I just want to sleep

Lawrence Arms

Mar 16, 2004
So I've posted in here a few times. Finally getting sober after six years of morphine. I'm on day seven, and it's five thirty eight in the morning. I have to work. How the hell do I fall asleep?! I took 1 mg kpin an hr ago, and am well drunk and ripped. When I try and lie down tho, it's like worms in my stomach. Halp.
I know it's a little late now but you can try using clonidine to help minimize withdrawal symptoms. It's a blood pressure medicine that's also useful for sleep. Drinking alcohol is counterproductive though it might make you tired, it interferes with quality sleep so don't drink. For me, it takes a long while to feel the effects from clonazepam so tomorrow, I would take it a couple hours before bedtime. The worst of your withdrawal will be over soon so hang in there!
I wouldn't recommend taking Kpins for sleep, they always end up making my stomach sour if I don't eat. Instead Iam prescribed Temazepam 15mg, and yet I still wake up 4-6 times a night....compared to 7-10 times with Ambien.

This may just be me, but using opiates for such a long period of time I would imagine it to have detrimental effects regarding sleeping and anxiety...really, in all aspects of being a functioning human being. T. Calderon is right though, use a blood-pressure reducing agent (I use Inderol 10mg) and maybe some melatonin (if you are unable to get ahold of a more reliable sleeping aid.)
what I used to beat an opiate addiction was a tiny bit of suboxone for a very brief duration, a combo of clonodine and gabapentin (which were god sent) xanax or clonopin if needed and bennadryl plus melotonin for sleep
what I used to beat an opiate addiction was a tiny bit of suboxone for a very brief duration, a combo of...
I assume you no longer use Suboxone? I found that medication to be extremely helpful for my friend during her addiction with opiates. I do not use many opiates, but I would assume that if you are no longer on any opiate-management program you may want to consider finding a "physician" with helpful sleep-aids. You may want to consider a sedative/hypnotic agent as well for the time being ( I am unclear on where you stand with your use of Opioids.