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How to save lots of money on cigarettes if you choose to smoke.....


Oct 8, 2010
I'm not sure if this is the right place for this thread, but here goes....

I've been smoking for probably too long now, and am not ready to quit yet, but I do not like paying $6-$7 for a pack of cigarettes, so I tried to find a way to save money, so I could spend it on better things, other than smoking. But I did not want to roll cigarettes by hand with simple rolling papers.

So I discovered another way to go. You can buy what are called "filter tubes", which are simply empty cigarettes, with no tobacco, with a filter. They come in boxes of 200-250, and sell for around $2-$4 per box.

Then you buy loose tobacco. But here's the rub....... Obama found out about people rolling their own, and decided to add a huge new tax on loose cigarette tobacco about 1.5 years ago. The new tax is about $23 per pound of tobacco, but it was only like $1.50 before. But the tobacco companies have found a way around that tax. Obama did not add a new tax on pipe tobacco, as the pipe tobacco tax is only like $2.50 per pound. So the companies that previously made loose cigarette tobacco simply started grinding the cigarette tobacco a little more coarsely, and labeled it either "pipe tobacco" or "dual purpose tobacco", but its still exactly the same cigarette tobacco as before.
You can still get regular, loose cigarette tobacco as well, but its taxed at $23 per pound making it expensive, so its best to buy the dual purpose, or bogus-ly labeled pipe tobacco. Just dont make the mistake of buying actual pipe tobacco, which is not made for making cigarettes.

There are many, many brands and blends of this "dual purpose" tobacco. They sell for around $14 - $20 per pound, which makes about 400+ cigarettes.

Then you need an injector machine, which injects the tobacco into the filter tube. These can be bought in 2 types. The cheaper, smaller plastic ones for $5-$12, or the larger, more permanent types for about $30-$55. They all make only one cigarette at a time, except for one model, which is called the "Premier Supermatic Twin". It makes 2 cigarettes at a time. It is the model I bought, and it costs $10-$12.

This is how my machine works. All you do is open the top of the injector machine, place some tobacco into the slot inside, insert 2 empty filter tubes, close the top, slide the top of the machine to the right and back, then open the top and remove the finished cigarettes.

I have tried several brands of tobacco and several different filter tubes, and once you decide upon which combination you like, they are easily as good as premium store bought brands, at a small fraction of the price.

I've been making my own for about $9.50 - $11.50 per carton(200 cigs). Compare that with $54 - $60 per carton for store bought brands!

I also smoke menthols, and most companies make menthol tobacco and menthol filter tubes. But if you like a mild menthol flavor like a Newport, you should mix either 1. menthol tobacco with full flavor(non menthol) filter tubes, or 2. full flavor, non menthol tobacco with menthol filter tubes
If you mix both menthol tubes with menthol tobacco, you'll get a really strong menthol flavor like a Kool.....

Anyway, this is a great way to save lots of cash if you smoke, which can be spent on something more healthy, so this thread is kind of "harm preventing", if you consider wasting money to be harmful......
thanks for the tip.. this will probably get moved-
but i am gonna try this just for the hell of it next time i go to buy a carton. but i will get a carton also just in case i dont like it.
A very nice thread CharlestheHammer.

I don't think it fits in OD very well so I'm going to send it over to North and South America as it is pretty region specific with the prices and Obama and such. DC is the either option I guess but we'll see how the location forum works out first.

Cut costs,feel better,or all together quit

Try a good quality E-cig. initial investment will run about $100-$150 but after that you are looking at $15 bucks for about 8-10 cartons. seriously. I just did some researching and finally decided on a brand that was consistently in the top 10 best rated E-cigs from many different sources. I got mine this past September for my 34th birthday. I have been smoking-a true "smoker" not a "social smoker" or an "only if i drink" smoker,I mean a minimum of a pack a day for 18 years.Now a few drags of vaporized water and liquid nicotine a day for the past 6 months and I feel like a new woman.
Now that I have invested in an E-cig,my olfactory sense now works,my taste buds seem to be more sensitives ,My clothes and living areas don't smell like stale smoke, I have clear lungs-no coughing and hacking up black shit all the time,less sinus infections(so far,I have always been prone to them),and I just feel healthier overall. For anyone who wants to save some serious cash,cut back or kick the habit for good I highly recommend you look into the amazing ELECTRONIC CIGARETTE.
I dunno in the states but in Canada you can go the reserves/land area for first nations peoples and get tax free smokes. You can buy smokes probably the same hand rolled in a bag for cheap.

I find bag tobacco / rollies gruesome though. Cigs with name brand taste way better.
^^word! i will definitely get a nice post started for that. i have posted about E-cigs in a couple of other threads.i have been wondering if a thread was gonna turn up. i should have started one 6 months ago when I first got mine. thanks for the heads up and the link to the thread.
I personally roll DRUM tobacco, super smooth European taste, went from Marb Reds to this and whoa...now I'm driving my AMG not feelin' like such a cowboy anymore! My mom rolls her "All natural" American Spirits cigs as well. It's the way to go, super cheap and if you have to roll your own you'll start to notice you smoke a little bit less.....at least thats what I've experienced. E-cigs are the next alternative, though vaporizers, the fluid, filters, etc. It's not super economical yet however check this out Precise 10440 By Super T Manufacturing Now.....that might just make me want to get into e-cigs.......8o talk about classy and friggen slick.

On another note I spend $30 per 150g (5.29oz.) of Drum tobacco. Most are around that mark and I get usually a bit more than a carton out of it but most people don't realize the difference between cigg tobacco and pipe tobacco. Apparently the leaves are cut a bit wider for the pipe but they have "Dual-purpose, alternative" tobacco that runs for $15USD a POUND (16oz) and apparently if you have a decent injecting machine the leaf heft isn't an issue. Anyone interested, Read On! I guarentee with a bit of mixing and matching you could have yourself a very very lucrative black market scheme going on, whilst adding some nice tasting and smelling herbs and whatnot into the mix! remings me of my dokah....anyone looking for a deadly nicotine buzz like the first time you smoked hookah (as a non smoker) and stood up look no further than dokah tobacco smoked from a traditional medwakh. More on that here: Medwakh Starter Kits! Youtube it.....almost no one knows about this stuff. My cousins go to a boarding school in Switzerland, they always open me up to these worldly things.

As quoted from ryocig:
FYI: This dual purpose tobacco is a highly recommended low-cost alternative to the standard cigarette tobacco. "Dual Purpose Tobacco" is also called "Alternative Tobacco" and "Pipe Cut Tobacco." "Pipe-cut" pipe tobacco is the same as cigarette tobacco, with exception to the leaf being cut a little wider. Dual purpose pipe-cut tobacco works well with all of our cigarette machines and cigarette tubes.
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I started doing this at the beginning of the year since paying $10 a pack for American Spirits in Chicago is just too ridiculous. I'm super cheap and roll OHM "pipe" tobacco, which costs about $16 a pound. Unbelievably cheap. And the stuff isn't bad - coming from smoking American Spirits, the switch to OHM Natural was totally doable.
You can go online and buy shit from the Philippines. Its a lot less effort, a bit more expensive, so it will run you about 4-5 bucks a pack, but its the regular brands.
I dunno in the states but in Canada you can go the reserves/land area for first nations peoples and get tax free smokes. You can buy smokes probably the same hand rolled in a bag for cheap.

I find bag tobacco / rollies gruesome though. Cigs with name brand taste way better.

The bag tobacco is GROSSSSS! My room mate and me used to smoke a ton and sell cigarettes, so we had our fair share of those injected cigs. They just don't compare to brand name cigarettes. Whenever I go to canada I pick up a few cartoons of cigs on my way back. They cost me about $20 per carton if I buy american brand cigarettes, because I am an American.
E-Cigs are fuckin awful, they contain chemicals like ethylene glycol (anti-freeze) and some other one tetra something that causes brain damage with long term exposure, im pretty sure theyre just as bad if not worse than regular cigs.
Lol I hardly smoke, usually I pick up a overly price pack of newports then won't smoke for a few weeks or months. I'm happy I don't have to go through the hassle of making my own cigarettes or figuring out ways to save money on the shit but this is a good idea.
E-Cigs are fuckin awful, they contain chemicals like ethylene glycol (anti-freeze) and some other one tetra something that causes brain damage with long term exposure, im pretty sure theyre just as bad if not worse than regular cigs.

well i was thinkiing of grabbin one of these things for my mom cause shes been smokin for so long and i want to see her quit but after you posted that its got e second guessin
my boy does the same thing and sells them

Funny you mention that but that was a common way to make cash back in school for us. Just roll your own and sell them to people who can't buy ciggs or get people to buy them for them.

It was a good way to save cash here until the price of a pouch of baccy went from about $15 to almost $30 Canadian. It's still cheaper then buying packs of ciggs but it's certainly not cheap. Rolled ciggs do taste better though in my opinion though atleast if you get good baccy and tubes.

I dunno in the states but in Canada you can go the reserves/land area for first nations peoples and get tax free smokes. You can buy smokes probably the same hand rolled in a bag for cheap.

I find bag tobacco / rollies gruesome though. Cigs with name brand taste way better.

Also if you live on the east coast of Canada or slightly off the east coast as i do there is a certain island under French control that has very cheap ciggs. Sadly they have gotten way more strict lately with the whole smuggling thing. Fucking cunts :p
I tried those before, you can also get a machine that aids in packing the tobacco in the tube. I found it works best shred the loose tobacco a little more with scissors beforehand. Anyway here in NY we have indian reservations that sell noname brands for 20-40 a carton.
Try smoking pipe tobacco from a corn cob pipe... Pretty cheap if you ask me. I like to put 1\4th weed and the rest tobacco. Pipe smoking tobacco is alot different than weed so your going to have to learn how to do it properly but its nice to sit and puff away once you get it down.