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Hydrocodone or Opana

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I have found that by removing the coating and snorting will definately make u forget about the pain.....the best opiate ever in my opinion
opana er is a much better high than regular opana when snorted. Also it last a long time.
what about IV'ing? has the ER shown any better results when IV'ing than the IR? It just doesnt do too much for me i mean its a nice little buzz but i expected so much more. Just no real rush even when IV'ing 15-20 mg's at a time in 2 shots back to back (literally as fast as i can refill the syringe). Oxycontin and morphines seem like such a better rush to me! opinions?
I'm glad she has prescribed me as many vicodins as she has with out regular visits. ....

I'm not sure about all states, but when I was subscribed something stronger than hydrocodone (vicodin), the stronger drugs were on a higher class schedule. Because of that, my PM doc has to use a different prescription pad and I have to see him every month for refills. I think this is part of the tougher DEA laws.

The above was just an FYI. Stepping up to the 10/325 norcos will keep the office visits and costs down.
I'm not sure about all states, but when I was subscribed something stronger than hydrocodone (vicodin), the stronger drugs were on a higher class schedule. Because of that, my PM doc has to use a different prescription pad and I have to see him every month for refills. I think this is part of the tougher DEA laws.

The above was just an FYI. Stepping up to the 10/325 norcos will keep the office visits and costs down.

I think its actually a choice the doctors have. I have an endocronologist who prescribes me 90 1mg klonopin a month and i have to go back every month...i get no refills he just keeps giving me the same script every month but yet another doctor has me on 30 more 1mg klonopin a month for restless legs at night and she writes me 3 refills at a time. (yes i take these to seperate pharmacy's lol it just happened like that i didnt go asking for another script she just didnt ask so......)
I think the frequency of doc visits is based on the descretion of your doctor. I don't mind having to go back every month or two months to keep it legit if the higher hydrocodone is perscribed.

Here in C A they don't give refills on narcotics and everytime the doctor has to be sent a request. I am not sure if ianything higher than the 5/500s are on a different schedule or not. I would have to check it out
Well tomorrow I go to the docs for a regular physical. This past July first i nearly shit myself when I walked out the pharmacy to discover she gave me a script for 60 5/500's, which of course if for the whole month, as I send her the request twice a month. I figure she got tired of hitting approved all the time.

Anyhow, I still get the breakthrough pains and of course I will mention that to her.

Now, if she does prescribe me a higher dose of hydrocodone, I am assuming that would have to be refilled at the end of the month? I couldn't have two opiod scripts out at the same time? Its Kaiser so i don't know if they have different rules as opposed to CVS or Walgreens? Feedback?
Don't ask outright about drug names unless you want to get pegged as a drug seeker. Try oxycodone in some variation.... Rather instead of asking tell him the Hydros don't work anymore. What kind of dr do you see? A real pain management dr doesnt rx vicoden because they care about your liver.

As for nerve pain have you tried lyrica or nuerontin with hydro? Might help. Good luck!
Your insurance should allow for a therapeutic override. That way if your dr ups the dose your insurance will cover it.
ask your doc about it if she gives you a new script. if it is for a different dose, you would need to fill it. you know? twice a day is a different script than once a day. or you would run out. but pharmacies will not let you double up on the same script.

going to close this thread as it is really now just about painkillers from doctors. hope you and your doc figure it out.
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