• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

How to End All Leading Causes of Death in a Way That Profits Everyone

free solar panels? who will make them though. What if there isnt much sunlight where you live. what if you need electricity at night.
If you knock out a single contributing factor to a patient's death, the patient lives - as all factors had to be present in the continuity of the patient's life leading to the patient's death.

Junkfood is the single biggest contributing factor to numerous deadly illnesses. If they simply use resources used to make junkfood into feed for livestock or fuel for cars and industry instead, the problem is solved. Also, simply ratioing the portion sizes correctly could prevent obesity: just one bag of chips coming in at 2000-3000 calories is the caloric equivalent to 7 or 8 king size candy/chocolate bars or items, which usually sit around 400 calories a package. You can buy these at the dollar store - and it really seems like you're eating a lot (that's because you are, but previously you didn't realize it), but the truth is the person is just finally conscious now of that fact. So if you're Hell bent on eating junkfood, I'd advise getting it from the dollar store where the items are deceptively portioned (you think you're getting a lot, 'king size' etc, but you're actually not eating that much) - and deceptively priced, as 7-8 junkfood items at the dollar store makes them 7 or 8 dollars, where as the big bag of chips from the gas station or grocery store only costs 3 to 4 dollars. So they're also making more money, while the person thinks they're spending less and also more calorie-conscious of their choices.

Smoking is also the biggest contributing factor to lung disease, but I agree with you there are other pollutants/contaminants that need to be minimized.

Electricity as a cause of illness has been hugely ignored and unaddressed in the United States. In Europe, anything emitting more than 57 μT is illegal, as that will eventually be lethal in a matter of years. Higher μT levels result in death in a matter of months, to weeks, even hours, minutes, or death in seconds. If, for example, someone fell asleep with their head resting on an old radiator having a μT level of 140 (DO NOT TRY THIS), they would awake very, very sick, and death would result in days if they continued doing this.

Anything above 60μT is basically someplace you're going to want to get moving on from soon. Interestingly, there's usually just something telling a person that naturally.

Anything above 80μT is lethal in months/weeks/days,
anything above 90μT is lethal in weeks/days/hours
anything above 100μT is lethal in days/hours/minutes/seconds.

This would be if, say, high voltage power lines for the entire block or city ran right outside your bedroom window. These types of locations (typically low in cost of rent, too) form guillotines (execution sites) killing tenants or damaging them with severe illness, one after the other.

Even lower μT levels (high 50s, low 60s), where the estimated time for it to be lethal is 10-20 years or so, this is where alzheimers or dementia sets in (depending on whether their memories or their cognitive functioning go first).
If there is an electrical event (sparks or sudden discharge of electricity, or contact with a live wire, or bare wire in the wall leaking into a dwelling), this causes vascular damage or stroke, sometimes right away.

These are the Worst ways to die, and they're caused by electricity. The solution is for everyone to have their own set of solar panels, as the electricity needed to power their personal electrical consumption is different than having the entire neighborhood or town's electricity flowing past them in the power lines outside their window.

The weight in scrap metal of the old power lines alone pays for this, never mind the hundreds of billions of dollars made in the strip mining process for the solar panels, yielding gold and other precious metals.

Economically, the path of least resistance here suggests this should have already happened - and one reason it maybe hasn't yet is we've all been getting stupified by electricity.

Economically, the path of least resistance here suggests these changes should have already happened - which means the motivating factor here isn't money, it's murder.
Also, what I'm getting at with reduction of suicides is, in a world where everyone cares about each other to not let each other die from preventable causes, a world that gave everyone free solar panels to stop deaths from strokes and dementia, and became a world where everyone is wealthy from stopping death and caring about each other - no one is going to want to kill themselves in a world like that.

Please don't tale this to be flippant/insulting, since it really isn't intended that way, but are you a teenager? The fact that you think what you're saying is revolutionary or unheard of suggests to me that you have a very naive picture of how the world works.

In a perfect world with an all-powerful but benevolent leader at the top coordinating everything, then yes, a lot of problems could be fixed. The reason that enough action hasn't been taken on climate change, why necessary advances in health care have yet to benefit the vast majority of the world's population, why we are still doing an awful lot that is obviously and provably detrimental to the long-term interests of society isn't because people aren't aware of it, it's because the current capitalist system incentivises putting short-term profit above the long term health and well-being of people. Don't you think that all the solutions you've put forward haven't already been considered? None of your ideas are original, you just entirely misunderstand that there are sociopaths in charge of corporate interests that could hear you out, understand why these suggestions would be a good idea, then do everything in their power to block them because it wouldn't be the most beneficial possible action for their shareholders and they answer only to their shareholders.

Do you really think the only people that kill themselves are ones where nobody cares about them? Do you know how insulting that is to friends & family of victims of suicide, to imply that they just weren't caring enough and that's why their mother/father/child/friend killed themselves? People kill themselves because they're suffering from a severe mental illness that makes the thought of staying alive too painful to bear and they're so overwhelmed by negative feelings that they overcome the extremely powerful self-preservation instinct in order to stop their continual pain. The fact that you think solar panels would change this implies that you're either very young or just have never experienced anything other than decent mental health, but I promise you your current conception of suicidal inclinations is misguided, and you should stop acting as if you know what you're talking about.

Your other suggestions are just obvious hypotheticals provided without any coherent strategy for how to get them implemented, and seem to be informed by a very rosy picture of the world where the most logical steps to ensure human happiness are universally implemented, but your "ideas" about suicide prevention are disrespectful & insulting since you seem to be placing the blame on the people around the suicidal person rather than where it belongs - the mental illness that drove it.
free solar panels? who will make them though. What if there isnt much sunlight where you live. what if you need electricity at night.

The problem has never been a lack of voltage - the problem has been that there's too much of it. Much of what goes into solar panels are actually safety features to reduce voltage and modulate it. The copper plates and circuitry by itself even produces a slight residual voltage; most solar panels charge even while cloudy.

Another problem has always been the worry that the batteries won't be safe or will be leaky and full of hazardous chemicals.
However, phone batteries have been in our pocket for 12+ years now and are totally safe (they've even been hooked up to the internet and haven't ever targetted and blown peoples' nuts off).
Nothing beats quality assurance like 12+ years of them being safe, non-leaky, and not having blown our nuts off while being in our pocket.

It'd only take a few of them to power most household appliances, and 70-80 to power the washing machine and the dryer. And the washing machine and the dryer are really the bottom line here, otherwise Americans are going to flip the old power lines back on in a hurry.

Anyways, with phone batteries being so safe, why change perfect? They should just be mass-produced for solar panels as well as phones. I mean they're so safe, you can even leave them laying on the floor and accidentally step on them over and over and they don't break or electrocute you.

The solar panels could literally make themselves - imagine a 3D printer that can make anything, even more of itself, the solar panels to power it, and little robots that strip mine resources for it. This would only have to double up production of itself 29 times for there to be enough solar panels for the entire US population. Say it takes 13 hours to make: we'd have enough for everybody in just a few weeks.

All the elements on the periodic table are present in dirt and rocks; they pick land rich in, say, iron and separate it in a process called strip mining. Most of the steel that things are made out of comes from strip mining. Separating out material that the 3D printer can work with is a science that's just a few handshakes and teams of engineers meeting away from happening.
Have I mentioned yet that the precious metals obtained as a byproduct are worth hundreds of billions of dollars? Even trillions
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If one life is saved it's worth doing? If zero lives are saved it's worth doing!
The fact that hundreds of millions of lives would be saved potentially, not to mention how profitable it is, makes it the single most important and most profitable human endeavor ever done in history. There should be a race right now to the billions of dollars made by whoever does it first!
It's so important, we should be going outside right now and collectively doing it. Nothing else even comes close to taking priority.
It should not be this difficult to convince people to accept free solar panels and at the same time not ever have to have a stroke or get brain damage from old, leaking power lines.

It's like I'm arguing against a computer that's only going to formulate ways of disagreeing with me, when it's something that, to a human, is in no way sensible to disagree with.

"Free solar panels? To stop strokes and dementia? I'll take twenty!" was more the type of response I was expecting. And when I bring this up in person, I am much more well-received (I've literally had to take to handing out paper copies of this, as in person people tend to be a lot more reasonable than they are on the internet). On the internet, it is literally like I'm arguing against some computer chat script imitation of Satan
How to save millions of lives; too long didn't read version:

1. HEART DISEASE - Resources used to make junkfood are used for fuel for cars and industry. Tax write-offs get junkfood companies onboard.

2. LUNG CANCER - Land used for growing tobacco is switched to cannabis and edible vegetables instead.

3. MEDICAL ERRORS - Simple. Two (or three) doctors per patient, per visit, same room, same time, discussing their prognosis with the patient. Same goes for medical workers.

4. STROKES - A consequence of bad nutrition that will be resolved by the first and second leading causes of death being addressed.

5. Alzheimer's - state mandatory red meat for old people.

6. Diabetes - The solution to the first leading cause of death also reduces this one.

7. Influenza and Pneumonia - With hospital workers bored now, they'll be able to focus their efforts on beating this one!

8. Kidney Disease - Water. Good clean water. State mandatory if necessary. 'Tap water phobias' may account for a large percent of kidney-related deaths.

9. Suicides - Who would want to kill themselves in a world with such a bright future ahead of it where all leading causes of death are disappearing?

?. Liver failure - acetaminophen is made illegal.


1. HEART DISEASE - Resources used to make junkfood are used for fuel for cars and industry. Tax write-offs get junkfood companies onboard.

2. LUNG CANCER - Land used for growing tobacco is switched to cannabis and edible vegetables instead. Perhaps by constitutional amendment this would work best, that effective a certain date, tobacco is not allowed to be grown, sold, harvested, or imported within the United States of America. Then cannabis would have to be legalized so that the profit incentive is there for the tobacco companies, who could expect to make many-fold more money from a product that even weighs less to ship -- the catch would be that a certain percentage of land would have to be used for healthy edible vegetables after nicotine levels in topsoil go away.

3. MEDICAL ERRORS - Simple. Two (or three) doctors per patient, per visit, same room, same time, discussing their prognosis with the patient. Same goes for medical workers. The fact that liability is spread evenly between the two or three doctors or medical workers means the other has incentive to make sure the other doesn't screw up. And two minds are better than one! The other possible solution would be merit-based pay, where annual income doubles ever 4 years or so if none of their patients die due to an error they made.

4. STROKES - A consequence of bad nutrition that will be resolved by the first and second leading causes of death being addressed. Another possible solution would be amphetamine and alcohol prescribed simply to get people to walk more (in a world where doing nothing is one of the leading causes of death, with a body that is engineered by evolution to live - if something could only give one the will to live!). Frequent cardio-based exercise drastically reduces probability of a stroke.

5. Alzheimer's - Not really sure how to tackle this one; could it be that daily psychiatric medications cause a desynchronization of the nervous system over decades, especially in old age? Maybe a strong correlation there would be present. Well, the solution then would be to limit daily use of certain medications and merely allow the companies making them to charge more for them. Also, red meat!

6. Diabetes - The solution to the first leading cause of death also reduces this one.

7. Influenza and Pneumonia - With millions of patients' lives saved and the hospital now sort of empty, they'll be able to focus their efforts on beating this one!

8. Kidney Disease - Water. Good clean water. State mandatory if necessary. 'Tap water phobias' may account for a large percent of kidney-related deaths.

9. Suicides - Who would want to kill themselves in a world with such a bright future ahead of it where all leading causes of death are disappearing?

?. Liver failure - acetaminophen is made illegal. Companies which make acetaminophen-containing products switch to something else, and profit from no longer being subjected to lawsuit after lawsuit.

I wrote a book titled that covers the same topic as this thread in the first chapter; it just so happens that book is free to read right now on this forum in the 'Words' subforum! Also available on amazon. Hope you enjoy! Make me rich for my ideas please!! :)

Share this thread to save millions of lives!
But what about the overpopulation that is destroying the earth at fast rate. I see no profit in that except individualy, but its not about us we are only a tiny moment of time here.

An I believe the reason is to leave the planet in better shape then when you arrived.

Points 3: Medicin is an error, can't live with it can't live with. No 2nd or 3rd opinion will change the overal bad state of it.

5. The link Alzheimer Aluminium is all ready on the table , what the fuck is some bloody flesh gonna do?

6. Diabetes by here say is perfectly treatable with a diet and supplements. As soon as you start Insulin you on the path todeath. Is that through? Not immediate but slowly.

8. Good clean tab water, right. A bit of Asbest, PfOA or gen-X is that acceptable? Traces of medicin. Well I have my doubts.

And same for Paracetamol US they paranoid about it here they give it to Alcoholics and people with liver cancer.