I am giving up this hell of a drug.


Nov 16, 2014
Okay, so to start off I am 18 years old. i know very young. But I am addicted to heroin. I normally use about 30 to 50 dollars in the span of two to three days. So im not sure if my addiction is bad as others, but to me its bad. When I have none I feel sick, worthless and just awful and need some dope. Well i was on oxy for awhile and turn to heroin as it was the drug of choice my friends used and no longer used oxy. Ive decided to take the step of quitting and I am determined to the fullest. I need support though, it seems hard for me. I am dropping the people out of my life that use and sell to me for good as i have delted their numbers and told them im quitting. I have One 8mg sub fim, and i plan to take 2 mg of it a day, is that enough for my addiction? Any reccomendations for me? Any help please. I need to quit now before my addiction worsens.
*High five* I'm going out on a limb here, so correct me if I'm wrong, but if you live with your rents, come clean and tell them what's going on. if you decide to get on subs, do not make it a long term stint.. From one who's been there, kicking hareon is a bitch, subs are another story. Best wishes your way, I hope you do what needs done player.. Best of luck and my best wishes!
Well yes I do live with the rents, but they know about it and want me to quit another reason why. but I have one sub strip, it is 8mg. Would that be enough or do i need to seek medical attention?
8mg is going to have to be close enough, but no you def do not need to seek any medical attention, they won't do shit for you a joint wouldn't help with a lot smaller bill
Good thing about that is you ideally only wanna taper with sub for 7-10 days at the longest, mine was 8

I wouldn't take 2mg each time cause then it could actually still be a bit rough when you jump off
Best imo is taper 1mg down everyday until you jump off at as low as possible

Since you're a newb and you prolly haven't been through a whole bunch of cold turkey kicks or anything, I have to tell you that this tapering method with the sub will make the wd a lot lot easier, you prolly won't think so but you also don't wanna find out lol

After that you can use gabapentin/sleeping pills/possibly a little benzo to help if you're still feeling real bad or have any lingering paws
Also the the first initial hard physical part isn't even the hardest part, staying clean is, you're still young man good luck
Okay, so this is day one I just woke up feeling a littekl crappy but not so much. Im ready to take my sub though. Last time i did some was last night at like 2 am and the fell asleep. Anyoone else help along with them so i can get through this, you guys are my only support
Hang in there bro. YOur doing the right thing. Check this site out maybe it will help you http://howtoquitheroin.com/

I know what its like. Ive kicked some nightmare habits cold turkey. So trust me when I say just hang in there and you will feel a thousand times better in some time.

My biggest advice is to rememer that the sickness is only the start of the battle and can often be the easiest part of the battle to resist. When you get past the sickness, then you deal with the mental health aspect of your problems. Just be prepared to continue to do battle long after you have detoxed.
The biggest and hardest part is the withdraw symptoms. Realize that you don't NEED the drugs at all. It's just a mindset.
During withdraw your brain is going to play tricks on you. You're gonna feel like shit. Panic Attacks happen, paranoia the whole nine yards.
Sometimes shit looks like it's in super HD. You won't be sleeping very well if you do at all. Split the subs up as best you can but realize that it's still going to not be a fun ride. I detoxed from diluadid and xanax about 3 months ago. I still want to get high sometimes but I don't. It's not a one more time kind of thing.
This has to be the last time I EVER use. Never again, not even once.
Tell yourself that any time you want more, because once, then again, then again, its all harmless until once again it becomes part of the day, and a true addiction.
Good Luck Mate, We're praying for you.