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How High Are You? v. I'll Trade You My Shirt For A Grilled Cheese

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I've been right in your shoes before, Smoke! I'm still living in my parent's house on 70 damn mg's of methadone with no job (except under-the-table lawncare).

They did that shit to me, but what they don't realize is that you're obviously gonna find mad ways around their "drug test" whether it drugs or "fake yellow something that's heated with hormones or some shit so it looks like human pxss." Unless you're ready for a break. I respect that as well. Dope almost took my life away, literally OD'd more x's than I fucking know haha. I mean it's probably not funny, but I have to laugh at my nonsense or I'd lose it.

Funny you said that, when all that shit happened (got outta rehab once) I got ambien and gabapentin scripts filled ASAP! haha. Problem with em' is that they sky-rocket your tolerance to the more euphoric effects and are left with more sedation/weird effects haha. Especially gabapentin! I miss my fucking lyrica haha.

Yeah man bupe and trams used to be the shit for me when I was on BMT. The synergy vanished though! I think it has to do with the state of my liver with consuming potentiation doses of cimetidine for too long.

Jealous of that kief though. I poured up more bourbon.

I'm trying to just go clean now, or pretty damn close. I was on a run of like a bundle a day or at least a half bun sometimes more and after 9 buns in like 11 days I said to myself I'm going to get 3 buns then just stop. Well, after I was done the 2 buns I ended up getting my parents had a talk with me. A few weeks ago I snagged like $220 from my grandmas account. 3 different withdraws. Well I got caught and they said I can go to a halfway house back in Baltimore, or I can get kicked out. Well I convinced them to let me stay but my dad is making me do like 2 NA meetings a week, read these addiction books (actually sorta interesting cuz my pic is pretty much in there, or might as well be) get a sponser, work the steps and all thus shit.

I have to do an hour of something a day and can't keep doing the same stuff everyday. I gotta switch it up, and he wants me to do it for a year but who knows how long he will keep it up. It's better then quitting my job and going to a half way house. I also gotta take a drug test every other week and after a couple months it will be monthly at random but if I fail I'm out.

I can take etizolam but I don't have a card to use anymore and I can't get a prepaid cuz my parents will have my checks till I pay off my sister $150, my mom $280, my grandma the $210 I stole, and MD unemployment $1700. So I won't have spending money for a while unless I get am extra $20 and just save it to I got $80 for a bunch of etiz which will be like 2 months if I only get an extra 20 every check. Lol I gotta quit weed to but he's letting me smoke what I got now which was a half oz but it's like an 8th now. Ha.

I'm sorta glad it happened cuz I need to straighten up and save money and weed puts a good size sent in my budget and if I can save that for a car I can build up $$ pretty fast. As for the dope, I feel like I couldn't quit but I wanted to so bad. The cravings are very intense. Not as bad right now. Although I'm off and on with these withdraw from doing 130 bags or so in like 11 days. Totally fucked myself. Although this kid at work gave me some ambien last night and 250 mgs of tramadol in the morning which helped a bit. I took 15mgs of ambien and all that gabapentin and slept through the night. Today he gave me 100mgs if tramadol and 10mgs of ambien so I should be able to sleep.

On top of that I got a few 2mg strips that should be here today or tommorrow but I called my mom to see if they were there but she didn't check the mail yet. She knows I'm illing but when I talked to her she was like "yeah, I have 3 of your suboxone pills from back In march (I got 30 8mg sub pills I must have given her 3 in case I ever need em again). I was like why are you just telling me now when you knew I was illing. She said that she didn't know I really needed em. Or maybe she just wanted me to suffer. Lol I don't blame her after I got caught with her pain meds and then 2 days later the credit card thing came up.

So yeah hopefully she really does have em when I get home In about 10-15 mins. It would kick ass if my other strips also came in. Id be a happy camper fo sho.

OT: I'm feeling pretty energized now.

50mgs of adderall XR.
Couple one hitters of bud I smoked before I went back to clean up for the end if the day at work but I'll be smoking bongs of kief and bud when I get back to the house in a few.

That's it for right now but tonight I'll probaly take a smaller dose of gabapentin then yesterday. Probaly 1200mgs today and ill take 10mgs of ambien tonight before my NA meeting. Hopefully I got some sub with it all to. I don't see why she would lie to me.

Damn, I always write a book when I take adderall and I don't even mean to. Imagine if I was on my computer, it would be even worse. lol. Opps.
Amphetamines comedown and 6mg bromazepam. Also took like 80mg of tramadol. This tolerance break thing is going swell. %)
There's some withdrawal symptoms, but nothing very serious. So I'm not really high. Gonna hit the sack rather early today I think.
^ I never have amp comedowns and don't no why. Could it be all the weed I smoke? Idk. Even when I had my script back in mid April and was taking over 100mgs in a day and had no comedown, even now if this dude at work throws me 2 caps which is equal to 40-50 mgs depending on if they're the 20s or 25s and I take both and don't have any comedown at all. Who knows, maybe I'm just lucky.

Back on topic. I'm feeling nice and withdraw free. My mom wasn't shitting me about the 3 suboxone tablets she had in the safe. They were from my script back in feb or march that I must have given her to hold on to but idr. I'm so happy she actually had em In there.

2mg suboxone plugged (needed that fast relief and I took a shit beforehand so I said fuck it and just plugged it)
Still feeling the 50mg of adderall rx I took earlier
Weed and kief bong rips
10 mg ambien

Edit 2: I'm feeling right. Just got home and added 5mgs of ambien, weed, and kief. Everything is just synergizing so nicely. I think the adderall is still working as well. I'm not all energetic and shit just feel nice. That 2mg sub treated me pretty damn good. I do think that weed and kief kicks it in more,
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^ I never have amp comedowns and don't no why. Could it be all the weed I smoke? Idk. Even when I had my script back in mid April and was taking over 100mgs in a day and had no comedown, even now if this dude at work throws me 2 caps which is equal to 40-50 mgs depending on if they're the 20s or 25s and I take both and don't have any comedown at all. Who knows, maybe I'm just lucky.

Back on topic. I'm feeling nice and withdraw free. My mom wasn't shitting me about the 3 suboxone tablets she had in the safe. They were from my script back in feb or march that I must have given her to hold on to but idr. I'm so happy she actually had em In there.

2mg suboxone plugged (needed that fast relief and I took a shit beforehand so I said fuck it and just plugged it)
Still feeling the 50mg of adderall rx I took earlier
Weed and kief bong rips
10 mg ambien

/e: damn that's more text than i imagined. I don't avoid posting while tweaking, but I do generally avoid writing tweakers posts.

Yeah, orally the comedown is almost nonexistant for me as well. It's nonexistant at all if I smoke weed and/or pop a benzo(+tramadol). If I consume all 3 of the 'comedown drugs' I mentioned; it makes even a comedown from IV amphetamines become a pleasant high. 100mg isn't that excessive of a dose either orally. (Not saying that like it's a bad thing; but it explains why you don't get a comedown. Praise yourself
! :D

I like amps to hit me fast and hard and will use any RoA aside from oral most of the time. (Usuallly IV, because I got dat needle fixation.:|) TBPH, oral is a great RoA if you can get it cheap (like me, but I'm just weird) because of how smooth the transitions from sober to high and back to sober are. For functional use, oral is hands down the best RoA, IMHO. I also consume inhumane amounts of the stuff whenever I take amphetamines, largely because I redose compulsively like a madman. This is why I try to not buy more than 1g at a time these days.

This morning I was actually "proud" (8)) I didn't finish an entire gram over the course of a night. (It was 1.12g after the acetone wash, and I had 0.28 left this morning) Usually after picking up I'll do 200mg to get started and then redose every 30-60 minutes until I run out (usually that's what happens unless I buy 5g).If that happens; 4-5 days will go by before I get so sick of it I decide it's time to call it quits again for a while.

P.S. When I say 60% pure it's as in 100mg of stuff = 60mg d/l amphetamines. In Belgium and holland we usually talk about only the amphetamine content; which can never be higher than 73% in its sulphate form. Only freebase can be truly 100% pure, but is extremely rare and unlikely to be found very easily.

Imma stop it's turning into a tweak post.

OT: I did a little last shot of amps a while earlier; there was 98mg left apparently. Took some benzos to chill (18mg bromazepam) and 80-90mg tramadol to keep me out of withdrawal. (For the most part.) Wish I had some weed.

/Edit before posting: As I have often said on here before, amphetamines always leaves my ability to sleep intact, when we're taking clean(ed) amphetamines, I'd even say the effects are mildly sedative to me. However, I rarely choose to actually do sleep on amphetamines, simply because I enjoy it's effects too much. All that is to say that aforementioned "last little shot" had a paradoxical effect that knocked my ass the fuck out. (for 1hr and 40mins to be exact.)
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wow man, i had a fucking medi candy that got me stupidly stoned.

I went about a week sober maybe a few days more then that I lost count. But it was to bring tolerance on everything down minus alcohol, I've still been drinking.

Smoked a bowl of meth at work about 8 hours ago, and since then have taken 3mg Xanax, a couple beers and a shot and smoked some good bud. Now just took 20mg adderall orally.
PILL2CHILL- I saw what you wrote but I don't have time to really reply right now but I will later on.

OT: 50 mg adderall XR oral
Gravity bong of weed and kief a few hours who when I woke up for work.
One hitter just now
2 mg of suboxone plugged

Feels fucking nice!
I've been noticing that a lot of people here on BL ( and some friends ) have been taking lil breaks from drugs, myself included. Everything except opiates. Some weekends I will half dose it with my methadone, or won't dose Sunday. But that's about it with the dones. And sense I have such a fast metabolism, once the dones build back up in my system, I get a really nice buzz/high for 1-3 hours after I dose. It just sux waking up sick.

Anyways, I'm super lit of some bong bowls of Willy Wonder and am starting to hella nod out from methadone and valium. I love this combo ^_^
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Woke up, had two cigarettes and a cup of tea, put on Deafheaven's Sunbather (phenomenal atmospheric metal record, seriously I'm blown away) and now I'm gonna go grab one or two of those weed candies from the medi ;)
Just got a new job. Its a bit below my skill level but I negotiated some decent pay for it. Beats no job.

Celebrating with some beer and a vape session. A bottle of Rex Goliath Pinot Noir is being chilled to go with my dinner of sauteed shrimp, fresh mash potatoes, and corn.
I might be in the wrong section but i'm finally sober in rehab : o
Am i missing out on the drugs or is sobriety a good idea cuz i miss using sometimes damnet!

i m currenty high off my ass on Lriica. but im wondering if i have can take less then 10 to get the effect im talking 10 100mg pills. im 6 foot 7 in aand i way 270lb(but i look like weigh 215lb believe it or no. so whaats the perfect dose.
wondering if i can take ;ess
No one can make that decision except for yourself dawg

I'm sober now but my man is coming thru with sum bud 2day finally. Cross fade tonight for sure. Only question is what imma watch to celebrate.
I might be in the wrong section but i'm finally sober in rehab : o
Am i missing out on the drugs or is sobriety a good idea cuz i miss using sometimes damnet!

for goodness' sake, stay sober! I'd be so down to be sober, but, y'know, justifications and whatnot.
I might be in the wrong section but i'm finally sober in rehab : o
Am i missing out on the drugs or is sobriety a good idea cuz i miss using sometimes damnet!

When I got out of rehab I was also getting my own apartment for the first time in my life. I had to decide rather to be a functional drug addict (not like I was before) or be totally sober. I chose option number one. My life is fine but option number 2...while it would have been harder in the beginning would leave me with more money now and I might have enough money to buy a car.
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^ I go back and forth between the two and I am always much happier as a functional addict because it gives me something to look forward to in life (besides a suitable wife or nice car) as well as keep my thinking at bay. I think too goddamn much, but I don't think APs are for me.

Right now I'm sipping a java stout and my boy gonna come thru wit some tree in a bit. Then its spliffs, more beer, benzo (skipped last nights dose :))and possibly cowboy bebop or samurai champloo.
drank 3 beers at my parents house earlier then came home and drank a tallcan of mickeys. Ive been craving weed for the past couple days and earlier I remembered that my gf left her weed/pipe bag at my place because shes in europe. So i'm chillin with a half g of wax and a couple grams of weed :) drunk and stoned is a lot better than just drunk, been getting so over drinkin beers every night.
.3 bag of dope
30mg d-amphetamine
1.5mg alprazolam

Feeling nice
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