Mental Health I don’t know what to do anymore.


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
Forgive me if I’m posting this in the wrong place, but currently I’m sitting on the couch in the living room after about a 3 hour argument with my girlfriend. This hasn’t happened much recently, but I bring this up on hopes of no regressing more then I already have... I just feel lost I really don’t have any family close by other then my uncle.. and I don’t wanna keep self medicating.
Forgive me if I’m posting this in the wrong place, but currently I’m sitting on the couch in the living room after about a 3 hour argument with my girlfriend. This hasn’t happened much recently, but I bring this up on hopes of no regressing more then I already have... I just feel lost I really don’t have any family close by other then my uncle.. and I don’t wanna keep self medicating.
Dear F,
So very glad to hear from you, and thank you for reaching out. We are always here for you, and we love you. Please never hesitate to come to us for support. The stuff you're going through happens to us all. I'm sure you'll be feeling better very soon. So from everyone here at Bluelight, our very warmest wishes to you both.
I was recently in a bad recession because I lost my father and had nobody and I let arguments and other things slide because I didn't want to be alone. Worse mistake because things got alot worse.
I know how hard it is with noone but if you guys start fighting more you will get more depressed and scared to leave.
Maybe its just a couple's fight but do what I didn't do and look out for yourself.
People like us only have ourselves and you need to be content alone before you're any good to anyone else
@FuneralFather - What do you self medicate with? Do you see a doctor?

Hopefully your girl friend will come back around. IME, they usually do, especially if you own up to your mistakes and work on it in the future.
I totally get this. I have no one who treats me with respect. In my immediate family, I'm lowest on the totem pole. Despite being further in life than my siblings. In my relationship with my boyfriend, he gets angry easily.
I keep trying to no avail, and what sickens me is it’s my fault another night less then a week later and I’m sitting here in the same threat bitching about the same things. When will I learn to not be afraid of life without you.. narcissism is one helluva drug
Off and on I been taking Oxy, it relatively small doses but still I’ve struggled with reliance on it before.. I’m off it now, and currently working on quitting smoking tobacco but it’s hard it’s hard to be in the realm of someone else and having to cater to their every need while mine aren’t met at all. And sometimes well most times I don’t even know why I stay I could get everything I’m getting now by myself
@FuneralFather - What do you self medicate with? Do you see a doctor?

Hopefully your girl friend will come back around. IME, they usually do, especially if you own up to your mistakes and work on it in the future.
In the end, what matters in life? We re going to die, it may happen very soon. we don't know, what matters? Nothing matters, relationships, feelings, nothing matters, nothing should matter, life is a void, a pure void, the less one clings, the more one succeeds..
A few years ago, I’d never of comprehended what you said. Now, I’m beginning to understand the power of not holding on to anything.
In the end, what matters in life? We re going to die, it may happen very soon. we don't know, what matters? Nothing matters, relationships, feelings, nothing matters, nothing should matter, life is a void, a pure void, the less one clings, the more one succeeds..
that's one of the most difficult things to achieve in life: sentimental independence; since when this is done in the plenitude, there is no more reason to live... it is a contradiction, would it be possible to live completely on one's own? Perhaps, Jesus or Diogenes from Sinope
Impossible for me, relationship wise maybe.. but with me being an artist I find myself longing to share with others and develop the connection that comes with it. Although I think your referring to abstaining from a partner ?
that's one of the most difficult things to achieve in life: sentimental independence; since when this is done in the plenitude, there is no more reason to live... it is a contradiction, would it be possible to live completely on one's own? Perhaps, Jesus or Diogenes from Sinope
Maybe you could experiment with something more aimed around anxiety than a painkiller?
I'm sorry to hear you've had it rough lately.
I havnt tried Oxy but I could understand why it helps. Maybe see if you can find a mild benzo to get you away from opiates?