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How I experience psilocin. Question about come up and peak, OOBE?


Apr 10, 2014
Actually Id like to first ask if 1.5-1.8 grams of cultivated closed cap cubensis is considered a low dose, because many people I know like to dose quite a bit higher from the same batch as me. Id say my friends usually like to go with 2.5-3.0 on average. These people seem nearly unaffected or bored by the dose that I would normally take.

Now at this dosage (roughly half an 1/8th) almost without fail, I experience an out of body experience. If Im walking I will get the feeling that Im hovering above myself and inside of my head simultaneously. Sometimes it feels as if my consciousness toggles back and forth from inside my head to 10/20 feet above my head. Also nearly without fail I get the feeling that there are small entities around watching me. I can sense them in my peripherals. I always got the sensation that they fit the European storybook dwarves/elves and oddly this is far before I had heard of the DMT/elf cliché. There has been occasions that I have caught brief glimses of these elves but its mostly a "feeling" and not visual. I also feel that there is one "main" entity governing the experience. I feel as if Im in close proximity to "God". Its a profound feeling beyond the normal senses.

Now, I enjoy sharing with you guys the way I subjectively experience psilocin but I have a question for you that I have long pondered as well. When the psilocin begins to take effect its not too bad, colors saturate, depth perception changes , my vision slightly distorts and I get the odd thought patterns etc. This part can be reasonably "fun". What happens next is where it gets a bit difficult for me- the come up/peak.

Many people complain about the severe "come up" associated with psilocin. But I always thought the come up was nothing compared to the peak. Im wondering If Im confusing the the two. I get this writhing, crawling, twisting extrememly unsettling body load during the peak. Its so severely disturbing that I often find myself completely immobilized and unable to speak coherently. At this point I will inevitabley feel my consciousness separate from my body. I describe this as having the sensation that Im sitting NEXT TO myself watching from an outside perspective how the psilocin is tearing my ego to shreads. This lasts probably a maximum of 20 minutes , but its highly likely Im off because of the extreme time dilation that accompanies this experience. When this feeling dissipates Im quite comfortable and I can enjoy the visuals and the emotional experience that awaits me. I can almost compare this experience to climbing a mountain in a thunderstorm and when I get to the top is when the elements are at their worst. When I get over the mountain peak there is a beautiful clearing, a meadow with a gentle stream and the suns bright glow gently warms my skin. Now I can relax.

As a side note, Im wondering if the uncomfortable body effects are what cause an out of body type feeling. They say in moments of extreme stress or trauma the mind attempts to dissociate itself from the body as a protective mechanism.

So my question ...is this turbulent storm that Im experiencing the come up or the peak? Does this experience sound familiar to you guys or is this not typical for you? I think it has more to do with the mental/body effects during this portion of the trip but I the visuals don't seem to REALLY kick in until right after this so Im confused about whether its the peak or the come up. What Im describing is the exact reason why Im always nervous to take psilocin. I almost always feel like Im going to lose my mind during this portion of the trip. Something Ive never experienced with ANY other psychedelic.

Also if any of you out there can relate, is there anything that you do to alleviate the intensity or do you have to just fasten your seat belts and grin and bear it?
Some people just don't seem to get hit by mushrooms as much as others I guess. Either that or they have weak mushrooms. Cubensis are about half and half psilocybin and psilocin, and psilocin oxidizes readily. So if the shrooms are old they're probably about half as strong as fresh ones.
How much do you need for a "full" experience, and do you actually get OBEs like speak of? Do you get the uncomfortable crawling out of your skin feeling? I mean no matter how much acid I take I never have a similar experience, despite the generalization that "mushrooms are similar to acid".
How much do you need for a "full" experience, and do you actually get OBEs like speak of? Do you get the uncomfortable crawling out of your skin feeling? I mean no matter how much acid I take I never have a similar experience, despite the generalization that "mushrooms are similar to acid".

I'd say 2 grams would be enough for a full experience, but I'm talking about Liberty Caps. I don't have access to Cubensis. Regarding OBEs, I've never had them on any drug. My soul appears to be firmly anchored in my body. I think it would be cool if I could have those though. Next time try to move around with your soul and go somewhere away from your body and see what happens. I have sensed entities around me though. Not like elves but just general presences. Shrooms do give me weird body feelings, like my legs are all rubbery and I'm uncoordinated for the first while. For me the worst parts of the trip are the later stages, like third hour on to the end. I haven't actually used them in many years because I just didn't like them that much. Too many unpleasant parts to the trip, not to mention that they taste crappy and make me nauseous for the first while. I just don't find anything attractive about them. Tryptamines are too rough and predictably cause bad trips, in my opinion.
yeah, they are definitely rough on the mind, amonst the roughest Ive experienced. Almost everytime I use them their is a point where I feel like Im gonna lose my mind....like Im convinced Im going to snap. However their is soething about the difficulty of mushrooms that seems to make me feel like its for my own good as opposed to other drugs. Other drugs tend to make me feel like "this is bad for you". No other drugs besides mushrooms has lobng lasting mental health benefits for me either. I tripped on some particulary potent cultivated cubensis on New Years of 2000. Whe I came off of the trip I had no desire to get "fucked up" anymore so I stopped drinking, which was an every night event for me. I also found me self feeling deeply spiritual. I noticed that it wasn't that the "effect wore off", but that the social problems we all face wore me back down to my normal self. However, this spiritual feeling I had resisited this for about a year. There was this deep seated happiness that I felt for that year or so and I had no desire to do harmful things to myself in exchange for a few moments of mental numbness. I also found myself connected deeply to people I cared about. Very interesting effect it had on me even though a large portion of the experience was uncomfortable. I also believ this was the hardest Ive ever tripped on mushrooms. Bottom line is I strongly believe that mushrooms are psychologically beneficial if used properly
Psilocybin does have antidepressant effects which can be longlasting. Maybe small doses regularly, like every 2-4 weeks, would be beneficial.
Interetingly the study I read on that said that the higher the dose the stronger the antidepressant effect and the longer lasting. Granted the study I read also said it didn't exceed 30 mg. And even though the positive effects increased the incidences of negative experiences did as well.