I feel really defeated


May 4, 2017
what if it doesn't get better, your dreams don't come true, your broke, unemployed, bankrupt and your wife loves someone else. I mean add to that a Jerry Springer childhood and some of us have good reason to want to leave this world. My whole life has been one big shit sandwich of poverty, failed business ventures and unemployment. How do you keep going? How do you cope with your life being a steaming pile compared to what you wanted? Also I live in a state where weed isn't legal so I don't even have an easy way to escape my hell bastards lol
Escaping your hell temporarily is not want you need--what you need is some faith that just because what you have been doing so far hasn't worked that doesn't mean making a radical turn or even a little veer to the left or right won't set you on a new course altogether.;)

If your wife loves someone else you are going to have to go through a mourning period. You had something and you lost it and there is no way around it: that hurts.

The business failures and the financial problems are stressful but try not to shame yourself with it. It's hard to start businesses so give yourself credit for doing that.<3

"things" will never get better but then again they probably won't get worse either. Life is random and unfair and frequently brutal and that is true whether you are a stellar human being or a selfish abusive ass--in other words life has very little to do with our quaint human concept of being deserving of anything. The only control we have over anything in this life is our inner life. The planet just keeps spinning along and we are on it for a very brief time. We could have been born in Somalia or we might be born in a part of the world where "poverty" can mean not having enough stuff as opposed to starving to death. We trick ourselves into thinking that all this surface stuff can make us happy--stability, romantic love, access to nice things. But we have all seen the miserable rich people or the people who are deeply loved by someone and go out looking for more. Why are we always feeling empty? That is the question each one of us needs to answer alone and in the privacy of our own minds. Then we can reenter the world and see our fellow human beings as just as fragile as we are, and just as miraculous, and that "failure" as a concept is a place to get mired; failure of one way of perceiving or acting is simply an opportunity to learn a new way of seeing or behaving in order to get new results.

So out of curiosity, what are your dreams?:)
Dude I've been feeling the same way for a few years now... When I REALLY can't take it anymore, I stay up for a few nights straight until I go into a manic state, that usually gets me crazy enough to do new things and act differently, talk to random people, make new friendships, and my outlook changes. If you can't do that, just BREAK OUT, do things you normally wouldn't do, do something crazy. Always works for me.