i smoke weed with my kid for her anxiety... dont judge just opinions plz


Jun 2, 2018
my daughter is 12. me and her have a great relationship, but i noticed she was starting to get depressed... she started seeking attention in BAD ways. she got caught doing bad things on her phone and later that night she decided to cut herself. not bad, it was like cat scratches and i could tell that she squeezed the blood out to make it look like more because the blood was all dried and everything. she must have rehearsed her lines cuz when she came to my bedroom door and knocked and i answered it...she said "mom i think i need a band-aid" soooo i took her to dr... the dr told me i should have her see a therapist for a bit and see if that helps. well i did that for a while and it helped but then she almost got uninterested in it and i started getting the vibe that she wasn't happy.
i decided to let her smoke a little weed with me. ever since then her anxiety and depression has disappeared. she has always seen me smoke, she sees me take my cbd oil. she knows the benefits of it. she knows the dangers of it >>.>> getting arrested cuz its illegal still <<.<<< she doesn't tell, anyone... not even her friends. it helps her so much and it has helped me so much in my life its unreal. am i a bad parent? shes 12... not even a teenager and smoking with me and the benefits are so good i dont want to just tell her no... what do u guys think?
please dont judge me or say hurtful things.
I don't think there's any use in using terms like "bad parent".

But i think the thing to be more concerned about is related to seeing drugs as the answer to life's problems, or unpleasant smotions or whatever.
I've been smoking weed since i was about 13 or 14, and i kinda wish i hadn't used drugs as an emotional crutch for so many years, because at this point, it's kinda instinctive to get high as a way of dealing with feeling sad or depressed or whatever.

Also, young developing brains are still growing and maturing. I don't know if there is any reliable data to tell us what impact drugs like cannabis can have on neurological and other types of physiological development - but i think most of us probably assume that it could be detrimental.
I know that when i started smoking weed as a young person, i noticed an impact on my memory and cognition - but (to me it seemed) nowhere near as bad as getting drunk on alcohol - though, to be fair, we're generally not able to perceive or accurately assess things like the cognitive affects of drugs.
But it's certainly, true that the younger you start using drugs regularly, the harder it tends to be to break or change the pattern of steady drug use.

I'm not sure what sort of answers you are seeking here, given that you're asking people's opinions, but don't want us to judge.
In a way, you're asking us to judge, and i'm not sure if people are likely to reassure you, or say that it's good to give a 12 year old cannabis.

I'm massively pro-cannabis - with certain caveats.

For me, it's great for sleep, for relaxation, enhancement of various pleasurable activities and other things like helping me get in the right mood to do creative stuff.

But weed is certainly not good (or safe) for everyone. I know lots of people who would love to be able to enjoy it, but they find it too risky in terms of paranoia and anxiety.

Cannabis is a powerful psychoactive in its own right, and used medicinally" (with the intention of "treating" something) it can work wonders.
It may be harmless for pre-teenage kids to toke occasionally, but i really don't think drugs are the best way to treat anxiety - not without trying non-drug options first, especially for someone so young.

Anxiety is a part of life for a lot of people, and learning to deal with anxiety is an important part of growing up, for a lot of us.

I don't think using drugs to deal with anxiety is an ideal approach - we will probably all encounter anxiety at some point in our lives, and developing skills to manage and cope with it is one of the most valuable tools we can equip ourselves with.

For a lot of people who are trying to overcome drug addiction, finding non-chemical ways of coping with anxiety is one of the hardest things to do.
This is especially challenging for adults who never developed a good set of skills to deal with anxiety in the first place.

It seems really common for people addicted to all sorts of different drugs (from weed, benzos and booze to strong narcotics like heroin) to have issues with anxiety - it's not unusual for anxious people to take drugs which calm their anxiety, and once addicted, anxiety can make it really hard for those people to adjust to living without that substance (or substances).

It's all the more difficult for people who started using drugs to treat depression and anxiety when they were young, because they not only have to work out ways to cope with and manage their anxiety without drugs - they might not have ever really developed those sorts of skills before they realised drugs could help them - so it can make those people's battles even more challenging.

I'm not going to judge you, or say you're a bad parent - but i think there are ways to approach your kid's anxiety which have far less potential risks associated with them.

Certain types of counselling (such as CBT - or cognitive behavioural therapy) is a far less problematic option, and one that can help her build some coping strategies which she'll then be able to draw upon in challenging situations for the rest of her life.

Physical exercise is really beneficial for lots of people dealing with depression and other mental health stuff.

Drugs are like a band-aid measure when it comes to depression and anxiety issues - getting high will mask it, which makes it easier to deal with temporarily, but in the medium to long term, it can kinda set people up to be more psychologically reliant on drugs to deal with their mental health, their moods or whatever else is going on in their head.

I think if young kids are going to take drugs, it's especially problematic if it's will the intent of self-medication.
Smoking weed for fun is one of the unofficial rebellious teenage rites of passage around the world, and that in and of itself is probably not terribly harmful, for most people that do it.
But i think if you're giving your kid weed because it seems to solve all their emotional troubles...that's probably not going to last forever; it sounds too good to be true - and raises a series of other potential problems.
I would let a child psychiatrist address these problems if you have the means...if she didn't like the first therapist try another. Maybe the first one couldn't connect with her.

You are not trained to deal with these issues in a child. It goes beyond normal parenting skills.

Also weed exacerbates anxiety in many people.

We are all pro drug but I don't think anyone on this forum will agree with your aporach.
No. Simply no. She is 12. Please, don't continue this. Her brain is developing. Don't teach her to turn to drugs when depressed.
Have you read about Pavlovs dog?
You're conditioning your daughter to turn to chemicals whendepressed, which can have catastrophic consequences.
I'm not judging you but these actions: I think they're horrible. I agree with the above poster, she'll seek out chemicals for relief. What happens when there's no weed around but she's at a friends, but something harder is...."well its still a drug...I guess I'll try it"
I say this from personal experience with myself when I was younger. I'm not saying "weed is a gateway drug" however I am saying that teaching your child to seek emotional support from substances is a gateway to drugs.
I'm on the fence. The marijuana is helping based on what you are saying. But since we don't know how detrimental marijuana is to a developing child then it's impossible to say if it is worth the trade off in the long run. It very well could be but it also may not... There just isn't any way as of now to say for sure either way.

Look at ADD/ADHD meds. For some (few) children, the medication appears to be extremely beneficial in some cases. In those instances, the trade off of giving a developing child a powerful drug is worth it in the long run. The benefits can outweigh the downsides/risks.

The difference here is that ADHD meds are prescribed, and the child is overseen, by a trained psychiatrist who can properly asses the benefits/risks and make changes as necessary. Everything is also being done legally.

You are not a bad parent. You are doing what you think you have to help your child. A bad parent would just ignore their child and their Childs problem.

Something to keep in mind: the average person will see this as bad parenting. If another parent or a teacher discovers this then you could very likely find yourself in a lot of trouble. The police, the school, a judge, a jury, etc will not take kindly or understand this. You are putting yourself and in turn your daughter in considerable risk if the wrong person finds out.

Also, the can of worms is already open since you've already introduced your daughter to marijuana. So there is no going back in that regard. Just try to be there for her. Keep lines of communication open... Which may become more difficult between now and 18. Hopefully she understands the risks of drug use and makes good choices. Be there for her and guide her.... This is all you can do.

Good luck :)
Look . I think you are a good parent and person for doing what you think is best for your kid and also asking the opinions of others. I live in ca. And hey I thought weed was legal now everywhere??
I know PLENTY of people who ONLY smoke weed . I'm sick of this whole gateway drug thing . IMO , if someone is going to do other drugs or drink , that's just what they are going to do. Because they start with weed most of the time doesn't mean its BECAUSE of the weed they end up heroine addicts.
And what are you going to do?? Have doctors experiment with Prozac for your 12 year old?? If that doesn't work then they try something else. ? Please no stop the madness. ! Those drugs are horrible imo. Sure they help some people, maybe the people who arnt lucky enough to just be able to smoke a little weed. ?
If cbd oil is working that's good and I'm not surprised because ya know it's commonly referred to as MEDICINE.
Your lucky that is working . If you were to let her continue without your guidance, she would end up in the psyche ward and forced to take THERE meds while being brainwashed at the same time. Which in my opinion could be WAY bad for a 12 year old.
Don't worry, in the future people will come to there senses about cannibis and it being an alternative . EVERYWHERE.
And it will be accepted.
Until then , keep an eye on her. Weed is medicine.
And just because she lost interest in therapy imo she should stick with it. You may of passed on some chemical imbalance to her. But lucky you know how to address it. Maybe CHANGE the therapist if they don't CLICK
Happy to hear you guys have a good relationship . Communication is key.
Smoking weed because I was depressed led to a lot more problems than it did solutions. I think it is also important to consider that the human brain doesn't stop developing until mid to late 20s. Compared to harder drugs, weed is relatively benign, but it is definitely not without side effects.

There are a lot more things to consider beyond just your relationship/interaction with her. What is it like for her to interact with others while she is using cannabis but others are not? Personally I do not find that experience to be preferable.

Is it really the best choice to be teaching a 12 year old to use drugs to cope with negative feelings, and to hide and cover up drug use to anyone who doesn't use? my logic would have to say no.

I know it seems like there should be a very clear answer- right or wrong? but it doesn't seem so simple anymore. If cannabis isn't fit for children, then how can amphetamines be? Then again, I don't really agree with amphetamine use for add/adhd, or a lot of psychiatric medicine.

To me, it would seem the more important question would lie with you, the parent. Is this truly for your daughters well-being, or is it more of a way to make it through a tough time? Depression is manageable and cannabis is not a cure. Unless the underlying issues are addressed, all cannabis(or any drug) will do is mask the symptoms. My major issue with it is not that I think your daughter will become a junkie drug addict overnight, but that the true problem will continue to go unaddressed once the problematic symptoms are relieved.
Take her to psychiatrist. Period.

Does marijuana have medical benefits? Probably.

Does marijuana have less side effects than drugs I take legally?

However, marijuana is illegal. When i was a bit older than her I attempted suicide and almost died. I am not a lawyer but i can only imagine how much trouble my lovely parents would be in despite just trying to help by giving me marijuana instead of medical treatment.

You cant expect a 12 year old to not slip up and the word getting out your giving her weed. Ive done and said some seriously stupid things their brains arent developed.

Im 22 so i really dont know so maybe you can look into it but i think if you ever got caught giving a 12 year old weed you could loose your kid. Now im not saying i agree with this (i dont) but i dont make the rules.
I would try the CBD type of marijuana they have edibles and all kinds of ways to use. Smoking at such a young age is terrible and letting her actually get high is a bad idea and if anyone finds out you are looking at a cps case , you in jail and her in foster care. Not worth the risk .
Exactly as larimar just said, on a purely physiological level, your 12 year old child is inhaling tar and carcinogens into her lungs. I'm not saying that the pot is inherently bad, just the act of smoking it, if you're going to allow her to partake, please at least look into learning to make edibles for her respiratory health.
My concern is just police aint gunna bust in over prozac but might with weed.

Does it make sense no. But i dont think with a 12 year old is a time to change what is accepted.
Cognitive based therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based psychological treatment that has been proven to be v helpful with anxiety and other issues including self-harm in children and adolescents.

Medication is becoming a secondary option.

Cannabis is not a great choice for anxiety and questionable health-wise for a 12 year old.
She could easily be removed from your home, and you sent to prison, and who then will care for her?

She has poor coping skills as it is. I hope you find a trusted professional who can help you to teach her how to work through her emotions and how to accept personal responsibility for them.

I know parenting is hard. I raised four young men, youngest is 17, oldest is 25, all are successful, even the son who got in a bad crowd, was almost suspended, and we pulled him out of school for a year at 14 to work hard, physical labor with his father. Taught him character and to appreciate his parents. We FOUGHT for him. He is now a graduate and in a plumbing apprenticeship.

I hope you understand what I am saying. Reach higher for her. Make her see the world better. Don't sedate her. You are giving her no power, no self control, no training, no wisdom, just surrender.