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How to de-fuse bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionist statements?


Feb 23, 2013

M'well i thought i'd try to seek replies on a topic about which i'm actually too tired (see title!) just trying to decide if i may find some viable answers myself by thinking hard enough, hoping maybe light shall emerge from darkness!...

Matangi Tonga: Toxic fumes in cannabis burn (2016-Nov-22)

« The social harm caused by drugs to the community is immense. Drugs don't just harm the users but their families and their communities. It's the money that was spent on drugs that was supposed to buy food and clothes for a man's family »



Here's the "pièce de résistance" now:

BBC - Shirebrook deaths: Cannabis user killed his aunt and grandmother (2016-Nov-21)

« A man with mental health problems exacerbated by cannabis use has been given two life sentences for brutally killing his aunt and grandmother. »


Oh, i guess they've nailed it on planet Itnoc all right, euh... Monsters-R-Us! Now i got to wonder all the sudden, what's the worse predatory attitude to adopt about it, especially in front of a camera?? To recuperate such tragic event as reverse-logic propaganda in disguise, or simply focussing on that media event about a shocking event?...


More reflexions/comments? :?

Good day, have fun!! =D
I wonder what that guy would have done if he was sold High CBD strains under drs suggestion. Would hes mental health have been in a better place ?
Hi again DarkSideSam,

I wonder what that guy would have done if he was sold High CBD strains under drs suggestion. Would hes mental health have been in a better place ?

Maybe we should ask this Canuck doctor...

There's some "news" relative to CBDs in Canada recently, but look who's carrying those "good news" to the voting populace exactly:

Good day, have fun!! =D
"How to de-fuse bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionist statements? "

Fuck off and mind your own business normally works for me. :)
Salutations Tranced,

"How to de-fuse bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionist statements?"

Fuck off and mind your own business normally works for me. :)

It works dealing with individuals, but the dynamic compared to pre-Victorian bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionism has changed: it's growing constantly and reminds me of a religious sect or something. Look at the pictures and associated articles, it's a mix of juxtapositions meant to implant pre-conceptions in the minds of the reader. I might as well call that manipulation of the public opinion if not misinformation.

We're facing a socio-toxic desease which spreads around somewhat in a same fashion as when it was "cool" to show live i-phone captures of a gang-bashing event where a person is being victimized, etc. Similarily it's only about pointing the spotlights on a well-defined target when it comes to Trudeau's mari-caca in this miserable country, and under Trump's friends in USA my fear is it's not going to improve neither... Now add to this the 2019 United Nations gathering, about what THEY wish to do next with cannabis, euh... Honestly, i don't believe the confrontation is on an inter-personal scale anymore.

Good day, have fun!! =D
A calm but firm presentation of facts usually does the trick. If someone's mind is made up, you're not likely to change it. We all have opinions and are entitled to them. But facts do not bend to the will of anyone.

I usually point to the non-toxic nature of cannabis and how no one's ever overdosed on it in the history of mankind. Can you name another substance that can make that claim? Cannabis smoke is an airway irritant but doesn't cause cancer like cigarette smoke. The reason being that tobacco is grown with pesticides that degrade into radioactive elements that end up in your lungs. Even smokeless tobacco causes cancer, so it's not the smoke/tar that's the issue. Cannabis lacks the inherent ability to cause cancer, so that point is moot.

If they don't care about health and medical science, ask them what it is about cannabis that they're so afraid of. Actually listen to their concerns instead of just ripping them apart. The more civil we can be about this issue, the better our community looks to the world.
Salutations Lady Codone,

...tobacco is grown with pesticides that degrade into radioactive elements that end up in your lungs.

Yeah, quite right! It was a surprize for me too the first time i read about P210 stimulating root growth or something along those lines. That's totally grotesque and even criminal - yet it went on... Just like trans-fat, then decades later it's the consumers who get blamed for their trouble, while drinking water is now sold "en masse" in small bottles aligned at the grocery store, etc...

...ask them what it is about cannabis that they're so afraid of.

Hummm... There are those who are clueless, then the ones who exploit that. I'm thinking of self-serving politicians who created a fear of danger out of a non-issue just to captivate/divert attention (for mass manipulation), followed by their siblings generations later. The thing is voters don't have much of a memory, while political parties do.

Thank you for your input in any case! %)

Now here's what i found lurking around on the net just yesterday, i was lucky.

Pros, apparently:

From [ http://cannabiscoalition.ca/submissions-task-force-on-marijuana-legalization-and-regulation/
Submissions: Task Force on Marijuana Legalization and Regulation


[ http://cannabiscoalition.ca/files/T...elease_Cannabis Submissions_Aug 9_Final.pdf ]
CDPC-CTAC-CCABC Press Release: Cannabis Submissions

[ http://cannabiscoalition.ca/files/T... Faces of Craft Cannabis_Aug9-2016_Final.pdf ]
Craft Cannabis Association of British Columbia

[ http://cannabiscoalition.ca/files/T...and Organized Crime_Aug9-2016_Full-Final.pdf ]
Canadian Drug Policy Coalition

[ http://cannabiscoalition.ca/files/T...vity through Regulation_Aug9-2016_Final.pdf ]
Cannabis Trade Alliance of Canada

[ http://canevolve.ca/files/CanEvolve_Submission_Task_Force_on_Marijuana_Legalization_Regulation.pdf ]
CanEvolve: Submission Task Force on Marijuana Legalization Regulation

Cons (from Sue O'Sullivan, Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime):

« Victim-Centred Considerations for the Development of a Framework to Legalize, Regulate and Restrict Access to Marijuana »

[ http://www.victimsfirst.gc.ca/vv/pdf/TFMLR-GTLRM-En.pdf ]
Submission to the Task Force on Marijuana Legalization and Regulation

« Point de vue de la victime à prendre en considération dans l’élaboration d’un cadre visant à légaliser, à réglementer et à restreindre l’accès à la marijuana »

[ http://www.victimesdabord.gc.ca/vv/PDF/GTLRM-TFMLR-Fr.pdf ]
Mémoire au Groupe de travail sur la légalisation et la réglementation de la marijuana

Beware, that last one seemed quite like some far stretch even on planet Itnoc!... 8)

Good day, have fun!! =D