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How High Are You? v. Higher Than A Kite That Ate Acid

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It is interesting, and admirable, that you can keep a healthy benzo habit while drinking passionately. I know myself, I'd probably start eating the pills like candy as soon as they hit me. And knowing the consequences of that, plus the hellish withdrawal, I've sworn myself off benzos. And trying to avoid GABAergics in general, by replacing them with opioids (I know, what a genius idea). But maybe I should give it a try...
I had the same idea. If im going to be an addict way better to get fucked on opiates than on benzos and booze. It's just way less sloppy.
I havent taken more than 10mg of valium at once in months. And I don't think I've taken 20+ at once in years. When I first got my script over 2yr ago I'd have 30-55mg at a time, but I don't find just getting high on valium as fantastic as I used to, probably because I'm not an unemployed bum any more.

These days I just take 5mg before work or 10mg if really anxious. When I drink, I don't take the valium.

I'd forego both for opiates, but a sixpack is <10usd usually and that's a pretty weak heroin habit. My tolerance is past dime bags, much past. Also it's way more dangerous (legally) not to mention having to hide it. I don't have to hide that I love beer.

On ttopic : lagunitas lil sumpin.
Hello all!! I'm kinda new but kinda not new to bluelight! Have always done research on maybe opiates with blue lifts help! Today I snorted 4mg subutex and usually have 2 mg every 4 hours of the day. I am trying to get my tolerance down for norbupe to work better was up to 24 mg a day but now I'm at 12 but spread out. I been having cravings for my DOC beans! Any and all opiate pills! But been on subs for 10 months. Not one slip up yet. Gotta talk to my dr maybe try and switch ever year methadone and subutex yearly at a time. But who knows what the future holds right! Everyone have a great day I'm off to work 12 hrs ?
Sir, that is very true about alcohol being a way cheaper habit than heroin. I wish I had your willpower in terms of limiting yourself while intoxicated. I personally either go balls to the wall or not go at all. Of course, I'm not as bad as I was a year ago when I'd down half a litre of vodka as soon as I got home to "start the evening", but still find it hard to keep a strict schedule. I guess codeine is kind of a saver because I can't take it a lot because of paracetamol, and can't drink once I've taken it because of the APAP as well. But getting tired of it honestly, would have switched to heroin a while ago if there was any to be found in my city (I don't have the connections as I've kind of distanced myself from the culture). Hopefully the bag of opioid goodies arrives soon in mah mail.

OT: looking at the way I'm blabbering I assume the caffeine and alcohol have done their job. Slowly drinking beer. Buddy coming over in a sec.
I'd much rather be an opiate addict than an alcoholic, personally-speaking. Both can be debilitating addictions but, for me personally, alcohol is far more debilitating and turns me into a terrible person. Plus the feeling of being high on opiates is just a lot more fun for me than being drunk, which is too disorienting to be fun.

Also I really dislike hanging out with drunken people most the time. The last time I drank my friends beat the shit out of me, and I laughed the entire time they were doing it. My body is covered in black and blue marks, it looks like I survived 5 rounds with a professional prize-fighter or something. One mark on my pectoral muscle looks like I got punched so hard I'm surprised I didn't cough up blood. Aaaaaahhhhh alcohol...
Welcome Joe bean.

Bd: I don't pretend that I'm not a functional alcoholic... The fewest drinks I've had during a day off in the last month was about 3 and I needed 5mg of val once my buzz was dead in order to stay calm about the lack of booze... I was too lazy to drive to the stores lol. I typically have about six, maybe eight drinks a night. It is my hope that when I get a second job I will be too busy to drink as much as I have been. I'm not fit like I was this past fall anymore :( lmaaaoooo

Gonna cook breakfast to go with this beer naow

Burnt offerings: sorry to hear that. Your friends suck. I agree 100% about opies being better than booze but legality, availability, and price all play a role. I hate myself and I hate my dependence on booze, I'm just not ready to quit.
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thanks Sirtophamhat!

On the topic of booze and opiates! I was a big alcoholic but opiates basically stopped my drinking all together. I enjoy opiates way way more then drinking. But now I'm subutex and I'm trying to enjoy it even tho it's really nothing it's kinda like a high but you can feel it everywhere except your brain lol everyone have a blessed day I'm going back to work break time is over! Peace
Peace Joe bean.

I'm working on a Belgian now, have nothing planned for the rest of the day so I might just leave the house for a change.
Well, I agree with all of you that opioids are way better than alcohol any day. But I decided to take a break for a week or so - stay clean y'know. Well, that didn't work out so well. I'm still puzzled by how people manage to be sober for a whole fucking day. So I started drinking again, and it goes downhill from that point. As such, OT: 4.5 litres of beer down. Should go to bed, but fuck. Probably depressed from the lack of opioids or something, but really not feeling like facing another day.

Everyone have a nice morning/day/evening/night!
700mg Glaucine, 30mg temazepam.
Alternating between happiness or quite an interesting but not intense mind state and anxiety. Mostly positive now, come up was unpleasant.

Pm for 0.5mg Xanax or Valium 10mg. also have some tabs. 8mg codeine

You are not allowed to do that...gonna get banned before you become a Bluelighter.
Sorry officer, most of us would not bite that hook.
Just cracked another one #blessup

Also took a hit of some chem dawg shatter. I need to find me more work so I can afford dumb shit like fancy vape pens again.
7.5 mg of midazolam
a bump of euro-amp
and the best 0.2 grams of pharmaceutical grade heroin smoked (60-40 H-caffeine)
Just cracked another one #blessup

Also took a hit of some chem dawg shatter. I need to find me more work so I can afford dumb shit like fancy vape pens again.

BlessUp makes me think of those DJ Khaled snapchats. Also nothin like a dab of shatter after only smoking weed for a while. :) I find the vice/versa to be true as well.

OT: Took 2mg xanax wit one of my main homeboys about an hour ago. We're just chillaxin waiting for our other homie to get off of work so we can all chill and take dabs. Also a shot or two of tequila thrown in the mix. I might not remember tonight but it is what it is, yu know?! =D
That sounds awesome bingeboy, what does the stuff in the parentheses mean?

well it's the caffeine to heroin ratio , caffeine is added to make the heroin evaporate at a lower temperature so I can smoke/vape it off foil
Sick as a dog. Drank a little too much. Usually I'm not one to bitch about feeling shit, but the opi w/d is fucking me up. Almost threw up the beers and I was only on my 7th litre.
Not particularly high. Going to take a 10 mg tablet from my zolpidem prescription & smoke some weed before bed, though, and I'm looking forward to that.
Had kratom a few hours after the glaucine (took too much of that, 150-350mg is pretty much the feel good dose range) and that is wearing off but just had 1mg alprazolam and about 1.5g of phenibut just 15 minutes or less ago. And 600mg seroquel instant release (the XR is only good for sleep at higher doses and long sleeps, and decreasing yours and others telepathic abilities - not sure if everyone who is telepathic gives off drug telepathy that can be used in the case of antipsychotics and is seems glaucine to weaken the telepathy and telepathic attack powers of other people. The Seroquel XR is better for fucking up the ability of other people to use telepathic attacks because it lasts longer. You can also take higher doses of it.

And yeah, 8mg of codeine would just barely be noticeable. Don't know if that could be a cop though, I'd expect the donut patrol to offer something stronger than that, like OCs.
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