I just want to overdose


Aug 8, 2015
All I've been thinking about for the last couple days is shooting up a recreational dose of hydromorphone then taking a fatal one after its over. Also mixing it with alprazolam just to make sure it's over. I just want to fade away. I guess it's a good thing I don't have any opiates now.
I'm sorry u are feeling like this.way too many of us have been here and some make it out quicker than others, some not at all..I have a few questions that will help the fellow BLers and I help u out the best we can

how old are u? Many ppl from late teens to 20s go thru a sort of existence crisis and even older ppl can be in this mindset..can happen anytime really just when u are transferring from young adult to adiult the problem can be more pronounced.do u suffer from any mental disorders?..it can be overwhelming trying to deal with life and even tougher if your mind isn't working on its optimal level or circuits are crossed.

what helped me is Buddhism..learning that suffering is part of the human experience..expectations and judging can make life harder than it has to be..the conditions of our environment has a lot to do with the level of satisfaction we get on a daily basis.

humans now don't really get all of natures built in rewards because we are basically still hunter/gatherers/farmers with highly advanced technologies.we are not out in beautiful nature living as I believe we should be, we are stuck in our box goin from box to box in a box on wheels.

.I hope u get better and one day look back at this time in your life and u learned how to be a better person and enjoy life to the fullest..best of luck my brother...or sister..lol %)
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I'm 17, with no prior mental diagnosis of mental disorders. I do agree with you on the nature thing 100%
Your still young.give life a chance..what triggers u to have these morbid thoughts?..I'm sorry I don't have any advice that can really help..I have good days and I have days when i have thoughts just like these

.when I feel that I want to end my life I just can't deal with the torture anymore it's not that I wanna die..that tells me I can hopefully change my life so I dont have anger the moment I wake up till I'm asleep

it's so hard to deal with life sometimes, we are tied down by our emotions and they can rule the rational mind with ease..u cannot base your happiness on what happens in your life, it is an u stable building block for your peace of mind.u are identifying with the outside world and nothing ever stays the same

inside yourself there is a quiet place far away from negativity..u need to learn how to quiet your mind and let go of the egos attachments.how long have u been using drugs?
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