• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

I have a theory of Why 'Opiate Rage' exists.


Apr 19, 2019
Ok, so I know the common explanation of why opiate rage exists is because there are some receptors that opiates work on/activate, and this does certain interaction with other part of the brain, bla bla bla.

While I completely respect this scientific - materialism explanation, and I´m sure this perspective has value, I come to you to offer a whole different explanation.

So basically after many psychedelic trips, energy work, yoga, meditation, etc... over the years, I have seen that our system (body+mind+energy system-emotions) vibrate in different type of energies:


Looking at that diagram, What I´m proposing as a theory is that opiates are a class of drugs that block and cancel out very effectively the energy vibrations from shame (20) to Desire (125).

This type of energies vibrations are accumulated in the body-energy system, and were formed by Trauma and possibly just Karma from past lives (if you believe in that type of stuff, if not just take Trauma experienced in this very life).

People that are prone to opiates offer report that finally they feel at peace, feel a 'sense of safety',etc... This is the state of consciousness where you no longer are experiencing that deep pain of the shame energies and upwards, up to desire. (as you go up in the scale, there is less pain).

This pain gets in the subconscious part of the system and even though in your daily life you might not feel 'literal' emotional pain, there are blockages in the body and certain passages, that you might not be aware of, that condition your type of thoughts you have. This blockages and passages can be there for years and decades. You might think you feel 'normal'. Yet when you take the drug, instantly there is some weird relief.

So what one feels a surprising amount of rage- feel angry in certain occasions when taking opiates ?

Well here's the thing. To scale the pyramid, the next type of energy-emotion will start to be experienced when the previous one is released. Since opiates are blocking, canceling, and releasing the 20 to 150 vibratory energies, an OCEAN OF RAGE comes up. It's rage that its releasing years, if not decades the blocked painful shame, frustration, powerlessness, and fear blockages from the trauma.

Rage, feeling angry, etc... might not be the best feeling in the world, but it feels empowering, much more than the endless stuckness spiral of shame, guilt, or apathy. Rage is there to wake the fuck up that hurt little child that is still inside the stomach broken of so much pain, unknowing of their true inner light, absolute Love that deserves (and Is), Rage is a step forward to reclaim the Greatness this little child has.

Also, as a side note, I can verify this outside of drugs-opiates. I do some Yoga Asanas each day, that effectively make me shout and roar like a madman in the middle of the room. Again, the inner child reclaiming power and leaving behind the previous energies of powerlessness and victimhood.

Thanks for reading. Would love to hear if it resonates with someone.
I am somebody who never got any rage from opioids so I can't really comment. But what I learned from drugs is that nothing exists alone, no feeling, no theory. Things are all connected to many others and thus the scientific theory of receptors and transmitters doesn't have to mean that a spiritual explanation was wrong. It's sometimes just a different point of view, different names for the same thing.
I find that my 'safe space' is within flow. It doesn't require any physical objects to achieve. For me it's a technical problem that I am JUST capable of achieving.

It's better than any drug and it's free. It IS addictive.
True. But even more addicting for me is a drug-induced flow, and taxing as well because the more one experiences flow almost for free, it gets increasingly harder to achieve such states naturally. The trick is to only use when you'll get natural rewards, I used drugs as 'spice for life' over almost a decade without slipping into addiction but once I crossed the line to using for escapism things went hayward.
Well, I enter flow when I DESIGN psychoactive drugs. Pyrazolam was 5 days, 24 hours a day in flow.

I am interested in the benzodiazepines that are a6 antagonists. These seem promising in allowing a person to enter flow... so 'flow in a pill'. I don't know how good they are but if they can allow people to enter flow at will, the student community would be a HUGE market.

I mean, I was slated to fail history & geography but I just read all of my notes while in flow for the 24 hours leading up to the exams. I didn't ace them but I got a decent mark considering I had put in 24 hours work instead of 2 years....

In fact my chemistry teacher complained about me to my father. It was that I was lazy, did no work and seemed bored by the entire thing. My father pointed out that I had in fact got an A* and her reply was 'yes - because he can work it out on the spot'. Best back-handed compliment ever.

After 8 years of study, I found her address and posted my results. She didn't respond but I'm told she wasn't happy. Even Nutt wasn't happy that I didn't bother to explain HOW I arrived at an answer. I mean, I would get the right answer, but he didn't like HOW I got there.
Well, I enter flow when I DESIGN psychoactive drugs. Pyrazolam was 5 days, 24 hours a day in flow.

I am interested in the benzodiazepines that are a6 antagonists. These seem promising in allowing a person to enter flow... so 'flow in a pill'. I don't know how good they are but if they can allow people to enter flow at will, the student community would be a HUGE market.

I mean, I was slated to fail history & geography but I just read all of my notes while in flow for the 24 hours leading up to the exams. I didn't ace them but I got a decent mark considering I had put in 24 hours work instead of 2 years....

In fact my chemistry teacher complained about me to my father. It was that I was lazy, did no work and seemed bored by the entire thing. My father pointed out that I had in fact got an A* and her reply was 'yes - because he can work it out on the spot'. Best back-handed compliment ever.

After 8 years of study, I found her address and posted my results. She didn't respond but I'm told she wasn't happy. Even Nutt wasn't happy that I didn't bother to explain HOW I arrived at an answer. I mean, I would get the right answer, but he didn't like HOW I got there.
Yea like working it out on the spot is a bad thing? I got a lot of the same treatment when I was younger in school, I slept through my math classes because they were boring af but still got A's. My math teacher would constantly berate me about showing my work as well so eventually I just wrote large blocks of numbers without the operations and he started leaving me alone

Have you designed any benzo a6 antagonists?

On the subject of the OP I've had a theory for a while that when people discuss things like vibrations or energies they're describing an experience of changes in repetitive neuronal circuit dynamics or synchronization. I don't know or understand which circuits or mechanisms but this is just my intuition, which could very well be wrong
I'm aware that a6 antagonists are now hot property as nootropics. About a decade ago everyone and their dog were patenting a6 antagonists. Since then, silence.

It could be that methaqualone is an a6 antagonist - it acts as everything from superagonist to antagonist on different subtypes but nobody has done the work to find it's precise action since it doesn't appear to be amenable to being made more selective.

I DID find an unusual, legal compound which, if dehydrated, yields methaqualone but I judged the cost of having said intermediate to be too high for it to be a practical precursor - maybe in South Africa where people pay £6/pill and MAYBE if it was sold in a format to be smoked (It's effects when smoked are much more brief but much more potent - 100mg will make a person collapse.

But introducing a new format of a 'new' drug (to this generation anyway) would be hard... and highly illegal (although their are legal analogues).
Rage, feeling angry, etc... might not be the best feeling in the world, but it feels empowering, much more than the endless stuckness spiral of shame, guilt, or apathy. Rage is there to wake the fuck up that hurt little child that is still inside the stomach broken of so much pain, unknowing of their true inner light, absolute Love that deserves (and Is), Rage is a step forward to reclaim the Greatness this little child has.
I disagree. Whenever I got opioid rage (I only get this from stimulating opioids like oxy or tilidine and not from the sedating ones like heroin and levomethadone) I felt pretty miserable because I used to argue and get hung up on petty things. I sometimes had these imaginary verbal fights in my head while trying to catch some sleep and it not only prevented me from actually falling asleep but totally ruined what could have been a very mellow, pleasant and therapeutic high. Fortunately though, this occurred very rarely and as I said, only with specific opioid agonists.
I'm not sure i can verify or agree with anything, but i think it's a good start for analysis and an interesting read.
Tilidine is a really interesting opioid. It's a DRI and an NMDA antagonist as well. Nortilidine was briefly sold asan RC and the reports on
Land der Träume suggest that it was highly euphoric.

I noted that some users were abusing it purely for it's DRI activity.

Kind of an interesting compound but for something that is seemingly so simple, the synthesis is a pain and VERY costly when you consider the potency.

But pure DRIs put me in a bad mood. Not rage - I'm not angry at anyone but myself.
Back in the day when pills were the rage my friends and I called it being pillitated. Definitely get that way when I consume large doses throughout the day of opioids mainly being oxy, fentanyl and methadone.
I've only ever had this "opiate rage" or massive irritability when kicking Tramadol hcl. Maybe because of it's multiple actions? NMDA, mu-2 etc?