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Heroin How is heroin dosed? Always IV?


May 11, 2016
Was looking at ketamine dosing.

IM was highly preferred over IV (not least of all cause it's far easier).

Is heroin exclusively IV?

Fentanyl the same?
IV only or IM?
Was looking at ketamine dosing.

IM was highly preferred over IV (not least of all cause it's far easier).

Is heroin exclusively IV?

Fentanyl the same?
IV only or IM?

No, you can also snort or smoke heroin.
Fentanyl can be IV, smoked, snorted, taken orally or used transdermally or bucally.
Was looking at ketamine dosing.

IM was highly preferred over IV (not least of all cause it's far easier).

Is heroin exclusively IV?

Fentanyl the same?
IV only or IM?
IM is a terrible route, Ive seen people who have been immobilized from doing that, it stays in there so long, rots. Had a guy who shot into his ass and after months of this could not sit down and it looked like a rotten moldy crated moon.

Depends on the form that the heroin is in (#3 or #4 or black tar), but generally IV is not the only route. IM is the worst ROA for street drugs, the muscle tissue has a bigger difficulty of getting rid of all the filthy things which are in your package than the veins, that's in the situation that it does get rid of them, it may not get rid at all and cause an abcess or something which can lead to amputation or worse to an infenction that will spread through your whole body which can lead to bigger trouble.

I can tell you more about the #3 which is found in Europe where I'm from:
  • Smoking (Vaporising): usually, mainly almost, on foil,
  • Intranasal: but at first it has to be mixed with ascorbic acid in water and you have to heat the solution (basically like it is prepared for a shot), then the final solution is added to a nasal spray bottle and you can be having little puffs of that, you can be ingenious and find other devices, but an empty nasal spray bottle works wonders. You can try making chopping it heavily into as fine as you can powder and snort like you would with #4, but this one will not get absorbed properly by the muccus, if it gets at all honestly. So if you got #3 just use the method from the first phrase.
  • Intravenous Injection, for this one you have to mix it with water and ascorbic acid and heat the solution, filter it ( simple cotton (not cig filter!!!) or even better a wheel filter ) then inject it.
  • Intramuscular - Don't even think about it, as I said it is the most dangerous way to do it, even more than a filty IV injection, I explained the reason above.
  • Subcutaneous- Same as Intramuscular.
Now on #4, I don't have experience with this but I did read about it, mostly on here:
  • Intranasal: you don't have to go through the hassle as with #3 because in this refined form, it is already a HCL. So you just chop it and snort it as you would with any other powder.
  • Smoking(Vaporising): same as with #3, on foil or another device, but I've read here that it has a nastier taste than #3.
  • Intravenous: With this #4 HCL heroin is muuuuch easier than with #3, as I said it's already a HCL, so you just mix the solution with water, filter and then you are ready to go. ( heat is not needed in this case, as you saw that I omitted that part , it's proved scientifically that heat just makes the unwanted particles an easier entry into the solution).
  • Intramuscular- Same as with #3 as in DON'T.
  • Subcutaneous- Same as with #3 as in DON'T.
On the informations related to Black Tar ,I will let somebody more experienced with that form to tell you the details, I don't want to misguide you and cause harm. I've read here that you can smoke(vaporise) and snort(monkey watering) black tar, but the taste and everything related to it it's nasty, I don't know honestly many details about the Black Tar IV preparation technique, but long story short, this is the worst form of Heroin you can inject Intramusculary, at it is much more dirty than the first two, if someone has a different opinion or I'm wrong, please forgive me, I told you that I didn't research nor used Black Tar.

Hope this was informative enough, please stay safe, one thing I wanted to add to every list is to use a Test Kit for various substances i.e Fent, Fent Analogoues, RCs etc. The Test Kits are not that expensive and I encourage testing no matter what ROA you choose, it's better to spend a few notes/coins on a Test Kit than to pay with your life or later pay very expensive required treatment care.

For the Ketamine part, the same thing applies as with the heroin, I'm talking about the IM process, but lots of us take that risk, even myself,everytime IM ketamine because I like k-holing, not feeling wonky. I think people prefer IM over IV with ketamine because with IV you hole almost instantly and you may remain with the needle stuck in your arm, beside other accidents that can happen. Something else about IM-ing Ketamine I would suggest is to buy pharmaceutical grade ampoules, if you can't make sure at least that it's as clean as possible, it's your choice anyway, we all take risks when you do this, I didn't IM ketamine for some time now, but I knew the consequences and took the risks, so everytime you do it, remind yourself of the risks and prepare to be held responsible for them.
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Thanks Morpheus. Love the awesome detailed explanation. I agree 100% with your wisdom. The straight dope, if you will, is that most every drug can be consumed by every route of administration or ROA for short. You'll find in your travels that certain drugs are contraindicated for certain ROA's either due to inefficacy or to physical harm, however. For example, you cannot use Lisdexamphetamine (Vyvanse) by any route other than PO due to the drug not being active without activation by certain GI processes. Bupropion (Wellbutrin) cannot be injected due to the extensive physical damage it can cause to both veins and surrounding tissue.

Most Opioids are available by all ROA's to make it short, but always conduct proper research before pulling the trigger.

And for the record, injection of Ketamine by any route (IM;IV;SC etc.) is only for those well initiated with the usage and effects of the drug. Certainly, the primary effects of the drug is not the major danger, but the possibility of harm arising from losing complete control of your senses (K-Hole). I had a friend who injected Ketamine IV simply because that's what he did with everything else. He woke up with a broken TV, a smashed coffee table and a fractured arm that took quite a while to get better. Let's just say he was no longer a Varsity-level pitcher for the Lowell High Red Raiders.
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And for the record, injection of Ketamine by any route (IM;IV;SC etc.) is only for those well initiated with the usage and effects of the drug. Certainly, the primary effects of the drug is not the major danger, but the possibility of harm arising from losing complete control of your senses (K-Hole). I had a friend who injected Ketamine IV simply because that's what he did with everything else. He woke up with a broken TV, a smashed coffee table and a fractured arm that took quite a while to get better. Let's just say he was no longer a Varsity-level pitcher for the Lowell High Red Raiders.
i think this can go for alot of drugs really, alot of bad can come out of somthing you're not expecting in the end, be it overstimmulation from stimulants, over sedation from downers etc, best stick to the rule - learn how each drug effects you via the lesser route first