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How to handle auditory hallucinations?


Oct 26, 2014
So when ever I take psychedelics I always feel like I could handle the visuals and the mindfuck, in fact the visuals never get too intense for me, even when I can see a meter in front of me. But the auditory hallucinations always scare the fuck out of me, they get really annoying and sometimes really scary in nature especially on shrooms. I think the reason is, is because I can't tell whats real and fake audio wise, with visuals I can always tell apart reality and hallucinations. I think that's why auditory hallucinations scare me so much.

Any suggestions on how to better handle the auditory hallucincation or even to make the less intense like, another drug, or a method you guys found that work. Any suggestions at all would be greatly appreciated.
For mushrooms at least, you're pretty well fucked man. They more or less stop you from being able to filter the relevant incoming sensory input from the irrelevant - in the cause of auditory input, you're forced to pay attention to ALL the sounds, rather than say just the voice of the person in front of you.
Very true Trozzle. Auditory hallucinations have always made me uncomfortable as well. Visuals seem easier to control or flow with whereas auditory for me has always seemed forced making the experience seem inescapable. It is times like these you just have to try and let go, as PotatoMan suggested or put on some soft tunes.
Yes, with the visuals I knew the difference. One could wear semi medium ear plugs to muffle it perhaps. I wear those regardless as I have audio hallucinations as is…. at night
Mushrooms were always my favorite tho, over the acid and mescaline synthetics. Good point about relaxing music, if at home anyways…. would muffle out the other noises somewhat.
I learned about how much the filter-removal effect of mushrooms can fuck with your head when it comes to auditory distortions etc when I thought it was a good idea to venture out nightclubbing on roughly 8g dried cubensis.

My god. Before the club got busy it was actually really interesting. I'd be standing up in the back corner where the lighting control dude I know was set up, and given the club was quite empty as it was only just after 10pm, I could hear every single group's conversations. Not clearly, coz I couldn't focus on any single one of them, but all of them drilling my mind at once haha.

Had to abort mission and bail home shortly after midnight though. I couldn't string a sensible sentence together in my head, let alone get one out of my mouth. Bit overwhelming having your consciousness bombarded by every sound in the room at once.
Sounds very overwhelmingly indeed. I couldn't imagine eating over a quarter of mushrooms and going anywhere but my couch!
Natural hard head tolerance, combined with having tripped the weekend prior as well. Would equate it to about 5g without. Still wasn't the wisest haha...I was relatively fine until I HAD to converse with someone. Then I was screwed. Just sat there blankly until I could manage a few words lol
if you are in your home, try unplugging electronics like computers and unnecessary lights. these sounds can get quite annoying.
if all else fails, just preocupy your mind with something else as much as possible and you will probably just forget about it.
LSD does this to me big time... for some reason it my ears extremely sensitive to the air currents. Sometimes it can get annoying but loud music drowns it right out.

Weed and beer are always helpful.
So when ever I take psychedelics I always feel like I could handle the visuals and the mindfuck, in fact the visuals never get too intense for me, even when I can see a meter in front of me. But the auditory hallucinations always scare the fuck out of me, they get really annoying and sometimes really scary in nature especially on shrooms. I think the reason is, is because I can't tell whats real and fake audio wise, with visuals I can always tell apart reality and hallucinations. I think that's why auditory hallucinations scare me so much.

Any suggestions on how to better handle the auditory hallucincation or even to make the less intense like, another drug, or a method you guys found that work. Any suggestions at all would be greatly appreciated.

If you can't tell them apart, how do you know which sounds freak you out and which don't :p?

I don't really get them much from classical psychedelics. MXE can give me some pretty weird audio hallucinations though. White noise will turn into music coming from somewhere far and sometimes I hear people talking (nonsense words). It freaked me out the first few times.

Like with other things on psychedelics, if you don't like a certain effect there is two ways to go about it. One is to distract yourself from it by focusing on something else (ie. visuals, conversation, change of music, etc). The other is to completely envelop yourself in it. The last time on MXE I was hearing things I walked over to my speakers to see if I could tell whether they were somehow making the music I was hearing or not. Spent a long time standing around there trying to figure it out. Then walked to the other side of the room to check the other speaker. Kind of fun really :p.
The only auditory hallucinations that make me really uncomfortable is the whispering. Oh god it's creepy as hell and hard to handle because it usually only happens when I've taken A LOT of psyches
Yeah I get the whispering as well, but for me its mostly very repetitive low frequency white noise, kinda like a motorcycle engine. What I hate most about it is, it starts to sound like a voice after a while, and low frequency makes it sound demonic fucking freaks the shit out me. I find it much more tolerable on lsd the on shrooms
The only auditory hallucinations that make me really uncomfortable is the whispering. Oh god it's creepy as hell and hard to handle because it usually only happens when I've taken A LOT of psyches
I get that as well occasionally on high doses of LSD. I can never understand any of it though - it's all gibberish. But it's not nice either. Music is the best remedy.

Some of the auditory distortions I get while tripping are pretty cool... listening to music is always an absolute must. Despite all the weirdness, I do find they augment my hearing.
I learned about how much the filter-removal effect of mushrooms can fuck with your head when it comes to auditory distortions etc when I thought it was a good idea to venture out nightclubbing on roughly 8g dried cubensis.

My god. Before the club got busy it was actually really interesting. I'd be standing up in the back corner where the lighting control dude I know was set up, and given the club was quite empty as it was only just after 10pm, I could hear every single group's conversations. Not clearly, coz I couldn't focus on any single one of them, but all of them drilling my mind at once haha.

Had to abort mission and bail home shortly after midnight though. I couldn't string a sensible sentence together in my head, let alone get one out of my mouth. Bit overwhelming having your consciousness bombarded by every sound in the room at once.

Glad i read this haha, brought back a very similar experience i had on 2 hits of LSD 5 years or so back. I was sitting in the courtyard of a friend's house with about 8 or 10 other people, intently listening to one person talk. Suddenly it was like someone flicked a switch inside my head and i was simultaneously hearing/comprehending each conversation with no filter whatsoever! Very strange stuff.

In regards to OP, i have always found auditory hallucinations irrationally unsettling as well. Mine generally tend to manifest as watery noises and slurps, or voices transitioning from being voices to watery noises. As others have said, just ignore them- focusing on them will probably just make you concerned about them, and there is not really anything to be concerned about. I for one find them strange because i do not typically experience them on LSD which is the psychedelic i most accustomed to. So many the time i tried DOB- did not really mix well with the duration of the experience but was overall pleasant.
Auditory hallucinations never really set me off. The waaa waaa waaa waaaaaaa buzzy sound comes to mind because often on an intense peak it was present. I would tend to think if they are truly unsettling having some earphones and a good music set ready to go would ease the strangeness of them.

MDMA always made me interpret almost all backround noise as a kind of techy beat.

I talked to a dog once... well not really.... it talked to me and told me "you look like other dogs" this oddly enough didn't freak me out at all if anything it helped me find my wolf like spirit center during my one and only bad trip.

I have often felt though that I could write a fantastic ghost story or graphic novel while on a high dose because of the whispers as some have noted. It is creepy, but I never feel freaked out instead I want to know what my brain is trying to tell me.

I have made out a few things like ......when all the world is cold and quiet .....
Auditory hallucinations scared the fuck out of me the first time I tripped!!! It sounded like I was in a cave with water dripping and leaves crackling far away...you gotta learn to enjoy it lol. I think your mind just picks up on minor sounds in the atmosphere and intensifies the hell out of em. Peace broski
Yeah but like if u start hearing people talk to..like realistically..stop doing this shit..pschizo type shit
You make me jealous: I've never had auditory "hallucinations" ever on psychedelics or otherwise, and I've found it very hard to get even 3-D open eyed visuals on heavy shrooms.

What I do get sometimes on shrooms or acid, is major aural amplification. It creeps me out that I can walk down an avenue with heavy motor traffic and still hear the people on the cafe tables the other side of the avenue talking.
And I ain't hallucinating their talking, that shit is much too real to be imagined.