• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

I have a question for people who work retail.


Mar 15, 2011
I was talking to my mom yesterday and she started talking about work. She works full time as an insurance adjustor, but has a part-time gig at Kohl's (a large, chain clothing store [for people who don't know]). She was saying that she hated working in the Women's section the most because women are apparently complete slobs when it comes to clothes shopping - she then started listing examples of such behavior that she had seen, and then in the middle of her list, almost like she was trying to gloss over it like it was no big deal, she mentioned how "sometimes" customers would piss and shit in the changing rooms. By "sometimes", she meant about "3 -4 times a month".

So almost every single week that she's worked there (over 4 years now), someone has taken a bunch of clothes into the changing room, tried them on, looked at themselves in the mirror...and then pissed on them. Every week.

Just...why? Why is this a thing that happens?

So I ask you other retail workers, as someone who has never worked retail: How often do customers shit and/or piss in things that are not toilets?
Well, I worked a year at a clothing store and twice I've seen people piss themselves. The first one was a lady that was standing in line and fainted and wet herself.

The second was a retarded lady that was with her mom or something. I walked passed her to go to the back room and saw she had totally drenched herself and the floor in the middle of the toy section. Knowing I'd have to be the person to clean it up I told my supervisor I was taking my break!
i worked at hollister about 5 years ago and never heard of anybody pissing and or shitting in the changing rooms.... i have however heard of people having sex in there........
It's a jungle out there and people are the animals.
Yep. Always thought as much but working in retail these last six years has really confirmed it. No shitting or pissing in my shop, but then we don't have change rooms so there is less chance of that. Leaving an absolute mess and damaging stuff is common though.
i saw this episode of 60 minutes on jobless homelss people and a concept that had people living with others.
idk, i saw this one kid, that was pulling food items out of the freezer and doing stats on it he said. He looked at it, wouldnt let the interviewer see the label and then put it back in the owners house.
I've been in retail for 8 years and no, that it not normal. But then again, I've worked mostly high end retail. The worst I've seen is a pool of blood drop from a woman (5in in diameter).... I don't know what that was.
i didn't experience that at target but i did experience wanting to shoot a lot of people in the face.
haha this is so fuckin weird who takes a shit in a changing room? Maybe they thought the clothes looked like shite idk...never saw this where I used to work.
yeah that sounds like a troubled individual not a common theme

granted I've only worked retail without a bathroom for the public (like they could use it, but it was in the back) so idk maybe that is more common than people would like to think

might as well have shoplifted the stuff not sure what point they are trying to make by peeing on it
yeah that sounds like a troubled individual not a common theme

Probably the same person over and over MrGrunge. It's definitely not normal. It's been years since I worked retail but never saw stuff like that. Only women who made messes in the bathroom with feminine products or diapers and couldn't be bothered to use the trash bin. Or worse, women squatting and urinating all over the seat and floor because they don't want their asses to come in contact with a toilet seat.
Years ago, I got the grand idea to work at Ross. Although I wasn't a big fan of their clothing, the store was within walking distance. Given the fact that I was not driving, I figured it would be a convenient way to get started in retail clothing. The first week into the job, I found a pair of soiled little girls pants in the children's department. When I went to the assistant manager and politely asked her where I should toss them, she looked me dead in the eyes and nonchalantly replied, "Just put them back on the rack."

Needless to say, I immediately found work elsewhere.
I'm really glad this isn't a common thing. The way my mom nonchalantly talked about it (probably because she never had to clean it up) kinda blew my mind.

They can't legally place security cameras in the changing rooms (for obvious reasons), but if this is just one person doing it over and over again, I have to think they'd have some idea who it is. As far as I know, there are cameras outside of the changing rooms, but it sounds like they aren't checked very often (the store isn't exactly thriving right now). Who(m)ever is doing it seems to be getting away with it just fine.

Moral of the story: avoid all Kohl's stores in Omaha, Nebraska.
^ For 99.99% of the world's population, that's a pretty easy thing to do - I'm just trying to look out for that that .01%.
no wonder bright eyes is so sensitive. perhaps he was left in a kohl's dressing room for too long as a child. i didn't even do any cleaning (if anyone asks me to clean at work i act very inept and weak and they just do it out of frustration, it's kind of my shtick because i don't fucking clean i have OCD) and working at target way WAY too many people were intensive they were just in my face all the time like YOU KNOW YOU VERY PRETTY BUT YOU'D BE PRETTIER IF YOU SMILED. and they had this weird dead look behind their eyes, and i was just like....what the fuck. the best day was when some rando guys bought me a ringpop and told me to cheer up and pretty much any day i was able to work unspecified overtime like goddamn walmart does and i somehow made it through. granted i also made unfortunate friends with a security guard on my smoke break whom i spent the night with once when i landed back in my state and i woke up and he was sucking my toes so that wasn't really that fucking awesome. the best two people there were this BD (behavioral disorder) kid who claimed he had once shot someone and always had weed on him and insinuated that i could get any guy i want but he was too young for me (being a year younger) and this crazy ass security guard i met on smoke breaks who told me he had feelings for trash he threw out his window once and couldn't stop worrying about a plastic spoon or something.
My friend works in a clothing store and she's told me stories of people shitting in the change rooms. So its definitely not unheard of. So disgusting.
I've never had that happen, but I used to have people that would return bags of clothes that smelled like BO and other things I couldn't identify. Always open the bags away from you. I also worked in the swimsuit dept at Dillards and I got so sick of groups of teenage girls coming in, getting 20-30 things at a time, and none of them picked up shit or bought shit. I didn't stay there long.
Two of my friends (one guy, one girl) used to work as LP for a couple stores, and they both said they would either find shit/piss in the fitting rooms or catch someone in the act (!) at least 2-3 times a month. I was shocked. I wasn't aware people did this.