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How does Valium or other Benzos make you feel?


Aug 16, 2023
Seriously I must be missing something here. I have had doctors prescribe valium, ativan, and the other one whose name I forgot and they do absolutely nothing for me except make me a little sleepy. I was issued valium for bladder spasms in 5 mg form. It worked great for that but then after a week he cut me off, said it was addictive. What the hell? Not addictive at all, just prevented me from having to pee every 10 minutes. I do not understand how or why a person would get addicted to a benzo, they have absolutely no euphoric or high effect on me at all. What exactly is a benzo high because I have yet to experience it and I just want to make these spasms go away. I found what worked and now I am cut off. I wonder if there is something in my biochemistry that makes me immune to the effect that apparently a lot of people are chasing.
Benzos are only "euphoric" to people who have major anxiety issues. Clinical anxiety. Otherwise you'll just feel relaxed and sedated, not much else. There is no real "high" like other drugs.

People who do not suffer from anxiety usually don't get anything from benzos. That's probably why you didn't like them...

Although, 5mg is quite a small dose and wouldn't do that much anyways.

Benzos are insanely addictive. If you took it for 3 months, instead of 1 week, then suddenly stopped you would realize why. It produces the most powerful and longest lasting physical dependence of any drug.
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Like who I used to be before all the bullshit.
Easing of any/all "issues" real or imagined that may or may not be going on.
I could go on but yeah as posted above this is mostly for those who have some underlying causes for anxiety and whatnot.
Depending on dose I can chill or get so "manic" that I end up in jail or worse. The jail days have passed long ago....
Benzos are only "euphoric" to people who have major anxiety issues. Clinical anxiety. Otherwise you'll just feel relaxed and sedated, not much else. There is no real "high" like other drugs.

People who do not suffer from anxiety usually don't get anything from benzos. That's probably why you didn't like them...

Although, 5mg is quite a small dose and wouldn't do that much anyways.

Benzos are insanely addictive. If you took it for 3 months, instead of 1 week, then suddenly stopped you would realize why. It produces the most powerful and longest lasting physical dependence of any drug.
Hell even people with anxiety don't always find benzos euphoric.

I have extreme panic/anxiety & I get panic attacks where I feel like I'm gonna die or lose my mind & even then I wouldn't say benzos are very euphoric.
Of course it also can depend on the benzo.

If I'm feeling like I'm about to die or freak out, some klonopin under my tongue can fix it (usually) within 20 mins.
But it's just a relaxed & relieved state for me. Nothing like opioid euphoria or even weed euphoria.
I feel like benzos do their job, which is get rid of anxiety or overstimulation.
But it's not really "euphoric", if you're a person who's experienced heroin euphoria or something.

I was able to take or leave benzos for the longest time. My mom use to be on klonopin & she'd give me some once in awhile if I was having withdrawals from opioids or just having insane anxiety in general. I do recall feel a bit euphoric off them at times, but that "euphoria" only lasted roughly 2hrs & then I'm basically a groggy
zombie for another 18+ hours. So I never found it worth it to keep taking them. But I managed to skip having a benzo dependence for 15 years up until now. Even while having a legit out of hand anxiety disorder.

I also had a script for xanax for several years & they were mildly enjoyable. But I found them pretty boring too. I always had the option between opioids, benzos or both. And I would go with opioids every time. Much cleaner feeling than benzos & way more euphoria & feelings of well being.

Benzos work for my anxiety but I've always had a hard time understanding why people "abused" them, unless they're some one who doesn't know that there are better highs out there. Feeling like a groggy zombie isn't my idea of "fun" anyway.

I also feel like benzos are the new "opioid" where nobody wants to prescribe them anymore due to "abuse". So then people like myself who really need them have a harder time getting them, even though I've never cared for the "high" they produce anyway.

I think people who enjoy alcohol are the ones who enjoy/abuse benzos the most. Cause high enough doses of benzos can produce a very drunken-like state.
And i'm some one who drinking doesn't appeal to either (blacking out & feeling like the room is spinning is not fun).

I know a girl who loves benzos (but doesn't get to use them anymore) & is also an alcoholic & she has a lot less anxiety issues than I do.
I also know somebody right here on BL who doesn't have an anxiety problem but loves valium! So YMMV, but I don't think it's just strictly severely anxious people that can enjoy them. Which does make me wonder then what exactly makes them "euphoric" & likable for some people & not others, even people with insane anxiety like me.
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As someone who is a bad sleeper, benzos are very enjoyable. I love the feeling of floating off just prior to sleep, particularly in combination with weed. I much prefer this combo than alcohol.

As someone with a busy mind, klonopin or valium provide some peace. I only ever take benzos at night. Wouldn’t be useful during the day.
As someone who is a bad sleeper, benzos are very enjoyable. I love the feeling of floating off just prior to sleep, particularly in combination with weed. I much prefer this combo than alcohol.

As someone with a busy mind, klonopin or valium provide some peace. I only ever take benzos at night. Wouldn’t be useful during the day.
Very relatable too.
If I lay down & my mind starts talking to me about what happens after we die & if traffic will be okay next Tuesday when I have to go to that appt.... a benzo will usually shut that up so I can get to sleep.

But I wouldn't say it's really a "high" for me.. Although very relaxing at times.
Seriously I must be missing something here. I have had doctors prescribe valium, ativan, and the other one whose name I forgot and they do absolutely nothing for me except make me a little sleepy. I was issued valium for bladder spasms in 5 mg form. It worked great for that but then after a week he cut me off, said it was addictive. What the hell? Not addictive at all, just prevented me from having to pee every 10 minutes. I do not understand how or why a person would get addicted to a benzo, they have absolutely no euphoric or high effect on me at all. What exactly is a benzo high because I have yet to experience it and I just want to make these spasms go away. I found what worked and now I am cut off. I wonder if there is something in my biochemistry that makes me immune to the effect that apparently a lot of people are chasing.

Long term use of benzos cause physical dependence regardless of whether you are mentally addicted to them or not.

They work extremely well for people who need them. Those who don't (who are just trying to get high) are often disappointed and just get sleepy.

So no, I don't think there's anything particularly unique about your biochemistry. I would be honest with your doctor and tell him how much relief you got with the spasms and if you still have no luck perhaps try a different doctor. I'd recommend trying to find someone who isn't fresh out of med school, the older the better tbh.

Just be careful because once you're on benzos for a while your life starts to revolve around them. You may think they don't affect you now, but trust me, if you don't HAVE TO take them...don't. I wish I didn't. I've had crippling anxiety since childhood that wasn't helped with therapy or other medications. As a result of that I also have insomnia, IBS, OCD, etc. i don't want to take them but the alternative is an unbearable existence.
I think a good analogy for the benzo "euphoria" is giving a med for insomnia to someone who cannot sleep. People without anxiety may find it difficult to comprehend, but insomnia is probably relatable to everyone.

If someone cannot sleep for several days they will feel like crap. Giving them a benzo will get them some sleep and they will wake up feeling happy and rejuvenated, euphoric in a sense because their condition is cured.

If you give an insomnia medication to someone without sleep issues they will wake up feeling groggy, slow, foggy. They might feel worse than if they hadn't taken it. It may be dysphoric for them.

It's the same with anxiety. A person without anxiety may feel slow, depressed, or needlessly tired after taking a benzo. Whereas the person with anxiety will feel amazingly good because their condition is temporarily cured.

Benzos are a tool way more than a recreational drug.
without some pain med even does not bother to touch it....and that's how double addiction comes.on it's own benzo(valium) have some nice muscle relaxing properties and sedating effect on me.little effect like sleeping aid for me.look z drugs put me to sleep after 30 min imminently.no euphoria.addiction is predominantly physical in my case.very rare had some urge to take more than my daily dose.when i have got a remission-there was no mental addiction.no cravings too.that is my case
Even when I'm panicking & take a benzo, I rarely feel euphoric.
Relieved, yes.

But I'd compare it more to being hungry & then eating & feeling fine again after. Rather than eating & then suddenly feeling ontop of the world.
I don't even think benzos completely eliminate my anxiety either. They just make it more physically & psychologically easier to handle.

I could see how some people would find it "euphoric" or addictive though. I think it's usually people who aren't use to heroin-like euphoria.
I also know a lot of stim users who use benzos to take the edge off their DOC, but not necessarily because the benzos themselves are such fun drugs.

Benzos can also feel kinda euphoric in combinations I think. But it's still never been something I'd seek out strictly for recreation.
I've also taken them off & on for 20+ years, so of course they're not as thrilling to me as maybe somebody who's never tried them.

I do like xanax and ativan, but you'll never find me sitting around craving one like I would heroin or even weed.
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Also a little scared of this drug class.
I know what bnz can and has done and treat it with great respect.
Gotta... cant afford to fuck up and dont want any neg side effects from use.
Well 5 mg Valium isn't much and won't do much, now if you took like 6 of them, you would feel high definitely. It's mainly a relaxing and sedating high, take enough and you black out and lose all memory. Mixed with alcohol adds to the effects but obviously can be dangerous.
Benzos mixed with opiates increases the nod and high, benzos mixed with alcohol increases the drunkenness and can make you black out, benzos is great when you are coming down off stimulants or during stimulant induced anxiety, paranoia, and psychosis because it calms you down. Many different reasons why people abuse them. But at a therapeutic dose it's going to reduce anxiety and help you relax.
Benzos like diazepam or clonazepam make me feel relaxed, euphoric, at peace. Triazolobenzos like alprazolam or clonazolam make me feel a rapid cycling euphoria/dysphoria with intense suicidal ideation, an intense desire to keep taking more, super irritable.
Valium makes me feel invisible. And stops me thinking straight lol. Most stupid or bad things I've done have been due to abusing benzos first. Once I've had benzos just about any other drug seems like a good idea. All inhibitions lost and no fucks given!
Usually anxiety free.

Diazepam makes you feel like you are melting to the couch. Clonazepam seems to have this compulsive re-dosing quality to it. Alprazolam seems to induce almost manic/stimulated behaviour.

I have long lasting anxiety issues, but my current psychiatrist won't prescribe benzos - even when I would truly benefit from them.