I could make it this time....


Feb 9, 2015
I’ll try to keep this short. I have a very long history with opiate addiction and dependence. Started after a bunch of surgeries and evolved to addiction. I would take any opiate pill that I could to avoid pain and to numb feelings. I was up to 9 pills a day of 10 mg Vicodin or Percocet. I also would take any other pill like tramadol if I couldn’t get the others. I never touched heroin because I’m scared of that s***! Well I tried to kick the pills several times but failed many times. I then read about Kratom, weighed my options, and tried it. It helped...A LOT. I have been on the same dose of Kratom for a while now. Take a teaspoon in the morning and at night. I noticed by night time if I tried to skip my night time Kratom does I would get pain in legs and RLS. This is when I started to feel like I wasn’t clean at all just treating symptoms with Kratom. I cut down to half a teaspoon twice daily for a while and then half a teaspoon once daily for a while before going cold turkey. Today is day 6 and I’m very uncomfortable. Leg pain, arm pain, back pain, and restless. Feel like clasci opiate withdrawal. I am not experiencing mild symptoms and I am open for any advice. One thing to note is I want to stop the Kratom to see how my body functions without any substance. I don’t know if all my physical pain is from withdrawal o some underlining issue but I’d i was a betting gal I would say withdrawal. Any thoughts?
Hey there, welcome. :) I was addicted to kratom for 6-7 years before moving onto harder opiates, it's what got me into opiates. I was dosing far more than you were and the withdrawals were awful, less sickness and nausea and diarrhea than classic opiates but worse restless limbs which is the part I hate the most. The good thing about kratom is that the withdrawal is shorter than most opiates. At day 6, you should be over it soon. Hang in there!

You might set your expectations that you will not feel 100% for a while, perhaps even months, because you really have never been without opiates for a long time and you're likely to experience PAWS (post acute withdrawal syndrome). Daily exercise is the most important thing to combat this, once the acute withdrawals are over (it creates endorphins which fill your opiate receptors and allow your nervous system to regain equilibrium faster), as well as filling your time with activities that make you feel happy and fulfilled.
I’ll try to keep this short. I have a very long history with opiate addiction and dependence. Started after a bunch of surgeries and evolved to addiction. I would take any opiate pill that I could to avoid pain and to numb feelings. I was up to 9 pills a day of 10 mg Vicodin or Percocet. I also would take any other pill like tramadol if I couldn’t get the others. I never touched heroin because I’m scared of that s***! Well I tried to kick the pills several times but failed many times. I then read about Kratom, weighed my options, and tried it. It helped...A LOT. I have been on the same dose of Kratom for a while now. Take a teaspoon in the morning and at night. I noticed by night time if I tried to skip my night time Kratom does I would get pain in legs and RLS. This is when I started to feel like I wasn’t clean at all just treating symptoms with Kratom. I cut down to half a teaspoon twice daily for a while and then half a teaspoon once daily for a while before going cold turkey. Today is day 6 and I’m very uncomfortable. Leg pain, arm pain, back pain, and restless. Feel like clasci opiate withdrawal. I am not experiencing mild symptoms and I am open for any advice. One thing to note is I want to stop the Kratom to see how my body functions without any substance. I don’t know if all my physical pain is from withdrawal o some underlining issue but I’d i was a betting gal I would say withdrawal. Any thoughts?
Though I don't know specifically about kratom (I only tried a few times when I was coming off high doses of fentanyl and oxy and it didn't seem to do anything at All for me so I just stopped trying it and went back to the fent and oxy) I can tell you that I've experienced withdrawal from fentanyl by itself, from oxy by itself, from both together, from norco, ect... and every single one of them was shitty but definitely different in their own little ways and the amount of time I felt like shit after stopping. Day 6 is EASILY within the "still going to feel like shit" range as depending on doses and length of use. On high enough doses of basically anything 2 weeks of bad withdrawal is not out of the question. What I don't know however, is how taking small doses (not weaning down normally but say dropping from 400mg of oxy to just taking a single 20mg to help with withdrawal) has an effect on making withdrawal last longer. I assume it would. So in my OPINION, if you're not doing a proper tapering off then you should go cold Turkey and not in between. I'd really like someone with more experience to chime in on this however because like I said, that part is just a guess. Hope this helps some.
Yeah I think if you've made it 6 days already you might as well just go the duration. Shouldn't be too much longer.
You're halfway through hell if not even further, don't turn back now. You should start feeling better little by little in the next day or so, and in a week you'll be in way better condition.

If you do end up getting desperate and caving, only dose enough to take away some of the withdrawals. Have someone who cares about you hold you accountable and tell on yourself if you have to.
Thanks for all the replies, today oddly seems to be the worse day. I didnt have nausea before and it’s pretty bad today. BUT, I need to stay the course. I’m forcing myself to eat some grilled chicken and spinach salad. Drinking slots of water and avoiding process foods and sugars. I am eating plums and other fruits. I will say today has been my worse day and that surprised me. I have all over body pain. I will take a long epsom salt bath when I get home s d hopefully I can sleep. How do you guys feel about weed for sleep? I am not a regular smoker but I did smoke the first two nights and slept well. The key was smoking until I went straight to sleep. Is this just trading substances?
Weed is fine, if it helps you sleep. Some people say marijuana is physically addictive but personally I smoked constantly for 7 years and whenever I would stop I never felt any sort of withdrawal. Even if it did produce some, using it for a few days/a week/2 weeks at night for sleep wouldn't produce any sort of dependence. It can be mentally addictive to some, but if you have never had a problem with weed before, it's unlikely you'd develop one now.
I have fairly mixed feelings about cannabis lately. On one hand, there are all the supposed medicinal uses, some of which I enjoy personally. On the other hand, you have huge amounts of unknowns, and even a lot of knowns like the associated lung damage with smoking and potential to cause toxic psychosis from THC. There are also a lot of negative associations with depression and implications on sleep that have yet to be fully understood. When considering how it interrupts the sleep cycles and can prevent REM, I don't really think it is the best sleep aid with all things considered. It definitely makes it easier to fall asleep on schedule, but I think we will discover beyond doubt that it decreases the quality of sleep.

But like all things, there is a give and take. In the short term, I would think it'd be relatively harmless, although I think addiction is a serious concern for a certain percentage of the people that use it. Even if you don't struggle with cannabis addiction, many report it serving as a trigger for harder drugs. A bigger concern is the potential mental health problems it can cause, like anxiety, depersonalization, and psychosis.

A period of sobriety isn't a terrible idea, although it probably seems like it at the time. Even if it doesn't cause other health complications, it can be really helpful to spend a period of time abstaining from all addictive behaviors. It can be a good way to force yourself to learn new behaviors rather than trying to always reach for something when you experience strong emotion.
I made it another day! I know it’s only a Kratom but I have been an addict for years so it’s so important for me to get clean. I didn’t use weed last night and I do agree with your post. I used we’d the first few nights and very small amounts in the morning due to the pain and anxiety. It helped me sleep I must say but I did wake up today feeling different without it. It’s to early to say I feel better but definitely different. I went to pick up some Natural Calm Powder and Chamomile tea to see if that would help me sleep. I was so exhausted yesterday. I took one teaspoon of the NCP and drank a cup of very strong tea with 4 bags. I got really tired when I was in the bath tub and was able to fall asleep after briefly talking to my hubby. I slept through the night and woke at 7am. So from about 1am to 7am. I woke feeling unmotivated and with the stingy body. The sting was a bit less then yesterday. I went back to sleep for about two hours. I’m up now and forcing myself to eat berries and water. Really not that hungry. I’ll keep going with the same routine as last night and try to stay busy during the day. My job is so boring it makes the days very difficult because of the restlessness. I never liked the disconnected feeling weed gives me so it won’t be a problem to stop it now. Another thing that is working for me is changing how a view this pain. This morning I woke up depressed about how I feel. I immediately thought this is the pain I have to feel as my body works hard to repair from years of abuse. My body is repairing not fighting. Kind of like after a surgery.....this to will pass. Thank you for your reply!!
What's in the NCP? I found some supplement on amazon called "alprazium", which had a mix of things like melatonin and similar types of herbs, as well as things like 5htp and l-theanine(precursors to neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine). I wouldn't really recommend that specific one because of the price, but I did find it much easier to drift off into sleep about an hour or two after taking one. I know the melatonin probably played a big role but the other ingredients might have helped.

If I had to choose just one though, it would be melatonin, as that is proven to work by regulating wake/sleep cycles. Your body naturally produces it at night, assuming you are in the dark, so supplementing it with reasonable doses shouldn't have any negative impacts.
NCP is just short for the Natural Calm Powder that is in my post. I was just to lazy to spell it out again lol. It’s basically magnesium powder. It’s supposed to help with RLS and sleep.
Hmmm.. be careful with taking too much of that. I would think a multivitamin would be more effective, but I can't say for sure. I guess if it works then it works, but there are tons of health gimmicks out there. Idk how magnesium powder would help you with sleep or RLS, but that doesn't mean it's not possible.
I was going they two pounds a month for six months.

Got some flubromazolam and was blacking out and taking my friends norco.

Gf said she doesn’t want to lose me to drugs. It all made sense. I poured out the flubromazolam and threw my Kratom on the grass.

After that I was up for three weeks straight. I also thought God was telling me to flush my meds. So in combination i CT risperdone Nd remeron.

I admit I was so happy. But very delusional. Never again.

I’m on Zyprexa 15 mg and gabapentin 300 3x day. I’m doing peachy
Magnesium is actually great for restless limb energy/RLS. Magnesium is known to be a muscle relaxer.