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How much time and energy, are you going to put in to being a drug addict ?

silas GUY

Nov 9, 2013
And yes your siting here reading this crap so your most likely 99% of you anyway Drug Addicts ! so if that makes you a drug addict! Just think back to what you considered to be some drug addict shit? maybe a person or a particular type of drug addiction ! But here you are in basic DRUG Discussion ! Most likely because your clean at this particular moment in time, you are here to read and write about drugs ! We all have said ooooo man if i saved all the $$$$ i have spent on drugs I could do such and such or buy this or that ! But hey here we all are with the time and energy we have spent all for the sake of getting high or trying to forget or chasing that feeling ! Its like the war in the middle east "with no end in sight" ask yourself this " how many drug addicts do you know that are HAPPY, successful, ect ect doing good in life ? No and NO i dont want to hear your BS denial ! Just admit it !

IM A FUCKING DRUG ADDICT There that wasn't so bad . LOL now WHAT
Lol, yeah... Took me a long time.... To accept I couldn't control tolerance ...
Im 22 and a drug addict, i admit. but this site has educated me so much and probably saved my life in some ways..love all you fellow bluelighters!
Really, I have thought about all the time and money I spent. I have tried all kinds of different drugs and most of my addictions I supported (especially weed and psilocybes) with let's say personal stash from clandestine cultivation operations.

I didn't feel addiction really hit until I had to get on opiate pain killers for a back injury, and led to addiction then methadone. That my insurance paid for. Thank goodness.

I still could of done all kinds of other shit, but most of the things I did I enjoy. I have had my share of regret in life.Down time from withdrawal and borrowing money from time to time are the more serious draw backs I had. I feel that regretting the time I spent using (whatever it may be) would be regretting many good times in my life as well.

To be an addict is in fact identifying that you are one. It is not so wholly realized until you really learn what the mechanisms that cause it and how being in an altered state of mind and periods withdrawal really affects in life.

Most addicts I have heard from talk about all regrets. I might change some things, but overall I don't regret too much anymore because what's the point you just learn and move on. That is much easier said than done, but it is the best way I know to keep my past mistakes from dragging my life down in the present.
yeah i hear ya solidether just ramble on with a head full of oxy in some warped sense of denial! regretting and making amends in anyway is not like trying to be a responsible adult here ! come ON how your clandestine addictions treating you ! god i sound like such a dick ! like one of those old timers that wants you to find a NA or AA and do your 12 steps what a load of shit ! just say your an addict and move the fuck on ! 123 baby
OP seems to be high as fuck but its cool,im getting there as well..

as far as denial is concerned,i dont think that everybody has the need to do that.Some of us just accept the fact that we have "alternative" hobbies and interests,and its our choice so nobody really has a saying in it.
Alot of ppl are spending ridiculous amounts of money in MORE USELESS ways like paying huge amounts in expensive restaurants,clothes that cost 300$ just because they have a stupid brand printed on them,needless cosmetic surgeries,show off cars etc,so nobody can say addicts are the only ones spending money for useless stuff(drugs).Personally,id choose everyday,all day to spend 100$ bucks to buy some quality heroin that will last me a week and help me chill out,rather than buy a single meal of crappy french food at a pretentious restaurant..
Drugs are recreational. I do drugs recreationally.

Addiction is not fun. Recreation is fun.
i do drugs for fun too ! man i bet trinidad has some good drugs for cheep !
Yes, it's all subjective. For me there was a time coke got me through it, then it stopped working. Then meth, then benzos... Then a year on the Roxie's.
I thought heroin was my answer to life. It All stopped working .
Recreationally all arounders did work and were fun, but not to function on and work.
I put in a ton of time and money into my addiction, except that my money comes from time worked... So I guess I just dedicate a lot of time to being addicted. Last year I was over 400 dollars per month for a while on pot and beer alone! That's not so much compared to some people, but it made me realize how many resources I spend to stay intoxicated. During better times its closer to 100-150 a month. I'd love to spend under a hundo per month on my drugs (booze included of course) but it is very hard for me to do.
When I was activiley using all the time and not on Subs I would just use my whole paycheck everyweek, save some for gas and cigs, and bum about 100 maybe a little more from somebody, then get some stuff fronted, or if thats wasn't an option would eat a bottle of Loperamide a day till I got something(sometimes would skip a day when doing that, stuff has a long half life...) But a lot of time and energy just spent trying to figure out how I was gonna make it work for the week...

Edit: Oh ya, total drug addict up in the house here also.
I put in a ton of time and money into my addiction, except that my money comes from time worked... So I guess I just dedicate a lot of time to being addicted. Last year I was over 400 dollars per month for a while on pot and beer alone! That's not so much compared to some people, but it made me realize how many resources I spend to stay intoxicated. During better times its closer to 100-150 a month. I'd love to spend under a hundo per month on my drugs (booze included of course) but it is very hard for me to do.

word. I'd like to think I'm a bit better than I was, I was spending around 1.6k usd pm on oxy and dope and weed for some months now it half maybe a quarter of that.
And yes your siting here reading this crap so your most likely 99% of you anyway Drug Addicts ! so if that makes you a drug addict! Just think back to what you considered to be some drug addict shit? maybe a person or a particular type of drug addiction ! But here you are in basic DRUG Discussion ! Most likely because your clean at this particular moment in time, you are here to read and write about drugs ! We all have said ooooo man if i saved all the $$$$ i have spent on drugs I could do such and such or buy this or that ! But hey here we all are with the time and energy we have spent all for the sake of getting high or trying to forget or chasing that feeling ! Its like the war in the middle east "with no end in sight" ask yourself this " how many drug addicts do you know that are HAPPY, successful, ect ect doing good in life ? No and NO i dont want to hear your BS denial ! Just admit it !

IM A FUCKING DRUG ADDICT There that wasn't so bad . LOL now WHAT

This is all well and good if you got parents and are given cash, but if you are self-reliant for everything it is not something you want anyone knowing btw, in the corporate world coke is okay but dope and meth are not you would never wanna broadcast you being a drug addict, it's not a fkin accomplishment.

What good is admitting it on a drug board anyway. OP you sound like someone whos been to rehab after rehab .
Admitting you're a drug addict in THE REAL world will cost you dearly.
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no actually never been to rehab ! and been on my own since i was 18! and being on your own really has nothing to do with drug addiction ! been thinking of going to some kind of rehab lately ! admitting it to myself and others feels good! being a drug addict in the Real World will cost you dearly ! much more then some corporate job is worth, then again worth is relative to your socio economic upbringing, no matter your outlook on life. dont hate because im coming to grips with something you cant even admit to your self much less a drug board !