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How much MDMA is too much MDMA?

Visitor Q

Feb 18, 2010
Hello fello BLers,

I did some searches and did not find satisfaction in the answers from archives. I know the official LD50 for MDMA is 80mg/kg on lab animals tested in a controlled environment, but this barely satisfies my query as I'm not looking to know how much would kill me in a single dose, perhaps how much is considered dangerous in a binge.

I wonder how much MDMA is too much MDMA. I have access to a pure source and the stuff is so good that it is barely stimulating and almost sedating. Of course I get the stimulating effects (jaw clenching, rise in temperature, sweating) but I truly feel like I could sleep on the shit.

I don't binge too often, but when I do I can consume over a gram in a 24 hour timespan. I don't take huge doses at once (max 200 mg) but I repeat the dosing several times in 3-5 hour intervals.

What are your thoughts on how much is too much?


PS - I always stay hydrated, stay in touch with my bladder, take vitamins and 5-HTP, eat well etc... so this is not in regards to the dangers of neglecting my bodily needs whilst under the influence but rather the dangers of the substance itself and its direct effects.
IMO, when you're too rolled to function, youve taken too much.
if your getting pure molly like you said , then i know for a fact 325mg insufflated in two lines only 10 minutes apart was too much for my shit skinny body, i know exactly what you mean by that sedating feeling ( i only achieved twice from MDMA, which were the two highest doses ive taken)...i was feeling so "pure" i could only sit back, talk very minimally (how, right?) and feel SUPREME sensations all over. for honestly only about an hour and a half of true rolling time, it was probly not worth the 30 dollars i spent.
1g in 24 hours is way too much in my honest opinion.

200mg as a starting dose is also high unless you have a tolerance or are of a large build.

Normal dosing would be
A starting dose - wait/roll - take a smaller amount as a booster - roll - stop.

I would imagine if your taking 5 x 200mg doses then by the third drop your not rolling but simply feeling fkd (which can be/is a nice feeling) but your not rolling anymore.
Im not to familiar with MDMA but to my knowledge it is highly neuron toxic. Rolling for 24 hours would be doing great damage to your mind and body an if your going to keep doing this then maybe look into some supplements to ease the damage.
I try to keep it under 500mg on a night out. After that your just chasing it most of the time.
I agree with 500mg, and anything after being mostly a waste and very unnecessary, though I stay at 350mg or below mostly nowadays. Doing 500mg in a night usually results in some serious serotonin depletion, lengthy recovery process, and side effects. The added experience you get from the extra 200mg on top of the original 300mg, just isn't justified when looking at the whole picture.
I limit myself to 250mg in a night (usually 150), taken across one or two doses within a 2-3 hour time frame, no more than once a month.

Any more than that, I've decided, is just unnecessary and it will not make my life better.

These limits have worked out great for me. I've been rolling about this often, maybe a little less, since I started in summer '07, and I've never been disappointed or had unpleasant side effects.
A gram in a day is too much. After the first redose, your brain starts to run out of serotonin. When this happens, dopamine is taken up into 5-ht receptors, causing a highly toxic reaction. Just imagine this when you wanna keep redosing.

Check this out too.
I took 180mg foolishly the other week after having a break from it for over a year.
Dont really remember much of the experience at all and wasn't anywhere near as pleasurable as I remember. Was unable to think or speak for a few hours, wish I had waited to weigh my dose now rather than just boshing it out of the wrap and guesstimating in a club.
For some reason I don't like (pure)MDMA (because I like to be speedy, MDMA doesn't do that for me) so I like popping pills, but I'm not the most responsible roller so my max is about 10 pills per night, if they're clean. For really speedy pills my max is usually about 7-10, depending on how I feel when I peak off of my first dose.
Thanks for all your input.

I must say, since I've been taking 5-HTP and vitamin C supplements before, during and after my MDMA experiences, I have felt very little "chemical depression" the following 2 days (unlike before where I felt pretty wrecked). This leads me to the hypothesis that my serotonin hardly gets depleted.

Some of you say that after I've reached 500 mg, any further dosing is just "chasing the high" and not really rolling... No offense but that is not what my experiences have been like. I agree that dosing gets pointless at some point, but IME it is farther than the 500 mg line.

I've seen people take a half gram dose at once and they seemed to be much more trashed than people taking a full gram in 120 - 150 mg doses spread throughout a full day or weekend. From experience and from what I've seen, I think the damage is much more severe with huge doses than with repeated reasonable doses on a longer period.

I guess it's kind of like the difference between downing a 40 ounce bottle of vodka in 3 hours VS downing 80 ounces in a 72 hour period.

Just a thought.
500mgs is too high. 300 mgs of pure MDMA is honestly a little excessive. You may get higher, but in the grand scheme of things, you're throwing money and neurons at just a little more roll.
500mg in one go is going overboard really. If you need that to get you going its time to give it a break or give it up.
you sure its pure if your doin 1g over a 24 hour period??? that sounds like to much unless you have a really really high tolerance to MDMA...
For some reason I don't like (pure)MDMA (because I like to be speedy, MDMA doesn't do that for me) so I like popping pills, but I'm not the most responsible roller so my max is about 10 pills per night, if they're clean. For really speedy pills my max is usually about 7-10, depending on how I feel when I peak off of my first dose.

I dont understand this post?

If you dont like pure MDMA but take pure MDMA pills then there is no difference ?

If you take mixed content pills I can understand your comments - have you not tried pure MDMA and added caffeine to the mix? Honestly if you can get pure MDMA then buy it and add your own speed at the ratio that works best for you.

10 pills per night is a crazy amount and a clear sign of tolerance due to over use/abuse.
For some reason I don't like (pure)MDMA (because I like to be speedy, MDMA doesn't do that for me) so I like popping pills, but I'm not the most responsible roller so my max is about 10 pills per night, if they're clean. For really speedy pills my max is usually about 7-10, depending on how I feel when I peak off of my first dose.
I Agree with Bearlove, 10 pills is way to much for 1 night.. Its time to take a break or it'll start gettin alot worse for you..
The molly and most pokeballs I have had, supposedly pure MDMA, were not very energetic. I as well like to take speedy pills that give you a fuck load of energy.