Mental Health I have some questionable tendencies I need to analyze w/o getting committed for it


Bluelight Crew
Dec 11, 2014
Okay so there's a few things I wanna discuss that I don't want to risk talking to a professional about. More dealing with violence and other topics that would give them reason to commit me or what have you. I just wish to gain understanding, not fix anything. I don't consider them negative or illnesses or whatever, just anamolies that I don't see in other people with my similar diagnosis. I had a meth experience last night that brought this to the forefront of my mind.

Diagnosed bipolar, have had mood instability my entire life. However, it's also been implied by a few that I am clinically antisocial. My closest friends openly agree that I act like a sociopath in many scenarios. To their credit, we were talking about my past criminal behavior, as they were there for most of it. So a bias may exist. Anyways.

At baseline: I don't care to interact with people and liken them to Sims and myself to the player, my friend's descriptions of loyalty and love confuse me, and I find it nigh-impossible to connect emotionally with even close family, and my personality is constantly shifting to match others. Violence and suffering fascinate me, and I occasional act on this urge by hurting and toying with people emotionally. Physical violence is something I fantasize about and I find pain arousing.

All of that may sound normal for someone who is prone to fall into dark moods and I'm sure you guys have read threads like this before, but this meth experience is what started this train of thought that there could be a little more to myself than I thought.

High on meth tonight alone (and no this isn't my first time, far from, but I was always with others): violence and grandiosity dominate my mind and I am the one true God, actively trying not to go out in the middle of the night and destroy property as well as assault anyone I may find. I took a knife to my own thigh for pleasure. My phone has multiple conversations open with people I consider targets for emotional fuckery, talking about things sensitive to them and collecting info. To sum it up, it felt like I traded minds with Ted Bundy and I've never seen those small tendencies become so powerful and dominating. It honestly felt good.

Opinions pls.
Taking meds really helped me not get commited again. Just a thought i take mood stabilizers lithium and depokate. No side effects just now i dont do anything they can commit me for.
Fuck it man, go skydiving while watching porn on your phone! You know, just do random shit, like you told me.
what is there to say. you seem to have not a lot or no empathy for people. which quite a few people who committed a crime dont have. it's been studied. and of course meth would enhance the tendencies and you would feel good about them. you where high.

maybe go search for people on the internet who like pain so that you wont hurt innocent pain hating people although thats what you might like. keep it at bay.
@devilsgospel: all three are good opinions imho.

50 shades of grey huh?! never read it myself but you might find it interesting.

everyone causes everyone else pain in this world intentionally or not. minimalising it is working at it and positive. intentionally hurting other peoples emotions is not illegal but won't win anyone over and you might get called a few names.

let's be frank here. there's nothing wrong with being a sociopath or a psychopath (there is a difference between the two). sounds like sociopath but that is another way to understand the two different types of people in life. never actually committing a crime is a sign your not dangerous and going over the deep end. if you want to work at yourself then do research and keep asking questions like the one you posed here. we're all different and i rather talk to a sociopath who knows thy self, accepts it and actively works towards being a human being and person than those who are oblivious.

stay open minded, keep working at it and in the end as long as you don't cross certain lines (whether you get caught or not) is what's important imho. there is nothing wrong or some obscure law that says if your a sociopath your going to jail or getting locked up in a mental institution of some kind.

btw sounds like disassociation but i could be wrong. we aint stims, simpletons.... i mean sims characters. we are people just like you. being less connected to others is something that wouldn't hurt to work on but we all have our own qualities that make us who we are and productive in society. being thankful for your friends accepting you for who you are wouldn't hurt.

meth kills. and just like fear it is a mind killer and then some. when you use then that is what happens when you use. don't let it roll over into who you are when your not using otherwise you might find the lines blurring and then your in a real hot spot.

if your find yourself ever crossing any boundaries then please seek medical attention.
Bump this.

I have similar struggles, and it's best to redirect the energy into other things.
And find out the source of discomfort.
Adjust meds if need be.

Be well.
Man it's hard to get committed. I wouldn't really worry about talking to a professional. Like it's nearly impossible to even get put on a hold for talking. You gotta have a plan to hurt yourself or someone else and be taking concrete steps to execute the plan in order to be hospitalized. Even then you'll be out in 72 hours
Just FYI, acute hospitals in the US only can keep someone for two weeks.

Also, if committed, by the time you leave you will be on the right meds, have the right plans, and otherwise will be much more prepared for life.

It's boring and painful, but for this it accelerates growth. This is not to say that you, the reader, need such care.

But if suicidal, you do need hospital care, and Bluelight hasn't the expertise or resources to deal with suicidality, however unfortunate that may be.