Mental Health How do you tell someone you meet?


Jan 18, 2013
Hello everyone, I am 39 now and not been dating for 20years over, due to a couple of reasons why I have been avoiding it for a long time, but I feel ready again now and lost over 2stone in weight in the last year, so I am going to meet people again. But if I do meet someone should I tell them straight away I have had mental health problems in past ? Way I look at it is if they walk away and not contact me again is they were not worth knowing in first place. But if they accept my illness and me they are a keeper? What you reckon? Or forget the past and never mention it?
Congrats on the weight loss and getting yourself out there again.
I think it's important to be yourself no matter what.
You will find most people have all gone through something in their lives and I don't think having mental health issues should be something you should hide at all.
Good luck I hope you meet someone amazing!
I wouldn’t tell them on the first date if that’s what you mean by straightaway. If you have your issues under control, get to know and like someone first and then decide you want to engage in a relationship, then yeah, I’d be honest sooner then later about what’s going on with you. It’s true a lot of people have gone thru stuff, but let yourself shine through first before making things about your illness. Some people scare easily and issues about mental health right off the bat might not be the best filtering tool for finding a good person (they can use that against someone vulnerable or just scare right off)
i guess all I’m trying to say is take it slow and have fun.
Yeah the stigma can definitely scare people off, like acr said let them get to know you first, then explain your history, that way they can decide for themselves, rather than stigma driving them.
Yeah it depends on the person, and sometimes needs to be done very methodically. In the end, if they move away from you because of it, it's their bad, not yours. Mental illness is real, and so are the people whom struggle with it.