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How does the medical profession view weed where you live?

Thomas Davie

Moderator: CD
Staff member
Feb 6, 2013
I had clinic dialysis assessment again today and as usual I was asked about my med consumption in the last 24 hours. Mentioned the usual and Cannabis. Had two nurses to myself (snow day) so I could go into detail About Cannabis usage. They were younger nurses and totally onboard w/it (as well as my other doctors, etc). Told them I’m taking gelcaps 30 minutes before dialysis or a bong rip immediately before. They just put it in my charts and said they’d rather me use MJ than decongestants, painkillers or sleeping pills.

My hope is to get my medical team to write a letter to my insurance company so I can get 100% coverage. They didn’t seem to find it odd consuming Cannabis at 6 am. The medical profession seems to have embraced Cannabis in Canada as alternatives to many different types of far more harmful drugs. An inhaled anti nausea med....is a wonder.

I'm not sure how my doctor views cannabis, I mentioned that I used daily to him once (maybe 8-9 years ago now) and he either forgot or doesn't believe that makes me an 'addict' because he doesn't have issue giving me controlled medications as long as I need them. If I had to guess, he'd probably support cannabis use, at least for the elderly, as he seems a well read, understanding type, and we had a whole conversation about the switch from barbituates to bzds in the 1970s/80s and how they're much safer last time I went to see him.

I live in the US and I'd say it's a toss up. Depends on the doctor. I don't live in a medical or recreational state and yet there seems to be growing acceptance of medical MJ use by all sorts of people. When I had a colonoscopy a few months back, I overheard the old man (had to be at least 80) in the bed next to me tell the nurse he smokes 3 joints a day lol. I'm like damn man, that'd have me passed the fuck out. I just told the nurse I don't use anything because at the time I was desperately trying to convince someone to try a controlled substance for my pain and didn't want to be seen as a 'seeker'.
It's a seen as a pure recreational drug, and if you are unlucky your labeled as addict.

But there must be some exception's among dr's. But in general you don't tell medical people you use weed.
I’ve been on both ends of the spectrum; my family doctor calling me an addict, all the way to my current medical ‘team’ who say ‘go for it, have more if it helps you puke less’. Feels weird. 7 days ago in the hospital (peritonitis) I asked for something for pain and they offered me morphine or T-3’s. Upon discharge, I was given a prescription for T-3’s unasked. Pain control is a weird thing.

Cream Gravy? Being told by a family doctor that I was an addict not only hurt, but left me almost afraid to ask for pain management. Last week, I chickened out and asked.

But there must be some exception's among dr's. But in general you don't tell medical people you use weed.

This, my doctor basically thinks it's the devil n just uses it as a cop out for absolutely everything, it's not their fault for not helping it's your fault for using cannabis
NE US, I used to be in MA.

Real mix. I've been surprised how some of the docs changed their stance on marijuana (more comfortable with it), especially with pain in the elderly and some chronic conditions. Compared to opioids and such. Not to mention CBD.

Recreational use seems inconsistently tolerated, far less than some possible medical uses. 'Reckless' use especially not viewed favorably. One of the EDs had a run of cannabis hyperemesis syndrome.

Large amount of uncertainty, and still consistent concern about use in younger age groups / development and overuse for areas not fully known. Strong dislike of people using marijuana *for everything* or in place of some medical care and evaluation.

Few entirely against it, but some warming that I didn't expect. Evening getting proper registration to write MM when they said they wouldn't.

Now, one of the docs had this rant of people getting medical marijuana for insomnia when they are on 60mg of adderall or whatever, and strongly is against some psychs and others giving out MM 'too freely'.

The larger health system I was part of has not a small amount of studies with medical marijuana running, at least of a couple years ago and likely now.

Definitely more open than it used to be, but mixed
oh they love it now that .gov says its okay.

before it was the plauge.

even t man said go for it.

i guess thats why he had to fire them.

i dunno the world prolly did a mandella
or tilted just a notch enough and the major
catastrophe came and came to pass.
First prescription - telemedicine from another province. Felt greasy, and only lasted ~ 1 minute
2nd - 4th prescriptions were with an in person doctor. Very informal. 5 minutes perhaps?
Current prescription was in 2 phases; 90 day prescription (b/c I was a new patient and he is still actively working). Re-upped and he extended it to a year. Both times it took 20-30 minutes.

Brother in law is neutral; sister thinks I'm a druggy and everyone else in the family younger except for god nephews (?) actively uses. Yeah, a wide range of reactions to the devil's lettuce. My grandpa, who has been dead 43 years thought it was 'a hoot'. My grandma, who never toked, had cannabis tea at least once (barbiturates were more her style).

I'm just waiting till my peritonitis clears up fully before blazing again. I'm getting 'ansty' :)


Personally i was denied proper medical assistance... I know it was an asthma attack but the simple mention of cannabis sent me to the coocoo nest with people in severe distress and wild marginals. Observation did nothing good except being away from the toxic triggering environment allowed me to recover in a couple hours, actual medical examination was promptly performed in ~5 minutes and it had very little to do with anxiety; i was permitted to leave this circus after providing a signature. Then once back to the same contaminated environment another asthma attack occured again, but this time i just opened all windows and doors to ventilate because that was a major hint i didn't have previously: eventually mold was found in the attic and the leaky roof got repaired, a sanitation spray was also used after some cleanup. Generous ventilation after the painting work proved my own diagnostic was absolutely correct and theirs just lunatic.

Regionally i already reported some recent bigot anti-cannabic propaganda broadcasted by the French-speaking TV network of Radio Canada, hence exploiting a significant language barrier in this country:

Cannabic life promptly illustrated in black & white! {Nov-5, Jan-8}​

It mentioned the mediatic instrumentalization of a dead brother in one case and of a dead son in the other, each time an unsuspecting/vulnerable audience was lead to conclude that cannabis caused those suicides... A fair bit of fact checking showed this biased juxtaposition was most innapropriate at best, actually i had to restrain myself in order to keep it civilized after i managed to get a much wider perspective on the real picture.


Good day, have fun!! ☮
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Definitely becoming more widely accepted and less stigmatized, have actually heard of doctors encouraging controlled use if it allows them to stay off other medications like opioids. I don't think anyone besides pot docs are actually recommending it themselves yet, although I can't speak for all of CA or even most of CA.
Egzoset; I’m sorry that you had to go through that.

I was asked by my sister ‘why, if it’s so good for you, do you sometimes get panic attacks and munchies at other times’. And her conclusion was that because of unpredictability it was a dangerous drug. At the time, several years ago I couldn’t answer. Now, with access to a legal (and yes, I am aware, I think of your opinion on. Canadian legal cannabis), regulated, consistent, reproducible supply I know certain strains to avoid and certain ones that have always treated me properly. Good = Afghan Kush, Jack Herer, Jean Guy. Unpredictable reaction = Super Lemon Haze, and so on,

Mafioso - It was only my most recent prescribing doctor who a] had any idea of THC dosages for gelcaps I use or b) suggestions for vaping. The pharmacy where I pick up my ‘real meds’ has just started offering cannabis counselling for their patients as well as selling medical weed (but you have to be registered with them which means cancelling one of my scripts with another company).

Win some and lose some. Big change will be if patients are ever allowed to pick up their prescriptions in store as opposed to effing mail order.

IME indica, especially kush are more medicinal and sativa are more about the recreational high, lemon kush, Hindu Kush, afghan kush always calmed me whereas all this new stuff that's sativa dominant ie super lemon haze n stardawg just puts you on your ass, I've actually stopped now just because all that's available in the UK right now is all way too potent n just doesn't serve the purpose i smoke it for which is pretty big considering I've smoked everyday for 12+ years.

Purple haze used to be cool though so I dunno if maybe that's more balanced than the newer haze strains.

Tbh it's seems to me that they've gone OTT pushing up the potency n should be focusing more on the balance of cannabinoids but obvs the profit is in the potency so I doubt it'll change anytime soon.

Man I wish decent hash was around over here......
Hi again Thomas Davie,

I was asked by my sister ‘why...

My family relatives stick with the official TV version; while i was always isolated as a rebel anyway it turns out "Légaleezation" didn't change much except now practically all of them eventually vanished out of my reality and reciprocally. Months ago it didn't matter what i think about consumption methods and/or the necessity to seek "bio" quality, my criticism over public-paid shaming ads would make no sense provided this could be discussed freely. Too bad last time i pronounced the "c" word while enjoying sunlight outdoors, during a visit, i vividly recall being firmly instructed to talk quietly in fear of being heard by neighbours wandering around, a hundred feet away. Of course no dialogue ever really occured at all, hence after that it becomes futile to bother fighting doctor opinions flooding our national airwaves, while even watching YouTube i get that same propaganda at times.

Which reminds me. Have you recently detected "doctor" Kevin Sabet on your radars about "legal" vapes vs deaths in USA?

M'well, that's not local but i'll bet it's going to feed our canuck mass media as well! Though perhaps not equally in both official languages.


Good day, have fun!! ☮
It's legal in my country so doctors don't care
My Mom is in severe pain from different things : artritis , Lupus and a whole lot more.

Had a official dr. prescription for medical MJ. From a previous doc. The new one, which is quite ok in general. Think´ s Marihuana has no medical properties.

Situation is kinda sad over here.
Mj420 - don’t know if you’re a Aidan, Uruguayan or South Africa.

In Canada, MJ is slowly gaining acceptance; for instance Shopper’s Drug Mart now sells medical MJ and offers counselling. I’ve found a 50/50 split of doctors who accept it and older doctors who still think it is literally a gateway, addictive drug and won’t prescribe under any conditions. But the older ones will fade away eventually. Cannabis therapy is being taught in med school, dentistry and pharmacy. It’s just gonna take a bit of time, that’s all.

When I was hospitalized on January 16th, I was offered morphine or T-3’s. I chose T-3’s and told them I was using prescribed MJ as soon as the pain from peritonitis vanished. They were ok w/not giving morphine and me using MJ. It’s also going to take a while for prescriptions of morphine, OxyContin, etc to dwindle as it gets more and more internalized by Dr’s that there is a far less harmful option out there.

Here in the UK smokers are being demonized. If anything, drugs laws may become more severe with Brexit. I have heard several people running down Canadians no doubt due to their legalisation of marijuana. I hope I'm wrong but I don't see Middle England accepting legislation soon.

I have asthma and my GP would definitely disapprove so I instinctively avoid discussing past use.
Here in the UK smokers are being demonized. If anything, drugs laws may become more severe with Brexit. I have heard several people running down Canadians no doubt due to their legalisation of marijuana. I hope I'm wrong but I don't see Middle England accepting legislation soon.

I have asthma and my GP would definitely disapprove so I instinctively avoid discussing past use.

people can run down 🇨🇦, doesn’t bother me (except in Curling). If anyone from the UK ever visits Manitoba, they’d still think it’s illegal, b/c the only legal place you can consume is in a privately owned building - or your own house, if you own it. A few people will toke in public but it’s mostly single hitters or vapes. Sometimes I’ll catch a scent of burning weed, look around and never see anything.

There were 2 British MP’s who came over to Canada back in June/July, 2019 to see how legal MJ was working out. A 30 minute documentary either on the BBC or ITV, I’m not sure. One was a labour (?) MP and the other I dunno. What was amusing to me is that one MP asked ‘how come all of your legal Cannabis is so strong; it’s all Super Skunk. People here are mildly grumbling about why our legal product isn’t as strong as Colorado/California.

I smoked my first joint in public on December 31rst as I was shovelling snow in my front driveway. At first I thought woohoo; then it quickly changed to ‘it’s too effing cold to smoke outdoors’. The real woohoo moment came for me when I was given permission to use cannabis when in the hospital for dialysis assessment if I get nausea. No smoking, just oils/gelcaps or a quick hit on a legal vape. Since assessment takes place 1:1 with a nurse in a separate room there’s no issue for others.

Btw, legal Cdn vape cartridges have to have a big red pot leaf and red THC stamp - and the black market is pumping these out too. As of yet, the ‘laser-eh’ tax stamps haven’t been duplicated but that is just a matter of time.

Mj420 - don’t know if you’re a Aidan, Uruguayan or South Africa.

In Canada, MJ is slowly gaining acceptance; for instance Shopper’s Drug Mart now sells medical MJ and offers counselling. I’ve found a 50/50 split of doctors who accept it and older doctors who still think it is literally a gateway, addictive drug and won’t prescribe under any conditions. But the older ones will fade away eventually. Cannabis therapy is being taught in med school, dentistry and pharmacy. It’s just gonna take a bit of time, that’s all.

When I was hospitalized on January 16th, I was offered morphine or T-3’s. I chose T-3’s and told them I was using prescribed MJ as soon as the pain from peritonitis vanished. They were ok w/not giving morphine and me using MJ. It’s also going to take a while for prescriptions of morphine, OxyContin, etc to dwindle as it gets more and more internalized by Dr’s that there is a far less harmful option out there.


Im Canadian, years ago a doctor said no to weed and yes to oxy. Ruined my life. Now doctors are ok with it. My family doctor is young and doesn't prescribe it but he doesn't say anything negative about it. Weed was never that big an issue in my experience. Im 42 and only had 1 doctor say it was bad and that was because it was smoked. That doctor lost his wife to lung cancer so i can see his point
@Thomas Davie it is nice to smoking outside. In Ontario we can smoke weed anywhere you can smoke cigarettes. Ontario always was very open minded with weed. Now my home province of Newfoundland still has the older generation thinking it's as bad as heroin but things are changing