• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

I Like to Draw Pictures of Random Molecules

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A hemiaminal (also carbinolamine) is a functional group or type of chemical compound that has a hydroxyl group and an amine attached to the same carbon atom..... Those generated from primary amines are unstable to the extent that they have never been isolated and very rarely been observed directly. In a 2007 study a hemiaminal substructure trapped in the cavity of a host-guest complex was studied with a chemical half-life of 30 minutes.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hemiaminal
Solipsis mentioned the ethylamino analogue of this, and I felt it deserved to be structurally pictured.

roi and Nagelfar,

Could ya'll please stop posting aminals and hemiaminals. They almost never exist.
Santa Claus isn't real either but that doesn't stop him from molesting little boys every Christmas


Inspired by 4-OH-MPMI after I overlaid its structure onto LSD and saw this little guy. Doubt it'd play too nice with 5ht tho. Probably better to remove all the phenyl subs :!
I have read that most ghb analogues are not active, but I still was inspired by pregabalin and ghb to draw out this one:

The N-( 2-phenylethyl) analogue of trazodone has been found to be a super potent DRI. This one is the haloperidol version:

Idk why, this idea pops up in my head immediately when i see the picture.
I dont have evidence of it at all, it is just my own thought.

Looks much like MPP+ parkinsonism to me (MPP+ acts on dopamine system even)

There is no reason why haloperidol would not undergo such dehydration and then oxidation. But does it happen?
Apparently so



[...] no confirmation of the "pyridinium hypothesis," which suggests haloperidol pyridinium metabolites to be the origin of adverse effects and decreased therapeutic effect, can be derived from this study. However, the authors emphasize that pyridinium metabolites cannot be excluded as the origin of decreased therapeutic effect in long-term treatment and of adverse effects not investigated in the present study, such as tardive dyskinesia. Finally, it is concluded that the serum concentration of the parent drug remains the main variable of interest in the therapeutic drug monitoring of haloperidol during short-term treatment.


So it's a suspect alright, even if this study does not confirm the hypothesis. Interesting hypothesis in the first place.
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Idk why, this idea pops up in my head immediately when i see the picture.
I dont have evidence of it at all, it is just my own thought.

Looks much like MPP+ parkinsonism to me (MPP+ acts on dopamine system even)

You're perfectly right that's the first thought that should come to mind looking at this molecule. But IMHO, the phenethyl pyridinum would (could! should!?) in principle probably undergo spontaneous beta elimination to give styrene and 4-Chlorophenylpyridine. Driving force being that the pyridinium is a very good leaving group and the energy gain of the resonance conjugation of the resulting styrene . Unlike with the MPTP with a MethylPyridinium with no possibility of beta elimination..So it shouldnt have MPTP like toxicity (in principle!!) What could happen in the brain.. who knows?



with MPP, one gets:




nb:I think same thing might be happening with Haloperidol (further beta eleimination leading to less harmful metabolites ! So far there is no evidence that toxic pyridinium metabolites were generated from Haloperidol (correct me if I am wrong!
Trifluorosilyl group? And what is that sulfur based heterocyclic abomination? You'd never see a RC=SH(O)-(R) group in reality, sulfur doesn't like being double bonded to carbon AND to oxygen, and even less so with a lone hydrogen atom on there too...
Trifluorosilyl group? And what is that sulfur based heterocyclic abomination? You'd never see a RC=SH(O)-(R) group in reality, sulfur doesn't like being double bonded to carbon AND to oxygen, and even less so with a lone hydrogen atom on there too...

The triflorosilyl inspired from the phenyltropane tri-methyl-silyl-ethynyl

Speaking about ethynyl; What about triple bonded? Just fly apart? Maybe no oxygens and good parallel triple bonds on my sulfur (would need room to grow erect, and foil my nice passive feminine (or not passive but rather unstable? then feminine like Uranus castrated, the retroactive patron mystic deity of explosions /expulsions?) pent-agon/-ane cycle


OK, no oxy-carb AC/DC two-way double bigamy cheating heteroatom-bending gender infidelity. I am just trying to get the spirocyclic (without the direct fused benzene as some existing cocaine analogs using the spirocyclic cyclopentane group fused to the tropane) and instead have the phenyl which gives it the same distance as Coca-erythroxyline-classic (though the rigidity may not be able to bend and flex to fit into the ligand site quite the same, IIRC cocaine bends unlike phenyltropanes at that juncture .

Anyhow, sek, why still bite the bait, you know when I post cocaine analogues or phenyltropanes they are attemptedly superfluous and more of a "cubist" attempt at selective retention / creative limitation as to visual 2D art within the constrains of the design of skeletal molecular chemistry. ;-p


*This* must have been the subconscious reason I kept putting sulfur to the spirocyclic pentane ring:


Double spiro-pentane.

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