• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

How much will GHB/amphetamines interfere with cognitive performance


Jan 28, 2017
Hi guys,

I?m currently a student in a top ranking university. I study mechanical engineering.

I live in Europe and was heavenly involved in the rave scenes. EDM House parties, techno parties, regular student parties, etc.

I took my first XTC pill when I was 18. I?m now 25 and turning 26 this year. And I?ve decreased the frequency of use to once every 5-6months. Sometimes once every 2-3 months. It?s been that way over the years and now I decided to switch carreer plans and become an engineer.

I have a history of frequent MDMA use.
This was the first 3yrs or so.
I used to go to parties, festivals every month, sometimes every weekend, but that backfired quickly, fatigue, depression etc)

I?ve also used some research chemicals, ketamine, MDA, psilocybin, amphetamines,

And now it?s rather quiet on the weekends and my days are filled with study.

I study alot of maths & physics, I use mindmaps, eat healthy, I lift, I?ve maximized my performance and health.

And sometimes I want to go out and have a good party. So if I use Ghb/amphetamines sporadically, like between 2-4 times per year.

Will this impair cognitive performance on maths/physics??
Probably not, if you use some common sense with your drug usage, e.g. don't go on a weekend bender before your finals.
2-4 times a year? I think you should be good. You could probably even get away with once a month without it negatively affecting your grades/relationships. As I'm sure you know... stimulants like MDMA and meth can leave you feeling drained for a couple days after. So just keep that in mind. I personally experience more of an afterglow than hangover from GHB.
I personally experience more of an afterglow than hangover from GHB.
Supposedly there is some "dopamine rebound" to GHB at low doses and as it comes out of one's system, and this seems to be why GHB/Xyrem is used medicinally for narcolepsy - they have the narcoleptic patients take the GHB at night, and then the rebound helps them get out of bed and stay awake.
Supposedly there is some "dopamine rebound" to GHB at low doses and as it comes out of one's system, and this seems to be why GHB/Xyrem is used medicinally for narcolepsy - they have the narcoleptic patients take the GHB at night, and then the rebound helps them get out of bed and stay awake.

What about GHB dosage and tolerance? I?ve noticed that when I use ghb every saturday night or every 2 weeks per month it gets weaker and weaker and weaker...

I use 10-20 ml on a night, maybe it?s because it?s not strong at all and I weigh like 240 pounds so I can take significant start dosages.

I always start with 5-7ml on a empty stomach otherwise I won?t feel anything lol
2-4 times a year? I think you should be good. You could probably even get away with once a month without it negatively affecting your grades/relationships. As I'm sure you know... stimulants like MDMA and meth can leave you feeling drained for a couple days after. So just keep that in mind. I personally experience more of an afterglow than hangover from GHB.

Yeah I really want to learn more about the science and stuff how ghb and other components work in our systems, I heard the oxidative stress is also related to brain damage etc from GHB.

BUT you can put that in the same bucket of alcohol, if you drink alot on the weekends, you will get more oxidation damage from that, instead if you use some ghb only sporadically there isn?t so much damage.

On the other hand, I LOVE to combine it with strong liquor. I?m fairly experienced with ghb use and I used to nip on whiskey/ vodka for a stronger high and buzz feelings.

But that?s really damaging lol, just like combining mdma with amphetamines (neurotoxic) etc
Probably not, if you use some common sense with your drug usage, e.g. don't go on a weekend bender before your finals.

There is some ?secret? book about ghb, I saw it in some posts here or on drugsforum,

?What doctos don?t want you to know? about GHB.

Do you recognize it?
Do you recognize it?

Never heard of it. But I'd be wary of a lot of the earlier literature on GHB, there was a time when its addictive effects were less thoroughly understood and people thought it was a miracle tonic. The wikipedia page is a good place to start for unbiased descriptions of the pharmacology.