rid of it.

I really thought that my bad luck was just a phase that i was going through, but after over 13 years now of severe bad luck i'm now starting to realize that something serious is going on. It first started when i was 15, when i had some serious shit happen to me and i attempted suicide. After that, i realized that i couldn't let my family suffer for something so horrible like that so i have been trying real hard to make my life better and make a life for myself. Well, things didn't get better and all throughout high school and college i got rejected by every girl i ever tried for and pretty much got made fun of by every one i knew for no reason at all except for the fact that they had something against me that i had no idea about. Everywhere i go people show signs of aggression towards me, and anytime i try to get a girl to like me they go completely overboard, making me feel like an idiot for even trying and straight up calling me a loser, or mocking me, or laughing in my face. I didn't lose my virginity and get my first girlfriend until i was 24, and it didn't take long for her to realize she had no interest in me. Since then i have gotten the same treatment and everywhere i go girls treat me like i'm the biggest peice of shit on the planet and they won't even give me the time of day.

I'm 28 now and little things keep happening over and over to me that has made me realize that i need to look into this. I lost all my friends, i keep having random bad things happen that costs me a ton of money, i cant make new friends because people always blow me off, girls reject me and slam me hard anytime i even try to just say hi, and i cannot get rid of my anxiousness/depression no matter how hard i try even if i ignore all the things that have happened to me in the past. Seriously, drugs have been the only thing that can get my mind in the right place to feel somewhat normal and happy again, but that only happened a few times and now they don't even work at all. I lost the magic with mdma after only rolling 8 times total (in a span of about a year, so it was spaced out but now it doesnt work at all). I traveled to south america to do ayahuasca because i thought that could show me some spiritual signs that i needed to fix my life, but it didn't even do anything at all. Nothing. I did 3 ceremonies with a shaman and i felt nothing. On the 4th ceremony i took 3 times the dose of everyone else and i barely even felt the effects. All the other people in the ceremony only did 1 cup full and tripped balls, and i did 3 cups and the shaman was worred i might have taken too much, but ofcourse nothing even happened. The shaman told me i have a blockage that prevented me from feeling the effects and that a spirit was following/haunting me, but i didn't know what to think about that because it's hard for me to trust people. I might be the biggest hard head in the world, because i have to take 3,4, or even 5 times the regular dose i read about on here on most drugs and even then they don't even do anything hardly. Why don't i get the effects like everyone else?

I think somebody is trying to harm me or haunt me in some way or maybe someone put a curse on me. This isn't your typical streak of bad luck where you have a few bad things happen to you and you get over it. This is a constant, evil darkness that has plagued me for a long time and it won't leave me. I have really dark, dark thoughts that come to me constantly and make me scared and worred about what's about to happen next. I have no idea what happiness even feels like, because 24/7 all i ever feel is dysphoric because the chemicals in my brain aren't working right. I have constant pain in my muscles from all the tension i have, and seriously- if anyone on this board knows what it's like to have tourettes- it's fucking horrible. You can't control yourself whatsoever. I feel like a slave to my body and it is so exhausting i can't even describe it. I wish so much i could get rid of it but it won't leave me. I might be the loneliest person in the world. I wish somebody could be there for me but i have nobody to talk to about this. I've tried to see psychics and counselers and healers but they don't do shit for me. Does anyone know anything about the occult or about how to get rid of negative energy? Something is tearing my soul apart and i really need some help to get rid of this. I'm 28 now and i have reached my breaking point. If things don't get better i am going to have a severe mental breakdown (actually it's already happened many times- i contemplate suicide all the time but i know i can't do it for my family's sake). But i think i am gonna go into a more psychotic episode soon which could be bad if i don't get ahold of myself. I can't take my life like this anymore. I really honestly think i'm cursed- no person goes through this kind of extreme bad luck unless something is going on. What should i do? I hope someone here has experience with this...
I feel you. I can totally relate to your story, I have always been that way, and still going same.. I accepted Christ,I thought everything in my life is gonna change, I agree there is some progress in life, some good luck..but the bad luck seems to follow me everywhere, not just me, the people near me,I felt like I bring bad luck to people, I feel like its because of me my family is going through bad luck too, the men I dated suddenly had issues financially for no reason, I don't know why this is happening, I am so sorry to hear about you, drugs never worked on me too, while others were tripping balls I was like , why doesn't it affect me, I tried psychiatrists, pills and all sort of things, nothing is working, I just feel like nothing is working anymore.. life feels like punishment, I have this inner voice telling me to kill myself, I was too coward to do that, I seriously don't know where I am going anymore,everyday feels like a punishment,I feel hated for no reason, I get treated like shit inspite of being so nice, I don't want to take revenge on anyone either, I just want an escape..You are not alone, I am here , if you want to vent.

Hi mates!?

Hopefuly your doing fine and continues well with your daily activities.

I'm David I've been through that dificults too so I know what it feels like to be in such situation. Its absolutely horible and totally insane.

I would like to help you by linking to the one talented and gifted man of God he will definetely deliver you from that evil. Trust me! message me for more info.

Stay strong hun, Odds were meant to be overcomed,

Kind regards,
Hi Cecil,

Honestly I don't think any of the other contributors trying to give advise understand what you're going through. I may be different because I've had a never ending string of "bad luck" for the past 10 years or so. I am a firm believer in life is what you make it and have had many accomplishments but there's something strange going on. Nobody would probably believe the "unfortunate things/events that have happened in my life of the last ten years. Then there's all the little terrible things in between. If I look at things from a prospective of odds of the things happening that did it would probably be comparable to someone getting struck by lighting once a week for ten years...basically impossible unless something/someone is having an influence on things..and of course at this point (like you mentioned) it's not just us doing this to ourselves. I know this post is from over 3 years ago but if you receive this I'd like to know if anything has changed for you better or worse. Sincerely, Glenn
Hey man. I know how you feel. My life sucks ass too but it ain't as serious as yours. I wish you well and get better. The first thing I want to ask you is, are you ugly? If you are then of course girls don't like you. In this age, you have to be at least average looking and/or have alot of money. I'm sorry but that's the way life works. You might have to be asexual for awhile and once you make enough money, get plastic surgery on the parts of your body that has deformity. Another thing that you want to do is check yourself into the ER asap. Make it seem your crazy so they'll accept you. Spend a few weeks there and make friends in there. In order to be successful in the real world, you have to be successful in the microcommunity. If no one likes you in there, probably no one likes you out here. Plus they're probably going through the same shit as you so you'll have something to talk about. Once you get out, get the hell away from where you live and move somewhere far away. In this age, information spreads rapidly and by now everyone probably knows who you are, you already ruined your reputation so start over somewhere else. I wish you the best of luck man. I think your life will get better in the future, but you have to work hard for it. Anyways, at least I'm here for you man. Message me anytime. I'm going through addiction too, fucking sucks ass, I think I might go back to using, I dunno.
Thank you for sharing your story. I have not read all of the replies yet but from what I have I don’t feel that people are really hearing you and what you’re going through. Although they can help, I don’t feel that psychiatrists and medications are always the answer. I also don’t feel that this is your fault. I do indeed feel that this is something spiritual. I find myself looking back at the past a lot as well and when I do I feel that the bad just outweighs the good. I too feel that there just has to be something else happening and going on here. When I turned 21 I had my first full blown psychiatric attack and since then I have suffered from several and now I am on disability income. I have no life, no friends and am 28 now and have never even had a relationship nor have I even lost my virginity. I once went to see a psychic and she told me that I was indeed cursed. She told me that it was the result of my past life among other things that I will tell you if you are interested to hear. She said that in a past life I was a woman. She also stated that I was very beautiful in this past life but I was selfish and vain. I used men and through them away like tissue paper. This happened up until I finally came across and met my soulmate. In this life I was not ready to accept his love and that lead to my ruining his life. For this I am being punished with loneliness in this life and no one will be able to touch me ever unless its by the hands of my true love. I worked with this psychic to have this curse removed energetically but at the time I was suffering from extreme tiredness because I think the negative energy did not want me to perform the rituals and instructions of the psychic so I would sleep the entire day and get nothing accomplished. On the other hand the energy was attacking the psychic and making her vomiting sick. In the end I don’t feel that we were successful in getting rid of this negative energy and she refuses to work with me anymore because I don’t think she feels I tried hard enough. I feel that she is right. Looking back at that opportunity that I had to be ridden of this problem I feel a lot of regret because we were not successful. I paid her $1,100 dollars for this service and now she won’t take anymore of my money to even try again. She said that she could have died. The fact that she could get more money from me but won’t take it tells me that she was not a scammer or con artist. I just failed on my end to do what needed to be done.