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How Psychedelic Drugs Can Help Patients Face Death


Aug 9, 2009
How Psychedelic Drugs Can Help Patients Face Death
Published: April 20, 2012

Pam Sakuda was 55 when she found out she was dying. Shortly after having a tumor removed from her colon, she heard the doctor’s dreaded words: Stage 4; metastatic. Sakuda was given 6 to 14 months to live. Determined to slow her disease’s insidious course, she ran several miles every day, even during her grueling treatment regimens. By nature upbeat, articulate and dignified, Sakuda — who died in November 2006, outlasting everyone’s expectations by living for four years — was alarmed when anxiety and depression came to claim her after she passed the 14-month mark, her days darkening as she grew closer to her biological demise. Norbert Litzinger, Sakuda’s husband, explained it this way: “When you pass your own death sentence by, you start to wonder: When? When? It got to the point where we couldn’t make even the most mundane plans, because we didn’t know if Pam would still be alive at that time — a concert, dinner with friends; would she still be here for that?” When came to claim the couple’s life completely, their anxiety building as they waited for the final day.
As her fears intensified, Sakuda learned of a study being conducted by Charles Grob, a psychiatrist and researcher at Harbor-U.C.L.A. Medical Center who was administering psilocybin — an active component of magic mushrooms — to end-stage cancer patients to see if it could reduce their fear of death. Twenty-two months before she died, Sakuda became one of Grob’s 12 subjects. When the research was completed in 2008 — (and published in the Archives of General Psychiatry last year) — the results showed that administering psilocybin to terminally ill subjects could be done safely while reducing the subjects’ anxiety and depression about their impending deaths.
Grob’s interest in the power of psychedelics to mitigate mortality’s sting is not just the obsession of one lone researcher. Dr. John Halpern, head of the Laboratory for Integrative Psychiatry at McLean Hospital in Belmont Mass., a psychiatric training hospital for Harvard Medical School, used MDMA — also known as ecstasy — in an effort to ease end-of-life anxieties in two patients with Stage 4 cancer. And there are two ongoing studies using psilocybin with terminal patients, one at New York University’s medical school, led by Stephen Ross, and another at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, where Roland Griffiths has administered psilocybin to 22 cancer patients and is aiming for a sample size of 44. “This research is in its very early stages,” Grob told me earlier this month, “but we’re getting consistently good results.”

continued at: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/22/magazine/how-psychedelic-drugs-can-help-patients-face-death.html?pagewanted=all

To be honest, this is one of the most honest and approving articles about psychedelics in a mainstream media publication. Thumbs up to NYTimes for this one!
Awesome article (at least what you pasted here - I am past my limit at the NY Times this month, and can't read more without paying).
I would definitely be interested in mushrooms or MDMA in order to help me deal with death.
Actually, I have "experienced" my own death on mushrooms before, and it was very profound, and had lasting (beneficial) effects.
Awesome article (at least what you pasted here - I am past my limit at the NY Times this month, and can't read more without paying).
I would definitely be interested in mushrooms or MDMA in order to help me deal with death.
Actually, I have "experienced" my own death on mushrooms before, and it was very profound, and had lasting (beneficial) effects.

Ego death is a wonderful thing I wish more people had the chance to "experience". There have been many studies over the past 5 years dealing with psychedelics and pre-death anxiety, the majority used mushrooms but at least one used LSD as well. It seems to be the popular thing among researchers now. They have definitely proven beneficial for that, but I wish for people would study their effect on anxiety/depression in general. It really is a matter of baby steps though. I hope these medicines are removed from Schedule 1 before I die.
Ketamine has shown some incredible promise in this area, too. It has always filled me with a strong sense of, "So this is what it must be like to be dead, and if that's the case, it's nothing to be afraid of." I worked with a palliative care doctor who used to use ketamine this way for hospice patients. He stopped when one patient reported "frightening hallucinations", and the hospital's risk management "strongly urged" him not to do this anymore.
^ God forbid a terminal patient should be frightened, right?
(This is sarcasm, since I think it was really too bad the doc had to stop that therapy.)