• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

How well do you think you know yourself?

Bob Loblaw

Bluelight Crew
Mar 1, 2008
I can take the same personality test three times in a year & get completely different results. I think about what I like, what I want in a relationship, what I want for my future, what's important to me, and all that shit they ask in personality tests, but I really don't know. I don't think I know myself at all. I don't really know how to expand upon what the title says, so go for it. How well do you know yourself?
I'm an expert. I've always known what kind of a person I am and what I want. I never doubt myself.
I know myself inside and out. I am so self-aware that it is probably a little insane. Believe me, I am full aware of what an ass I can be, how selfish I can be, how much of a know-it-all.. I'm a liar (mostly white lies to make people feel good, or spare them the truth, but I've also lied for personal gain). I'm incredibly intelligent. Just intelligent enough to know how ignorant I am. I am hopelessly addicted to Opiates, and I don't foresee a future on this Earth where I am not on some sort of opiate maintenance and I bounce back and forth between complete acceptance and very dark thoughts. I know what I love: great and stimulating conversation, music and art created with soul, brunettes with tight asses and firm, tight, little titties, cats, hiking, and above all a good story. What I hate most about myself would be my mental disabilities, which are made ever the more present by my hyper-self-consciousness. Also, I hate authority of all kind and believe in an Anarchy Government system, with instead of monster cities what would be ideally self governed (with no leader, only a speaker) communes. Barter would be used rather than an imaginary currency printed by a private bank. Most of my friends just use me. I keep most of my friends primarily to use them. I hate hypocrisy; I am a hypocrite. Okay, I'm done with this.
Knowing oneself comes with time/experience, generally... But many never get there. I think many addicts, like myself, have a degree of awareness that borderlines upon insanity, depending upon one's personal definition: but who wants to be mentally unstable or to be perceived that way??? Most people fake self-awareness due to fear of reprisal from others. If YOU don't know yourself, then who can?
I didn't really start to truly know myself until after I turned 25. I still have occassional thoughts of self-doubt and huge decisions to mull over but that's life, I guess. For me, I define myself by what I want to accomplish/what I want out of life.
Knowing myself is a continual process, it is iterative. I know myself well enough to be open-minded to change. I follow a set of critical thinking skills as much as I can, to facilitate my knowledge; of self, of others, and the universe :)

For an idea of what I mean by strong sense critical thinking, see: Critical Thinking
In one sense, quite well, but in another, quite poorly:

I know myself well in having a pretty clear and systematized inventory of my proclivities, characteristics, etc. and how they relate to my behavior and goals, and pretty often a causal account of how I came to exhibit such attributes. I know myself poorly in that I harbor certain inclinations that lack clear bases in competent management of thought, emotion, and/or behavior. Or sometimes I'll have a causal account of some such inclination, but it will stand at odds with systematic pursuit of what I value.

So I sorta know myself. :p

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i havent got much of a clue who i am

still trying to run away from myself

but getting tired
In one sense, quite well, but in another, quite poorly:

I know myself well in having a pretty clear and systematized inventory of my proclivities, characteristics, etc. and how they relate to my behavior and goals, and pretty often a causal account of how I came to exhibit such attributes. I know myself poorly in that I harbor certain inclinations that either lack clear bases in competent management of thought, emotion, and/or behavior. Or sometimes I'll have a causal account of some such inclination, but it will stand at odds with systematic pursuit of what I value.

So I sorta know myself. :p

As always, well articulated, @ebola? :)
I didn't really start to truly know myself until after I turned 25. I still have occassional thoughts of self-doubt and huge decisions to mull over but that's life, I guess. For me, I define myself by what I want to accomplish/what I want out of life.

+ 1. Imo, experiences etc can make you change as well so I'd say that I am ever changing depending on the circumstances I have encountered etc.
Those personality tests are often messed up. I mean, people change. People's opinions change. You're bound to feel different on different days but that doesn't mean you're a different person or you don't know yourself.

I think I know myself pretty well but there is always more to learn!!! :)
self consciousness makes me choke and dysfunction, so i try to avoid too much self reflection these days. all i pay attention to are how others receive me. if i do or say something to upset or annoy, i try to adjust to avoid it. however, like i said, i don't try to reflect, so these are just the thoughts which currently spring to mind. i might not do that all the time.

i see no value in categorising or labelling your own personality.
And I'm trying to understand myself and pinpoint who I am
When I finally get it figured out, I've changed the whole damn plan

Changed my mind so much I can't even trust it
My mind changed me so much
I can't even trust myself
I know myself pretty well. In general I'm an insecure person, unsure about some things, but I do *know* those characteristics about myself.

I'm also impulsive, spontaneous, and at times unpredictable. Anxiety plays at least a small part. While these qualities are not positive, I can depend on them. :|

Reading ebola's above post in this thread made a lot of sense to me.
Pretty we'll, I suppose. I can't predict how I'll respond to everything, but I have a basic consistent observable thread through my decision making. Even how my thoughts respond to things are quite consistent now, which is a relief in adulthood. There used to be my constant temper and drugs which were getting their way in my life, but now it's just an annual temper shebang and controllable non-habits. I don't know what the future holds for me nor do I have any long term plans, but I have an idea of what makes me happy in the bigger picture sense.

My mind only careens out of control when I'm not eating well or exercising, not even drugs send it off the way those two can. Sadness or vitriol and stuff like that, but generally I'm within bounds of a person I can be happy to be
I know myself very well though. I'm a shy type person but friendly when someone knows me :)
have you shaken hands with yourself
but it wasn't you it was
not me
i don't take meth i don't scream i don't get dropped off in a freakass fuck like a groupie without a name
sunshine mccain
bullshit lo mein
you lie to seem sane
i was a fraction of a dream
3 days in
i saw myself with ugly skin
i see myself
ugly as sin
sin sin sin sin
skin bin
in the skin bin