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How Quickly Can I Cut Down My Opioids Using Gabapentin?


Apr 29, 2018
I actually don't know how much opioids I take. I'm SUPPOSED to take 20mg morphine and 240mg codeine a day but usually take probably double that on average. Sometimes I DO take the dose I'm prescribed, other days I might take like 80mg morphine and 900mg codeine....so I don't really know how much I need to be like baseline where I'm neither high nor in withdrawal. Probably about 20mg morphine and 480mg codeine I'd say is the minimum to just feel normal.
I only started this yesterday, but yesterday I had 20mg morphine and 180mg codeine and felt fine.
It's 9pm and today I've only had 20mg morphine and 120mg codeine and I MOSTLY feel okay, if a little bit "off"
Will I be able to keep dropping down so quickly or will an acute withdrawal suddenly hit me?
I don't know how much Gabapentin I'm having, just been taking either 300mg or 600mg every hour or two.

In addition, I have been taking 200mg Thorazine, 100mg Quetiapine and 150mg Trazodone for sleep which pretty much knocks me out for 10ish hours.
the thing is the therapeutic effects from gabapentin diminish quite quickly honestly. i personally dropped CT and used them for a week, so i could get the max therapeutic effect from them.

i think eventually you’ll hit a threshold where the withdrawal might be more present, but if you’ve got plenty of gabapentin you’ll just have to stagger a higher dose - make sure you take aleeve 15 minutes prior & have some fatty amino acids in you as this potentiates it to get the most out the bioavailability.

much love.
the thing is the therapeutic effects from gabapentin diminish quite quickly honestly. i personally dropped CT and used them for a week, so i could get the max therapeutic effect from them.

i think eventually you’ll hit a threshold where the withdrawal might be more present, but if you’ve got plenty of gabapentin you’ll just have to stagger a higher dose - make sure you take aleeve 15 minutes prior & have some fatty amino acids in you as this potentiates it to get the most out the bioavailability.

much love.

What is CT?
And ahhh thanks for the reminder, I'm actually prescribed naproxen (aleve) so have a good supply of that, too.
cold turkey!

Ahh of course! Offf I could never. by the 24 hour mark of CT I start wishing I was dead. Also, recently I've started vomiting blood whenever I try to do it and last time I tried great globs of blood kept coming out my butt with no warning.

EDIT: sorry if that's a TMI
Ahh of course! Offf I could never. by the 24 hour mark of CT I start wishing I was dead. Also, recently I've started vomiting blood whenever I try to do it and last time I tried great globs of blood kept coming out my butt with no warning.

EDIT: sorry if that's a TMI
CHRIST don’t blame ya one bit mate 😂
Ahh of course! Offf I could never. by the 24 hour mark of CT I start wishing I was dead. Also, recently I've started vomiting blood whenever I try to do it and last time I tried great globs of blood kept coming out my butt with no warning.
Might better check out that additionally as no matter it's happening only during WDs it could be symptom of something else.
Might better check out that additionally as no matter it's happening only during WDs it could be symptom of something else.

GI bleeds ARE a rare symptom of opioid withdrawal....plus it could be exacerbated by the fact I'll have as much as 8000mg of Ibuprofen a day (for like 2-3 days max) in the form of Nurofen plus (12.8mg codeine per pill) to take the edge of withdrawal and excessive NSAIDs can also cause kidney issues and GI bleeds. I do take Omeprazole as a stomach protectant, though and I definitely don't have like a peptic ulcer or anything. I will mention this to my dr, though, as the bleeding is scary when it happens.
GI bleeds ARE a rare symptom of opioid withdrawal....plus it could be exacerbated by the fact I'll have as much as 8000mg of Ibuprofen a day (for like 2-3 days max) in the form of Nurofen plus (12.8mg codeine per pill) to take the edge of withdrawal and excessive NSAIDs can also cause kidney issues and GI bleeds. I do take Omeprazole as a stomach protectant, though and I definitely don't have like a peptic ulcer or anything. I will mention this to my dr, though, as the bleeding is scary when it happens.
Honestly I didn't know that but assumed it might be so given plethora of other fucked up symptoms I knew for and experienced quite a few.