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How long should you wait to blow your nose after railing something?


Apr 12, 2011
Did a search and couldn't find anything, but if a thread similar to this does exist please direct me to it.
Probably also doesn't belong here but this is the only sub-forum I post in =D

Ok, so obviously it's going to depend on what substance is being taken intravenously and how much of it.
But generally, how long should you wait before cleaning out your nose after railing something ie. How long does it take for the substance to be absorbed in the nasal cavity before just the fillers/binders/other crap are left.
Just asking out of curiosity to help prevent build-up/discomfort/infection ect.

Substance in question for me personally is Oxycontin btw if that helps.
Ah sorry. I actually was ment to write 'taken through Insufflation' but yeah you get the point..

I usually wait about an hour or so due to a couple of previous experience's :p
With oxycontin I would say a while (due to all the gel), I don't know if you'll be able to get direct facts on this matter but I tend to have my nose cleared before insufflating and unless I have a cold I go for hours without blowing my nose and all is good.
I'd say a good 10 minutes or so for normal street powders.

Judging from your post I'm guessing your sniffing some sort of pill mass, in which case you want to have it crushed as finely as possible (increased surface area - faster absorbtion, less loss and reduced sting). I wouldnt be leaving pill mass in my nose for longer than absolutely neccessary, as the larger amount of powder used is able to dry out your nasal cavity very easily, which is not good for you.

An hour or so is way longer than required, all of the goodies are going to get absorbed in a relatively short period of time - after that you've just got useless crud in your nostrils :\
Invest in one of those saline nasal sprays and give your nostrils a good clean out before snorting anything. Then, maybe 10-20 minutes after snorting repeat the process.

Do not use a decongestant nasal spray; that is, one containing oxymetazoline or a related substance. The reason for this is that these drugs work by constricting the nasal blood vessels to ease congestion; by constricting those blood vessels, you are theoretically reducing the amount of drug absorbed when you snort it.
Rather than blowing your nose why don't you just snort a small amount of water? It will simply wash any excess down the back of your throat
Thanks for the replies! I'll look into one of those saline nasal sprays

If you've ever snorted large amounts of powder, especially pharmaceutical pills. You'll know that it isn't very pleasant to leave inside your nose for an extended period of time, and anything but snorting a small amount of water can get all the crud out if you leave in there for long enough. Its also much more fun picking your nose.. lol
Rather than blowing your nose why don't you just snort a small amount of water? It will simply wash any excess down the back of your throat

While this is fine when snorting most powders. Certain substances, ketamine for example, can cause nausea when taken orally. It wont be noticeable by most, but some people do throw up from swallowing the drip alone...

If the drug that you are using has a higher nasal than oral BA, I would recommend snorting thin and short lines so that most of it stays in the sinus and this will lead to minimal drip.

As noted above, most of the actives should be absorbed by the 20 minute mark. I'll also add that 500mg is a rough maximum that will be absorbed by snorting at any one time. I doubt that anyone will hit that limit unless they are fiending coke or shitty cut street speed :)
I know that ya'll frown on resurrecting old topics, but I think I have an Important part to add here. in addition to what MR. Blond said about Not using Nasal Decongestants such as Oxymetazoline as they are vasoconstrictors, well another reason to not use it besides shrunken Membrane vessels.. strikes me s as if you are using any type of stimulants They already are causing vasoconstriction and you are adding to that by adding oxymetazoline which by definition of a vasoconstrictor is also a stimulant. just think it sounds like a bad idea for even worse reasons that "not absorbing some of your dose"
Thanks for your Ever Endearing Attention Class.. you may leave Know. Bpayne Excuses you (lol, I know I am absolutely Insane) thanks for noticing.
a few weeks ago i snorted some rather large mdma crystals without crushing them..

after the roll i reckon i pulled 50mg of crystal intact from my nose.. so yes, crush it.

More to the point, how long is a piece of string? I'd usually say 10 mins but in this instance it was hours and hours...
2 minutes at the most with pureish powders.. all "drugs" are absorbed instantly via the membrane any remaining powder/ rocks are insoluble cutters or leftover shit..

Infact, if snorting good coke one will often not find much left over shit in their nose as its water soluble.. good coke. That is an example of instant absorption/ onset.
Should sniff it all up and not blow your nose! The drip is a good thing, it means that the drug is not going to waste!!
Should sniff it all up and not blow your nose! The drip is a good thing, it means that the drug is not going to waste!!

Except if the drug has a higher nasal BA than oral, then the drip means you're getting less out of the drug than if it had stayed in your nose to be absorbed my the mucus membranes (as Psilo said above).
Yeh my suggestion is to get nasalspray, empty the cpntants anf use that to sniff some warm water which is vaso-dilate the blood vessels in your nose and then sniff your desired substance. Though if you have the time and I certainly think this is the best way to get maximum absorbtion if your sniffing pills I suggest mixing up like you would an IV shot to get all or most of the insolubles out, then just put in your nasal spray and sniff away. maybe not convenient in some ways but very effective. Sniffing straight powder with a dry nose can be very irritating and a lot of the time you'd get a lot more out of this nasal spray, it works so well with pills.

I find good meth is absorbed within minutes as is coke, heroin seems to take awhile(even though ive only every IV'd ive heard from others) and pils(MDMA etc) are the worst, I never snort E anymore coz it just gives me the worst sinus pain and hayfever but I know if I got rid of all the fillers like I just sugestd things would be a lot easier and better.