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how to smuggle 5-6 pills thru an international airport? thought of taping to body..

Just be cool. The chance of you being serched is extreamly unlikely. I have travelled between Africa, Europe and the US many times and though I was never carring pills, I have never been serched or even questioned. Keep them on you though because one never knows what happens to the bags you check through.
Where are you off to? We are all trusting it is not some hard core anti drug country.
Hard House & E. Yes please!!
[This message has been edited by fast a (edited 06 August 2001).]

they dont care much...
Infinity, if someone else had posted this thread you'd have shot them down for being so stupid to think they could smuggle dreugs through a busy airport and not get caught (duh).
hmm.. no idea why you think that..
if i wouldnt agree with it, i wouldnt post it myself
[This message has been edited by infinity (edited 06 August 2001).]
I don't know what's more stupid - trying to smuggle pills into ibiza or worrying about finding them there?
when a sniffer dog smells *insert drug here* through a snap lock bag its usualy only very fine residue left on the outside of the baggie or the locking divise or even residue on your fingers if you havnt washed yet. its easy to avoid just use NEW snap lock bags and put them inside several layers of baggies, and you should be alright!
hey there. Obviously you have some good answers here. When I did it, I did the prescription med bottle filled with other legit pills that were the same size/color as the e. Worked fine. I just wanted to mention something else: I have had my luggage blacklight scanned for residue. They rub it down with something that smells like acetone and place it under a blacklight. This was the only time I got really nervous at customs. My knees were shaking so badly, I just thought that everyone could tell I was buckling under pressure. They asked me tons of questions, let the dogs roam all around me and just kept scanning and scanning, but in the end - nothing. Maybe you should vaccuum the outside of your bags? Has anybody else ever heard of this? I found it very odd. I was leavig LA - international flight.
it's not like me to voice a strong opinion but i can't believe you're willing to risk a very long time in prison for the sake of 5-6 pills... you're going to IBIZA??? get 'em there... easy peasy. it really is, i've been. i can tell you where to go if you like only i don't think that sort of things allowed on this board is it?
anyway, don't do it, it aint worth it.
"work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, dance like nobody's watching"
Yeah Infinity - Just buy a tester and buy pills in Ibiza.. meet some people and im sure you know who you can trust..
Anyways the airports in the baleric islands are not like major airports (frankfurt, heathrow etc) they are allot smaller and the security isnt as tight so im sure you can do it..
I was on a school trip in paris last december and we brought back Hash from Charless De Gaulle to Dublin Intl.
this girl put it in her top and nothin was said.. it could have been pills and nothing would have happened..
Just make sure to dress well etc. and when customs officers ask you those questions be mad polite and all that, you should be fine..
Untimetly its your call tho, have fun & best of luck!
I don't know what's more stupid - trying to smuggle pills into ibiza or worrying about finding them there?
sinthetic, i agree that finding pills there is not an issue - though there is a big chance of getting bunk stuff (telling some spanish guy i want to use my ez-test to see if the pills are mdma wont be that easy for me - and i dont know how they will react) and paying high prices... and i can get busted there too..
if i take my stuff, i know i have the real deal at a nice price.
On an atomic level, 10^23 is not a big difference.
DJDannyUhOh: 1 molocule & 602300000000000000000000 (6.023 * 10^23)
molocules is a big differance, especialy at the atomic level.
make friends with peeps, dammit! hang out, be social, meet some locals, meet some brits, meet some spaniards, meet some GERMANS! you're going on holiday man. the best part of hanging in new countries, especially party towns, is meeting new peeps and partying with them!!!!!!!!
finding shtuff should not be that big of an issue. don't risk taking sand to the beach
How about wrapping it around on the top of your penis and let your foreskin cover the rest, then when you get on the plane unload there? just a suggestion since alot of ppl do crazy stuff to smuggle drugs overseas
My $0.02:
#1 You have no rights at international borders. You can be strip searched at random (this happened to a friend of mine in Vancouver).
#2 Dogs must be given an order to sniff a bag. They dont just sit there picking scents out of the air. Thats why on your body is the best bet.
#3 There is a 99% chance that you will get away with it and a 1% chance that your life will be seriously fucked.
99% doesn't sound too bad... i wouldnt even call it a risk - looks fool proof
and K3, i agree, people do lots of crazy stuff.. i.e. swallow condoms filled with drugs (which rip on the plane and they fuck up)
Can't quite believe you want to take pills to Ibiza - how 'bout: buy a small amount of pills, then test them in your hotel - if they are duds you've lost a bit of money, but it's better than being caught in possession. Or, try to convince the dealers to let you test them.
If you have to go thru customs, what about swallowing a condom? Even if it burst, you'd only get 5-6 pills worth of MDMA, which would fuck you up but hardly kill you - right?
1) Don't do it
2) Not worth it
3) Getting drugs in Ibiza (involuntary shudder) would be about as hard as walking into any local cafe, and saying, in your obviously excellent english- "Do you know where i can get some e's". Take directions, buy a pill at the extremely low price offered, test it, and come back for more if they are good.
4) Repeat process.
And smuggling pills through international borders is ridiculous unless you are smuggling enough to make the risk worthwhile, ie SHITLOADS.
Dont be a fool.