I just cant anymore....


Dec 20, 1999
I think about all the money and time I have spent on drugs the past 10 years and I disgust myself. I am a drug addict and can't control my drug use. The only thing I think of when I'm fucked up is more drugs. I am too stupid and weak to say no. I hate being too cracked out to play with my son. I hate what my life has become... thinking about the next party instead of taking my son to Disney World. What is gonna happen to him if something happens to me...
I'm outta here.
I know how you feel Dazzle...I also have a son who's 2 years old and does not live with me...he lives 4 hours away in Georgia while I live in Florida. I don't consider myself a drug addict, I can go with out drugs, but why? My son lives with his father because his father is more financially stable than I am and probably can provide a better life...
I cry all the time missing my son....
You can change the way you are as I am going to do... my new years resolution is to spend more time with my son and possibly make it where he can live with me.
You can do it for your son if you try. Children are the most beautiful thing in the world and so many are taken for granted. Don't miss to much of your son's life...you will regret it later in life...I'm rambling now..so much love to you, thanks for listening.
One thing you can trust whole heartedly is that we are your support group once you call on us. If you need any help at all call on us and we are there. But first you need to give us some direction.
Hey -
Easy there killer... slow down for a second. Speaking from my own perspective, I have a problem with drugs... I am a drug addict. Drugs effect my life in ways that I don't like. They hurt me and those around me. That does not make me stupid, or weak. It makes me a drug addict. Nothing more, nothing less, nothing else. There are things I can do to make my life go more smoothly, so I do them. I want to talk to you more about this... If you want to... check your e-mail, you'll find a copy of my #. I lost yours because my cell phone started acting fucky... This is gonna be OK.
Your looking at the bad side of things. I'm sure over the years you've had some really good times and met some really good people. Having a son should make you control your life more, but you should remember that you need to have a good time too. Moderation and friends.
We're here for you

Chalice™ (AKA "Star-face-a-choo")
"Reality is a delerium caused by conciousness"
"I'm a little bit of everything, and to much of all of it!"
Dazzle baby:
I've missed you hon. I haven't talked to you in about a week and after reading this I'm even more sorry. I do understand where you're coming from though. I've been going back and forth over the last few months trying to figure out what kind of problems (if any) I have with drugs. It's hard to say, there's fine line between recreational use and a problem....Do what you feel you need to do. Though not always the most pleasant thing ever, realizing the problem/wanting to stop is always better that continuing blindly. Take some time off to clean up, spend more time with your son, fix the things in your life that you can fix....But don't lose track of us, ya hear? You know I'm always here for you, email me @ [email protected].....
Much much love,
#1 having a problem doesn't make you stupid OR weak. not on your life!
#2 we are ALL going to be here for you. I know for a fact that most of us will do everything we can to help you, in whatever way you need. if you have read my post about feelin' good... I recently gave something up... and I have it admit it was a little tough... but I think you are well on your way to getting better.
I think that the most important thing to realize is that YOU are in control of your life. Drugs can have some serious effects on that control, but what you have to do is take ownership (of your life) BACK.
if you are serious about dropping the habit, allong with takling to us, and your friends about it... might I sugest joining a 12 step program? I hate to sound preachy... and I may not agree with them myself, but I know someone who has turned their life around completely, with alot of thanks from AA.
It is important that you stop beating yourself up. if you keep the attitude you have now, you won't be able to give it up... (in my experience)
you need to become strong...
you have an open invite to e-mail me too, if you like.. [email protected] anytime.
"Like a shooting star,
Accross the midnight sky!"
PaRaDoX -and PLUR for all!
Bravo Dazzle-
Do it up! I applaud your decision and wish you luck. Be strong and rekindle that new love.
Ok... Let me explain myself a little.. I have a 3 year old son who stays with my ex-husband every other weekend. He is my life.
So every other weekend I head out with a mission to do drugs 5pm Friday night until sometime Sunday morning. When it is my weekend with him. I have fequently arranged for a babysitter so I can go out and party.
New Years Eve I ate 5 or so beans and did a buttload of K... I went into 4 back to back K holes... I figured what the fuck it's NYE 2000! Not bad... But I promised myself I would slow down for a couple of weeks...
This weekend... Fri...PVD... Ate a bean and didn't feel it. Figured my body needed more time so I promised myself I would chill for a couple of weeks.
Sat night... get a call... "Lets go see FANTAISA trippin" "OK" off I go... Well, Maybe had I just ate 1 hit... but nooooo... had to take 2... then... well, what the fuck... lemme eat a bean since I have them...
Movie over... I am far from straight.. hit a friends house... eat another bean... couple hours later... decied to try GHB for the first time... just cause it's there..no other reason.. I was really fucked up and needed nothing more... 10 min. later I lost control... I was really fucked... REALLY FUCKED!!! Had a 1 hour laugh attack... not funny cause I really didn't want to.... so I pull out my jar of K to calm me down.... WHAT THE FUCK WAS I THINKING????? Now I am SUPER FUCKED... I mean like fucked out... just fuckin fucked... SO I DID ANOTHER BUMP TO FINISH MY JAR!
Now I have to get my son......
I do this all the time... this was far from the first time I did too much/many drugs...
Maybe you don't have to give it up ENIRELY... but here is an idea...
keep less drugs on and around your person. to start with, and secondly, resolve to do a certian ammount in an evening, (I know you can) and then let EVERYONE you are with know that you are only doing this much.
if you find that this doesn't work out... carry a picture of your son aroudn with you, and whenever you feel like doing more, remember your promise to yourself, and your son, and look at his picture. if that doesn't stop you, NOTHING will.
just a few ideas.
best of luck.
"Like a shooting star,
Accross the midnight sky!"
PaRaDoX -and PLUR for all!
Thanks guys... I will try bringing just 1 bean and no extra money to my next party...
but just a few points...
This is the same Dazzle who got hooked on heroin... kicked... then tried to beat it again..
...I have freebased my car payment in under 6 hours....
I have been in rehabs... yes... more then 1... 12 step programs... and have been admitted into the hospital because I've OD'd ... I have seen countless friends/family die or waste their life away because of drugs...
I always thought I was better... I thought I could control myself sticking to E and K...
I am just out of control... I love drugs.
Funny... I used to want to be a drug addict if that makes any sense... I wanted to try all drugs all ways and experience all highs...
I have to walk away or I will die.
I feel for you... but the only person who can do anything about this is YOU.
and I KNOW you can do it.
use us for support. use your friends.
Make a promise to yourself, and to your son.
You'll pull though... I know you will.
"Like a shooting star,
Accross the midnight sky!
Wherever you are,
Yer gunna see me FLY!!"
PaRaDoX -and PLUR for all!
You CAN do it, sweetie.
Look at all the support you have right here on the board, and I am sure there are friends in your life who will support you just as much. You are a beautiful person and even though you feel weak, I KNOW you have strength inside of you to change because you WANT to change. Love n big hugz to ya hun.

Dazzle, Sweetie..I promise it will get better. One thing I cannot help but suggest is that why bother with even one bean?? When you were messed up this weekend you saw how it made you just want to do more and more, so why risk it? I am in no way an addict and I know this makes it easy for me to say but I was partying every other weekend. My parents found out and my 8 year old sister was starting to figure it out, too, and it upset them, really upset them...So, I stopped...Completely, for a long while....Slowly, I have been starting to party again...once every 4-6 weeks when I know there is no way my parents or sister will find out...I know you love your son and you don't want to hurt him so try and just stop...Not just one, because one becomes two..and then just a little bump...It is so easy for things to spin out of control with drugs and I know you know that...you are a smart, beautiful woman with so much to offer...Treasure these times with your baby... and don't let anything get in the way of that...nothing is worth it...especially not drugs!! If you need anything..
[email protected]
Have fun and be careful!
THere are always people here for you. All of us, and many more. All I want to see is hugz and smiles and kisses and you'll be ok, I promise. If you ever need anything: [email protected]
I'll do anything i can.
PLUR and smiles
Love to ya,
Sweet Dazzle,
I don't know if you realize this, but I consider you to be one of the luckiest people at bluelight. You can see exactly who you are right now and exactly where you are standing. Granted, it's not the best place to be...but there are so many worse places.
What makes you lucky is you know where you want to be...you can see your goal, and to be honest, it isn't that far away. How many other people here really know what they want right now? How many of those "wanted" things really matter? Sure, I can say I want a new car or a better paying job, but I can't say, "I want to be with my child...I want to be the one to take care of him..I want to be responsible for him," because I have no children. What I want right now are trivial, petty, transient things. What you want is the reason we are all here on this planet: you have given life to your son, and now you want to give him love.
Children are the most powerful force on Earth. They make their parents do silly and ridculous things. They also make their parents do the noblest of things: take care of them...love them...cry for them...teach them...sacrifice their lives for them...
This is your opportunity NOW. Perhaps you weren't ready for it before, but you sound as though that has changed. Let go of the disgust and loathing of the past 10 years; remember it, but let go of it. It serves no other purpose for you now...it can only lead you back to the places you want to leave behind. If you really love him, if you really want to be a factor in his life, you will have the strength to do so.
Ask the friends you binge with to help you if necessary. Tell them you have difficulty saying no once you start. Maybe tell yourself you CANNOT do drugs unless you have planned it at least a month in advance; cut off the spontaneous buzz entirely. Take the money you would normally spend on your weekly binges and set it in a piggy bank with your son's name on it, that way you have to break it to get to it. None of that, "I'll just grab $50 today and put it back in next payday," bullshit that we all pull from time to time that NEVER gets put back in. Not only will you have to stop and think before you break it, but you will have to see your son's name and know that to do your drugs that week, you have to take it from him.
It's very hard to make these changes, and you may slip up from time to time, but GODDAMMIT, you kick yourself ONCE for the mistake, leave the regret behind, learn what you did wrong and vow never to make that mistake again. Don't linger on the mistake because the despair that lies therein can bring the binges on that much faster.
It can be done Dazzle. You can make it happen. You're not the only person who has ever gone through this and you won't be the last. If you ever need help, you get it...there is nothing wrong with help, never be ashamed to ask for it.
I'm spent...I don't really know what else to add. I have great hope for you, Dazzle...I'm sure everybody here does. My sincerest apologies if I cut too deep or made assumptions that I had no right to...I just want to see you win. Good luck, sweetheart.
peace to you
[This message has been edited by Mr. Sticky (edited 13 January 2000).]
Thank you everyone so much for your support. Mr. Sticky... your post really touched me, Enerbunny and tigger... Thank You.
I have decided to take a vacation from drugs.. hopefully a permenant one.
One problem... I have always been the type of person that never finishes the drugs I have until I have more. I have no idea what to do with my left over beans... It's in the double digits... and I have other stuff on the way... I guess there are going to be some real lucky ravers at the next party I go to...lol
This is where I can help. I am 27, extremely professional by day, have a great job, car payed off, low rent in the heart of Philadelphia, 401k is going great, and my family would make the Brady Bunch sick.
I really have no worries and I am looking to really fuck my life up right now so please send your extra drugs to someone who could benefit.
I've mainly only have done E, but wouldn't mind learning how to stick myself with needles (I did pretty good with needles in my sewing class in highschool) so if you have anything that I could IV, sure, I'll give it a shot. As far as coke goes, I don't really like the taste of it, but it sure smells good, so I'll take that too, if you have any. As far as K goes, it might be fun to give one of my friends a line of it and tell them that it's only coke. I could then watch them loose control of their bodily functions and play "wacking" games with 'em.
In other words, I'll take it all.
Well I hope this made you smile a little bit and hope that all goes smoothly in the transition.