• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

HOW TO GIVE (and possibly cure) YOURSELF FROM PARKINSON'S : Theory of a Dead Man

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Oct 2, 2016
1. A dopamine agonist (adderal works well here)
3. Monosodium Glutamate (any form - I used Taco Bell's deliciously-toxic meat which is full of autolyzed yeast)
5. The will-power to fast for 18-24 hours
6. Insomnia

Begin with the fast around 7pm: Im talking nothing but water (or alcohol) for 18-24 hours. I mean it. Not even a nibble of a crouton. You really want to starve your brain for as long as possible.

Take an adderal around 10pm - depending on your tolerance, I recommend anywhere from 20-30 mg. Being legal amphetamine, Adderal really rocks your neurotransmitters with a one-two punch. Not only does it force the pre-synaptic neuron to release its dopamine, it also acts as a reuptake inhibitor, keeping the same neuron from sucking it all back up. Like a real meth head, you're really getting that dopamine flowing in your synapses, yo.

Next: DONT SLEEP - I mean it. Stay awake through the entire night. Not even a snooze. The adderal helps here. Also netflix binging all seasons of "Breaking Bad" seems appropriate.

After a long night of watching Walter White scamper about the New Mexico desert in his underwear (no ones judging you), take another adderal around 7am. Between the adderal and lack of sleep, your pre-synaptic neurons should be releasing dopamine faster than you can say "Why am I purposely giving myself a neurodegenerative disease LOL?" You're doing it because all the cool kids are, and because Michael J. Fox once said "To cure a disease, you first must understand what causes it." Great Scott Marty, you're right!

We are at the homestretch now - keep your focus. You should feel wide awake at this point, either from the adderal or my sweet MJF quotes. And by now your brain knows somethings up as its pulling all the energy from anything it still has left in storage. Don't give in now! You're almost there champ!

Now, grab your favorite source of MSG - Chinese buffets are notorious sprinkling this delicious chemical over everything, coining the phrase "Chinese Restaurant Syndrome" (https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/001126.htm). Again, my weapon of choice was Taco Bell. But really, anything that has a high level of Monosodium Glutamine works here. Its your brain damage: Have fun with it.

Around 4:30pm, after 18-24 hours of lack of sleep and fasting, stuff your face with the delicious MSG and enjoy the next hellish chapter of your life! Welcome to the world of Neurodegenerative brain damage. The fun part comes next.

The vicious headache that will immediately follow is what science calls a "glutamate storm". Make sure you're around a toilet, because your body will immediately try and puke out the entire helping of Taco Bell/General Tso's Moo Goo Gai Pan/etc. Right now your neurons are literally being "excited" to death by the glutamate-causing-excitotoxicity you so foolishly introduced by listening to some stranger on the internet. Your brain will feel like its on fire. You'll pray for death as the pain becomes unbearable. Youll want to scream and cry at the same time. It will feel like someone released a thousand fire ants armed with ghost peppers between your ears. It's like Nickelback on repeat.

Your great grandma took her entire life to get this much brain damage. You did it in only (insert number of years alive here). Rock on, bro.

Because science, baby. And because on 6/9/16, it worked for me (tiny violin playing).

The key thing at work here is "Glutamate Excitotoxicity", and it just caused a forest fire throughout your neurons. As your brain starves for an energy source from your fast, it will immediately send anything that comes through your gullet straight to its greedy, obsessed self (turns out my brain and my ex have something in common). This essentially gives the MSG a unobstructed trip straight from your stomach to your brain, and a free pass through the oh-so-important Blood Brain Barrier. Seriously, your brain becomes more desperate than your creepy 38-year-old aunt on Tinder. And that combination of adderal and fasting we did earlier? Dopamine is neuro-protective within the neuron. And while dopamine resides within the neuron, its protected against damage from glutamate. However, the adderal and insomnia (which causes the body to naturally increase dopamine as well) released your stores of dopamine and depleted it, leaving your neurons vulnerable to attack(http://www.sfn.org/Press-Room/News-...s-Night-Increases-Dopamine-in-the-Human-Brain). So when the free pool of glutamate increases, the NMDA receptor gets over-loaded, resulting in a massive influx of calcium ions. This excitotoxic cascade then triggers various inflammatory and cell-destructive enzyme reactions, resulting in neurotoxicity and cell death. (https://metabolichealing.com/glutam...ain-the-nervous-system-nutritional-solutions/).

If you almost fell asleep reading this last paragraph, know that I almost fell asleep writing it.

What did that all mean in plain english? You basically brought down your brains' natural defenses, and then attacked it full force with a neuro-toxin, yo. No give-zies back-zies!

Ive spent the last 7 months of my life in a downward spiral. This will literally deplete all your neurotransmitters instantly, and throw you in the deepest, darkest depression you can imagine. I struggled with all the symptoms of Parkinson's (depression, tremors, inability to sleep, blurred vision, brain fog, memory loss, etc.) I lost all my close friends, lost my girlfriend of over a year whom I loved very much, ruined a budding-career at a great company, and moved from a luxury high-rise and into a bug-infested garage of a guy I met on Craigslist (tiny violin begins playing again).


Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, neurologist, scientist, or any of the other cool sounding professions that normally deal with these kinds of hypothesis-thingys. My biggest accomplishment in life was beating Halo on Lengendary back in college (hold your applause, ladies). But after I lost everything, I was free to do anything. And what I did was study. I read all I could a hold of: About how the brain worked, what causes Neurodegenerative diseases, what could be done about these diseases, and what I could do to become "normal" again. All my research led me to one belief: The government doesn't give a sh*t about us. The government, through the far-reaching greedy hands of food lobbyists, allows MSG, aspartame (think Micheal J Fox and diet coke in the 80's) and other toxins to be put in our food to make us sick: Only to make more money off of us on the back end as we're "treated" for these neurodegenerative diseases. Currently, the most popular drug for Parkinson's is Levodopa, which has been used since the 60's. The phone in my pocket can literally access all the information in the world, stalk my ex on Facebook, and watch a cute puppy video all within a few clicks, and were still treating Parkinson's with the crap we found in the 60's? I call bullsh*t. Ive been trying this method for only a few weeks, and my brain has slowly come back alive (actually almost better than before in some way). The depression/brain fog has lifted, my sleep is slowly coming back, and I'm feeling more like my old self again.

So my theory is this: Starve your brain for energy, and whatever you eat will be sent straight to the brain first. The same method that gave me brain damage can be used to reverse said brain damage. A term i've coined "Catapulting" (don't steal it or I swear I'll sue) is sending toxins (or nutrients) directly to the brain by bypassing its natural defenses. The Blood-Brain Barrier is the gatekeeper to our most precious organ, but I've found that under the right circumstances, the BBB can be bypassed as long as you force your brain to become desperate for energy. Remember the movie Independence day when they couldn't destroy the evil alien ships until dropping it's shields? Just like that.

So say this theory of "Catapulting" works. Doctors have struggled for years to treat brain tumors because the Blood Brain Barrier blocks the chemo (http://www.cancerresearchuk.org/abo.../chemotherapy/about-brain-tumour-chemotherapy). My next challenge was finding the right "antidote" to send in to fix the damage done by MSG. I doubted this substance even existed, and if it did exist, it would be so guarded and patented by greedy big-pharma that I would never be able to try it. But alas my friends, I may have found the answer in something they couldn't patent.
MSG is not neurotoxic when administered orally or even IV, it needs to be delivered directly to the brain/CSF in absurdly high concentrations for toxicity to manifest. Besides, MSG (in the form of free glutamate anions plus sodium cations) is present naturally in all sorts of stuff, from tomatos to soya sauce to soup broths to eggs. When is the last time you have heard someone claim that a bowl of chicken noodle soup is a neurotoxin?

Chinese restaraunt syndrome has not been conclusively linked to glutamate ingestion either, it's way more likely to be a consequence of ingesting larger amounts of calorie-rich/greasy/salty food than you would normally consume. Placebo controlled studies show that negative symptoms are not reproducible and are also absent when challenged with food (e.g. people can tell the difference between ingesting pure MSG veruss placebo, but not determining if their food has MSG)[ref] Even drinking a concentrated bolus of 10 grams of MSG in water does not produce blood levels high enough to cause worry.[ref] Glutamic acid is actually synthesized by your body and is required to be present for proteins to be made correctly.

This essentially gives the MSG a unobstructed trip straight from your stomach to your brain, and a free pass through the oh-so-important Blood Brain Barrier. [...] The Blood-Brain Barrier is the gatekeeper to our most precious organ, but I've found that under the right circumstances, the BBB can be bypassed as long as you force your brain to become desperate for energy.

Uh, no. MSG is too polar to diffuse through the BBB on its own, and transport protiens can only move so much across the BBB in comparison. If it were really as simple as just fasting to "disable" the BBB then there would be a lot more strange medical complications during Ramadan. Also: you missed the whole part about toxic levels of MSG not being attainable in humans.

If you had really managed to give yourself glutamate excitotoxicity, it manifests as long, uncontrollable grand mal seizures, BTW. You wouldn't be writing a post on the internet, that's for sure.

Also, Parkinsons is a degenerative disease - you can't toggle it on and off. It's not like a common cold, where you get it and then it maybe goes away later. It's caused by physical death and loss of function of nerve cells. And if it were as simple as eating some Chinese food after a 24-houra amphetamine binge then the New England Journal of medicine would like you to submit your manuscript, with MRI/FMRI/PET/CT scans to support. (You do, of course, have CT scans or fMRI data to prove your claims, right?)

And, uhhhh... getting sick to your stomach after your Chinese binge? That's a normal response when you eat a heavy meal on an empty stomach after taking a bunch of appetite suppressants.

This thread is going to be closed soon: it serves no harm-reduction purpose.
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