I just need to post Vs. wisdom, beauty, and baggage.. here hold this bag and ponder.

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I just went to let my dogs outside for the evening and 2 feet from their doggy door as I watched them go outside I noticed this thing!


Luckily all of the dogs listened to me and ran through the doggy door as fast as I could before they got bitten. I had to call a snake removal guy and he told me he charged $100 to remove it. I told him I had absolutely no money and was in debt. with my electric currently and would have to call animal control. He told me they were closed. I started freaking out on the phone that I didn't know what to do (free flowing mind panic) and he told me to calm down and he'd come get it for free for me.

I just thought I'd share my near death experience with everyone 8( :sus:
sqirt it with ice cold water from a safe distance or you guys can work up a snare >here<... you got this star=D dump a pile of ice on the cold blooded unwanted guest..
i've handled poisonous snakes with my hand where about do you live i'm in cali so i probably can't help you
also someone jacked almost a g out of my bank account luckily the bank is gonna give me all the money back so i have some money for ps4 and school
Well the snake man was going to charge $100 but I had no money and I was freaking out so bad on the phone that he told me he would just come and get it. He even drove 20 miles for free for me.

I would have had to capture it if he didn't come though because I have dogs and I didn't want to risk them getting bitten. I would have probably attempted shooting it with a bbgun... though I have never been able to kill animals. Even at the one appt. when we had a mouse problem and they'd get stuck on the sticky traps I'd pour oil over them and free them. D: I just can't kill animals. Thank goodness snake man came to my rescue. Nobody can say no to me when I'm in a full blown freak out--free flowing panic though words. :sus:
I may have eaten it.. lol.. no really i love animals. free and happy or barbecued..lol what kind was it. looked like the head of a rattler dont even know if you guys have them in FL.. but really dark?
Huhh a water moc.. those things are actually pretty vicious.. came across a few who were living in an old beaver house and the followed the canoe and were really territorial.. following and striking at the canoe for a long ways into a big lake.
no a water moc isn't the exact same thing as a cottonmouth it's in the same family though
gr33n3y3z is back and tip toeing. ;)

Thank you everyone who Pm'ed me, ill get back.
I took my post 0ff due to the fact that I'm really upset about this & I figured enough people saw my post.
Thank you again you people know who you are, I'll get back to you later.
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