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Opioids I had a mystical experience on oxycodone?


Jan 24, 2017
Hey errone
Long story short. I took 60mg oxy without any tolerance along with 8mg clonazepam and 600mg gabapentin. I was alone at my house with all lights off and after ingesting all those drugs over the course of 12 hrs the oxy got to a point where I was starting to hear voices, I would close my eyes and have like these very intense thoughts s, I was very wired my mind was racing with hallucinations about my family and stuff I'm going through right now and then BOOM. I entered what seemed Another realm and I could see everything very clearly. The dream was very surreal, bizarre. I was in an old house with my brother who started to fight with me, pulled out a gun and confronted me about my cocaine addiction. Then my mom who died from cancer 10 years ago enteres the room and my brother told me I had to clean my act because I got a special mission to complete in this cycle of life and I looked him in his eyes and in a few secs he revealed me all that was gonna happen to me in the next years, I saw a lot of cool and bad stuff aswell thst I don't wanna go into detail rn.
My mother then said that the time Machine was ready and everyone looked at me and my heart started to beat really fast. 3 seconds later I woke up very confused, sweating and felt like I had just experienced a real mindfuck.
OK so I just wanna know what's up with opiates and dreams?
Is it possible for opiates to activate any chakras?
Tbh, it felt very mystical to me or was I just really high? Although, but the moment previous I entered that Lucid dream/revelation state it felt more like acid than oxycodone.
Anyone knows what the actual fuck happened to me? It really felt like a trip...
Is it possible for opiates to activate any chakras?
If you believe in chakras, sure. Otherwise, excessively vivid dreams are very common on opiates.
I can't tell you why, but I have had similar experiences - although, I chalk it up to chemical collisions in my brain, and nothing else.

I'd guess you were just really high. Opiates are about as spiritual as spirit stones and ascension crystals (not at all, in other words).
Hey errone
Long story short. I took 60mg oxy without any tolerance along with 8mg clonazepam and 600mg gabapentin. I was alone at my house with all lights off and after ingesting all those drugs over the course of 12 hrs the oxy got to a point where I was starting to hear voices, I would close my eyes and have like these very intense thoughts s, I was very wired my mind was racing with hallucinations about my family and stuff I'm going through right now and then BOOM. I entered what seemed Another realm and I could see everything very clearly. The dream was very surreal, bizarre. I was in an old house with my brother who started to fight with me, pulled out a gun and confronted me about my cocaine addiction. Then my mom who died from cancer 10 years ago enteres the room and my brother told me I had to clean my act because I got a special mission to complete in this cycle of life and I looked him in his eyes and in a few secs he revealed me all that was gonna happen to me in the next years, I saw a lot of cool and bad stuff aswell thst I don't wanna go into detail rn.
My mother then said that the time Machine was ready and everyone looked at me and my heart started to beat really fast. 3 seconds later I woke up very confused, sweating and felt like I had just experienced a real mindfuck.
OK so I just wanna know what's up with opiates and dreams?
Is it possible for opiates to activate any chakras?
Tbh, it felt very mystical to me or was I just really high? Although, but the moment previous I entered that Lucid dream/revelation state it felt more like acid than oxycodone.
Anyone knows what the actual fuck happened to me? It really felt like a trip...

did you ever used to have 'waking dreams' from just opioids? Like, when you close your eyes, nod off and just start dreaming, you see visual dream like stuff with your eyes closed? I used to get that from oxy alone at 40mg+ doses. Common from opiates, but I would imagine you would be familiar with that. Something different?

Some people never experience the opioid dreams. Curious if you do. If not, to me it seems like you are describing hypnagogic hallucinations, which are similar but more intense than waking dreams

hypnagogic hallucinations are very common from long term drug use

also, in me, benzos in particular make my hypnagogic hallucinations MUCH more vivid

they will be so intense it feels like my eyes are open, I will see things like the room around me in such vivid detail I often have to remind myself that it's not real and my eyes are closed. I will also see bizarre things, like people with incredibly deformed bodies. I'll see myself staring at my phone and using it. Strange things.

I don't want to spook you but it could possibly be sign of prodromal psychosis. Might want to chill a bit with the droogz. Anything else weird going on? Have you been using stims recently?
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did you ever used to have 'waking dreams' from just opioids? Like, when you close your eyes, nod off and just start dreaming, you see visual dream like stuff with your eyes closed? I used to get that from oxy alone at 40mg+ doses. Common from opiates, but I would imagine you would be familiar with that. Something different?

Some people never experience the opioid dreams.
Jackpot, YES YES YES totally fucking YES especially when combined with Marijuana and tobacco. In fact, quite interesting thst you mention it. I've asked other ppl if they have experienced this in the past and its correct. Only some ppl experience these effects which are fantastic and can be even Tiring sometimes.,
But also you know.what, I'm not gonna say I'm a psychic or a medium.nevertheless, I've always had a thing with dreams, it's like a very developed capacity I have. I've been able to dream stuff months and sometimes even years before they ocurred. I inherited this ability(?), from my mother. She comes from the jungle of Perú.
Oh yeah, anyway whatever I experienced didn't feel like the normal opiate experience. It was kinda like what you describe x10. To me it felt like I had open a chakra for a while. It felt so energetic and the dream was super intense.
PS I've had myself tested I'm ok , I'm not Cuckoo and if you consider mdma as a stimulant a week before sure...but I don't think it had anything to do with it. I don't use cocaine anymore.
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Lucid dreaming is common during the nodding phase of opioids.

I use to get them with full agonists, but not partial agonists.

I believe this is how morphine got it's name? From Morpheus? God of Dreams/Sleep?

Never had a mystical experience from them but I do find the good ones put me into almost a 'trance', especially if I listen to music while I nod.
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You really tempted fate with no tolerance at those doses with all those cns depressants.

It sounds like you had some really crazy nodding dreams, sometimes nodding can cause hallucinations and strange thoughts
High doses of clonazepam give me hallucinations & I see blue tinted tracers around moving objects.

Might just be me & not sure how relevant it is to the topic. But those are hefty doses for some one with no tolerance.
That had to be one hell of a nod.
High doses of clonazepam give me hallucinations & I see blue tinted tracers around moving objects.

Might just be me & not sure how relevant it is to the topic. But those are hefty doses for some one with no tolerance.
That had to be one hell of a nod.
No, it wasn't something like that. I interacted with people thst aren't in this realm anymore (my mom,) my brother (whom I had a fight recently and we aren't speaking to ea other atm) , the dream,if u guys wanna call it like that, looked very fuckinh real, also I remember my brother saying the exact words u don't have to fuck with cocsine ever again or it will completely destroy you. And well, could also be my subconciousness but who knows for sure....
No, it wasn't something like that. I interacted with people thst aren't in this realm anymore (my mom,) my brother (whom I had a fight recently and we aren't speaking to ea other atm) , the dream,if u guys wanna call it like that, looked very fuckinh real, also I remember my brother saying the exact words u don't have to fuck with cocsine ever again or it will completely destroy you. And well, could also be my subconciousness but who knows for sure....
I've had auditory hallucinations while nodding before. I dunno.

Honestly, with the 3 different drugs you took & no tolerance, I'm not surprised you had a strange experience.
I've had auditory hallucinations while nodding before. I dunno.

Honestly, with the 3 different drugs you took & no tolerance, I'm not surprised you had a strange experience.
Well I've relapsed and been chipping on opioids for the past month but I take clonaz alldsy errdsy anywhere from 4-8mg.
It just sounds like a heavy nod to me. I have auditory hallucinations and sometimes super vivid dreams while nodding
Regardless of what it is I always thought opiates were way more psychedelic than say alcohol or downers. Like I understand how Charlie parker could take so much heroin and still play beautifully. That makes sense to me. Every once in a while on Poppy tea I would get some insights from dreams.

The musicians that can play beautifully with a heavy alcohol habit, like Art Tatum, really impress me. It’s like they have to be that good starting from a disadvantage, but I always thought opiates were an advantage. :)
Regardless of what it is I always thought opiates were way more psychedelic than say alcohol or downers.
Me too. Honestly, if I had to classify one group of non-hallucinogen drugs as psychedelic, I would say opioids. I still vividly recall my first nod off hydrocodone. I felt like I knew the universe, and the universe was love, and we were all wrapped up inside that love. Nothing could ever surpass that feeling for me in a way... somewhat like I described MXE, a feeling of overwhelming love. And in between, strange dreams.

There's nothing quite as classic as the opiate nod IMO. It is so encompassing, the whole trip without the pain... and that's why it's so tempting and destructive, because unlike psychedelics, you still have near guaranteed fun.
Regardless of what it is I always thought opiates were way more psychedelic than say alcohol or downers. Like I understand how Charlie parker could take so much heroin and still play beautifully. That makes sense to me. Every once in a while on Poppy tea I would get some insights from dreams.

The musicians that can play beautifully with a heavy alcohol habit, like Art Tatum, really impress me. It’s like they have to be that good starting from a disadvantage, but I always thought opiates were an advantage. :)
Don't forget about Ray Charles brother, he was full on smack delivering hit after hit after hit....
Idk about you guys, but whenever I experience withdrawals when I overdo my pain meds, I GET THE MOST VIVID DREAMS EVER... THEY FEEL SO REAL I CAN RECALL MOST OF EM.... when I'm sober I can't remember shit what I dreamt the night before.
For example 2 days ago I was swimming with 2 gorgeous chicks in a beach that resembles a beach I used to go with my dad,mom and bro like 20 years ago when the world seemed a better place....💛
Lucid dreaming is common during the nodding phase of opioids.

I use to get them with full agonists, but not partial agonists.

I believe this is how morphine got it's name? From Morpheus? God of Dreams/Sleep?

Never had a mystical experience from them but I do find the good ones put me into almost a 'trance', especially if I listen to music while I nod.

Yes: God of sleep, exactly!

I had, subjectively so to say, sum similar experiences on a variety of opes, and like others already confirmed, that's nothing too special, and/or extraordinary - but hey, if you've found it to be kinda spiritual, why not, it all depends on what/how you want it to be, eh?!

Yes: God of sleep, exactly!

I had, subjectively so to say, sum similar experiences on a variety of opes, and like others already confirmed, that's nothing too special, and/or extraordinary - but hey, if you've found it to be kinda spiritual, why not, it all depends on what/how you want it to be, eh?!

I bet tho thst the true opiate experience is not injecting concentrated alkaloid extract. Defo, smoking opium is the best way to consume opis. All those yummy alkaloids that are like 20+ besides morphine and codeine make the experience even more dreamlike hence the "pipedream" word came from lols.
I've read real opium is much more dreamy than all the semi-synths & synthetics.

Closest I've come to it is drinking poppy seed tea. When it worked, the buzz was very heavy, noddy. But usually lacked any euphoria, unless I added thc. I'm sure alkaloid content contributed most to each individual experience, but I'd try actual opium in a heart beat.

I find all opioids have their own unique "nod" and some are cold and boring feeling (especially the more potent ones, like fent & bupe), where as some have more euphoric, dreamy and hell possibly even spiritual properties.