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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Hydromorphone and Cannabis - Experienced -


Feb 29, 2012
All the drugs I have ever done prior to this experience are Cannabis, Nicotine, Alcohol, Oxycodone, Psyilocybin Mushrooms, Codeine, DPH, DXM, Hydrocodone, Hydromorphone, Methylphenidate, Amphetamine Salts, Provigil, Sertraline, Salvia, Alprazolam, and Lorazepam. I probably forgot some, but that's most of them.

Now it is important to remember that I normally take 200mg Sertraline and 10mg Ritalin LA daily but chose not to take it on the day of the experience. I also no not have any tolerance to opiates on the day of this experience. I do, however, have a somewhat high tolerance to Cannabis.

The day of the experience is a Monday that I had off of school. My parents left for work at 7:30 AM and will not be home until 5:00 PM. Which should give me more than enough time to complete this experience.

8:50(00:00): Just woke up a few minutes ago. Snorted 4mg Hydromorphone (one line, in one nostril). It went down very smooth, not burn whatsoever.
8:55(05:00): Nothing yet. I go outside to smoke a bowl of some mid-grade Cannabis and a cigarette (Marlboro Light, my dad's). I can taste the drip but it is not bad at all. Not good by any means, but extremely tolerable.
9:08(18:00): I come back inside. I honestly am not that high from the weed but I can feel the Hydromorphone starting to kick in. My body feels tingly everywhere and I just feel very relaxed. The past three times I have done Hydromorphone and Cannabis together I could differentiate their effects quite well. I also noticed that when I first went outside I was cold, but by the time I was done my bowl pack I was feeling much warmer. Not even actually warm, I felt as if the cold wind and brisk September air could not make me cold. I was warm inside. And it is undoubtedly because of the opiate I ingested =). When I move my head everything feels slower and somewhat delayed. In my opinion, Hydromorphone is not as euphoric as opiates such as Oxycodone or Hydrocodone. It is more of a body-high rather than mental bliss.
9:20(30:00): Whole body feels incredible. Slowed breathing and feel very at peace with everything. Playing a game on my computer is very fun, too. More so than if I was sober. I'm about to go ride my bike to the Mini Mart near my house to pick up a new pack of cigs. I love riding my bike sober, I can only imagine how nice it will be while opiated.
10:00(1:10): Bike ride was VERY VERY enjoyable. The cool air felt quite pleasurable on my skin. Nothing bothered me, conversation with the man working there was very fluid and effortless. Eyes are a bit blurry but it doesn't bother me. Nothing bothers me right now. I've heard people say that being punched in the face while on opiates would feel good. I might venture to agree with them. I also have a Lit essay to do for school which I might do today because even typing this experience is enjoyable and I rarely miss a keystroke. Also, time is moving much slower than whilst sober.
10:30(1:40): Just got done playing computer games. Not coming down yet. My eyes are droopy and I actually feel higher than earlier. Whole body still feels, for lack of a better word, orgasmic. I honestly am not actually thinking about anything. As dumb as that sounds it feels as if my brain just shut off and my body is on auto-pilot. I don't really have any feelings. Not sad, not lonely, not horny... but really, nothing is phasing me right now. I just coast through anything I have to deal with. I can definitely find the addictive potential to this substance. But for some reason, I can do opiates once ever week or so and not be even close to addiction. I have never done opiates two days in a row or even dosed more than once in one day. I hope I'm not jinxing myself but I am quite a lucky chipper.
11:00(2:10): I'm going out to smoke another bowl, but this time it will be with some of the best weed I've ever smoked. It's from my good friend C who sells his famous “One gram tenners” in my neck of the woods. When I finish smoking I will then smoke a Camel Filter... my favorite cigarette ever.
11:10(2:20): Had to come inside prematurely because my neighbor came outside and sat on his bench. My parents don't know I smoke anything, and my neighbor would tell them. Or am I just being paranoid? Probably the latter... I continue to smoothly navigate through the internet while listening to a multitude of different types of music. Music does sound better on Hydromorphone but not as much as with Cannabis. Every movement of my body feels great. It feels like right after you stretch your legs all the time. Any movement whatsoever is smooth and feels effortless.
11:30(2:40): Still feeling the effects of the Hydromorphone. Mild nausea is beginning to start. My hands are clammy and cold but the rest of my body is warm. I think if I smoke another bowl that will help relieve some of the stomach discomfort.
11:50(3:00): I pack another bowl and smoke it. Almost immediately after finishing the bowl the nausea subsided. This now let me enjoy the Hydromorphone to its fullest extent.
12:20(3:30): Much more euphoric than expected. Muscles are very relaxed. I just feel at ease with my life. I'm watching some episodes of my favorite television show on the internet but I have the idea to go for a walk. So I get off of the couch and another mild bit of nausea hit me as well as some dizziness. It eventually subsided once I got outside.
12:45(3:55): The walk was very pleasurable apart from a sense of paranoia whilst walking alone around my hometown. I rarely get paranoid from smoking weed so I somewhat attributed it to the Hydromorphone. I wanted to smoke a cigarette but I felt that it would increase the nausea slightly. Typing still feels nice and easy. I do wish I had someone to talk to though, whether it be on the phone or through texting.
1:30(4:40): Effects are still present. Smoked another cigarette and feeling kind of nauseous. Eyes are getting less red and glossy. I assume I've passed my peak. The effects of the Hydromorphone, for me, last a long time. I find that I feel relaxed for hours after the main effects have ended. Later tonight, I have to go to my grandpa's birthday party which should be enjoyable in this altered state of consciousness.
2:00(5:10): Nausea has completely subsided. Still feeling relaxed and mildly euphoric. From this point on the effects begin to diminish but are still slightly noticeable until the next morning. That is the conclusion of my experience. I enjoyed it very thoroughly and will definitely do it again sometime. Thank you for reading this and be careful =)