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How soon after taking oxycodone can you take klonopin


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
I got 1 2mg k pin I took oxy last about 4 hours ago am I safe to take the klonopin tonight if I need it ?
Dude no offense bro but you make a thread like this everyday. I'm not sure your end goal here.

Yes, you can take oxy after or before you drink small amounts of alcohol. Yes you can take a therapeutic dose of benzodiazepines within the same time frame of therapeutic doses of oxycodone.

It sounds to me you have taken a far amount of benzodiazepines and oxy in your life. You'll be fine. You don't need to make a thread like this 3x a week asking if it's ok to mix 10 mg of oxy and a drink of vodka 6 hours later. you'll be fine.

I understand the cautious approach, but you're over doing it. Unless you are taking high doses of benzos and opiates, you are not in danger. Anything less than 60 mg of oxy for a semi opiate tolerant individual and alcohol / small dose benzos will not kill you.

Just know, there always is the chance that combining benzos, alcohol, and opiates you can die. But we can't tell you for sure. No one knows what makes some people survive insane quantities of drugs, and others die to small amounts.
Dude no offense bro but you make a thread like this everyday. I'm not sure your end goal here.

Yes, you can take oxy after or before you drink small amounts of alcohol. Yes you can take a therapeutic dose of benzodiazepines within the same time frame of therapeutic doses of oxycodone.

It sounds to me you have taken a far amount of benzodiazepines and oxy in your life. You'll be fine. You don't need to make a thread like this 3x a week asking if it's ok to mix 10 mg of oxy and a drink of vodka 6 hours later. you'll be fine.

I understand the cautious approach, but you're over doing it. Unless you are taking high doses of benzos and opiates, you are not in danger. Anything less than 60 mg of oxy for a semi opiate tolerant individual and alcohol / small dose benzos will not kill you.

Just know, there always is the chance that combining benzos, alcohol, and opiates you can die. But we can't tell you for sure. No one knows what makes some people survive insane quantities of drugs, and others die to small amounts.
I mean sorry for my original smart ass reply, it’s probably cause no one has answered my question with something like you said. No one knows makes it a lot easier to decide not to take that pill or not, combining meds gets confusing to me is all I attribute everything taken in 1 24 hour period to be combining. I’ve looked at half life’s numerous times, it gets very confusing to know there’s metabolites in my body but the drug isn’t active after 6 hours. I don’t understand how that can be but I could test posted for days afterwards. I mean I understand it but At the same time I don’t. I’ve taken plenty of both, but I was also young and dumb and fucking every little whore I could get raw you feel me? I don’t wanna be that person but I’ve gotten dependent on pills being prescribed Adderall and benzos and stupid since I was a kid I don’t mean to be annoying. I just love life but there’s a part in my brain I gotta fix and that’s with drugs. Either way thank you for taking your time to respond and time outta your day to give it to me straight. I wish I could care less about things :/
4-12 hours if your being super cautious
Yeah, it’s a 2mg. I’m fairly use to those however I don’t think I’ve had a klonopin in a year or so. I ended up just saving it. Thank you for your time and response.
I've taken 8mg of Klonopin today, 300ish mg of Seroquel and a bottle of wine. Now I'm going to bed. I know the dangers. CNS depression. I've done this for years. Certainly not advocating it, but I know the dangers. I might have been lucky in the past and tonight might be the end. As others have said, the risk is there.
I think you're being way more responsible than me.
I've taken 8mg of Klonopin today, 300ish mg of Seroquel and a bottle of wine. Now I'm going to bed. I know the dangers. CNS depression. I've done this for years. Certainly not advocating it, but I know the dangers. I might have been lucky in the past and tonight might be the end. As others have said, the risk is there.
I think you're being way more responsible than me.
Yeah sometimes too much. I feel I don’t let go and enjoy sometimes.
You can take them at the same time, no risk. I don't know are you looking for confirmation to your already made decision or real information, but i know that you can definetly take them at the same time, no problem. You could even double up the dose.