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How do you know when it's time to stop?

im very new to the whole scene and pills and all, popped on 4 different occassions, the latest being this years utopia.
but i have to say, even though im new to the scene, and im not a regular by any means, i already question myself when i think about e. i suppose its mostly got to do with my friends influence, most of them stornlgy disagree with it, but also the possibility of damage to serotonin receptors... i have one other fear... i know a few people who have been heavy users for a long time... and through observation, ive noticed a general dullness in their mood, and this seems to negate any possibility of ehtem being joyous, smiling or being friendly. dont get me wrong, they are very nice people, and i know that for a fact, but my fear and question is, did drugs make them this way?
my conclusion is basically yes... i mean, it seems to be that they are totally unaware of the effect the drugs may of had on them... and this is another reason why i question my use of pills, i fear being like that...
even so, already, after 4 times spread over nearly a year, im contemplating going out straight, through fear and disaprovement of peers..... im not yet 18, i have a fakie, but none of my friends do so i dont go out much, my girlfriend is 18, but she is only new to this scene as well, by the way she is also hesitant to pop.
i dont really know, its impossible to come to a clear conclusion in my head because i see positive points on both sides.
i think of so many other people who have do pop consistently and i wonder, do other people have this seem opinion? or am i looking too deeply too early?
something kind of sad about the way, things have come to be, desensitized to everything, what became of subtlety?
~Maynard James Keenan; Tool.
The world is fucked up. Why not get fucked up too?
Did anyone mention that its probably time to stop when you just plain not enjoying yourself anymore.... Until then why vex yourself with problems of "WHEN to stop" when your still enjoying yourself.
When do i "QUIT" drinking? When you don't enjoy it, or its bringing down your lifestyle or or or
When do i stop smoking? When you decide its to unhealthy. When you don't like it.
When do you stop going out on E? when you don't enjoy it. When you can't afford it. When you don't feel its worth it!
Yeah nice one brov! :)
Did anyone mention that its probably time to stop when you just plain not enjoying yourself anymore.... Until then why vex yourself with problems of "WHEN to stop" when your still enjoying yourself.
When do i "QUIT" drinking? When you don't enjoy it, or its bringing down your lifestyle or or or
When do i stop smoking? When you decide its to unhealthy. When you don't like it.
When do you stop going out on E? when you don't enjoy it. When you can't afford it. When you don't feel its worth it!
Yeah nice one brov! :)
Did anyone mention that its probably time to stop when you just plain not enjoying yourself anymore.... Until then why vex yourself with problems of "WHEN to stop" when your still enjoying yourself.
When do i "QUIT" drinking? When you don't enjoy it, or its bringing down your lifestyle or or or
When do i stop smoking? When you decide its to unhealthy. When you don't like it.
When do you stop going out on E? when you don't enjoy it. When you can't afford it. When you don't feel its worth it!
Yeah nice one brov! :)
Rob - i don't want to get where the point where it smacks me in the face that ecstacy isn't good anymore.. i mean why should it ever not be good anymore? Done in moderation and perhaps *gasp* away from the rave scene, why should you even have to contemplate stopping at all?
That is why i used the example of a friend's father who is 50. Still eats acid all the time, is perfectly sane guy, really nice, just enjoys a bit of acid now and again. I think that is far better than someone who goes, "man i'm a raver, everone eats E's like lollies, i think i'll fry my brain"
Here's a history lesson for you kids at home:
I haven't dropped in 3 weeks now, before dropping then i hadn't dropped in 2 months. Before that i drop a maximum of 1.5 pills a month. I do eat a broad spectrum of drugs, and as those who know me can attest, i'll try anything twice. I have an extremely busy work/uni/social schedule and can only occasionally afford the time to get messy on drugs. Now here is the crucial bit - I AM IN NO WAY OVER MY HEAD WITH DRUGS. I DO NOT NEED TO STOP MERELY BECAUSE I QUESTION WHEN IS A GOOD TIME TO STOP. I am 19, smart and having the time of my life. I am not feeling depressed every tuesday because i have fried my brain, i have no acid flashbacks, i haven't passed out on g... (yet
Up to speed? Ok, lets continue, IMHO, any sensible user will ask themself "when am i going to stop this love affair with those little pills/ other drugs? when is the end of the line?" You do not have to be devoid of serotonin and dropping pills like an animal to realise this, you can be thinking about it, if you actually take a bit of a step back from your life and reflect.
Is there an end of the line? maybe, maybe not. I don't think anyone here has said anything about continuing E use as you age.. why not? Is drugs just something you use to fuck yourself up on the weekends with? Personally i use drugs because they are fun, but also because they give you experiences which can be profound, exciting and absolutely mindblowing. I think there is a lot to be gained from drug use, quite possibly past a time of "young and dumb and eating drugs". If you don't think about it that way, then i think you're already past your time to stop.
Now i ask the question again. How do you know when it's time to stop? Say you have a gf/bf and they ask you to stop? for them? NO/YES?
How about parents? NO/YES?
friends? NO/YES?
Should anyone even have to ask you?
What are indicators that its time to stop?
Is there ever a time to stop?
Who or what should you give drugs up for?
If you can answer or give some comment on those questions then post. Please don't post telling me its time to stop because i think about the direction of my life - that's bullshit.
thank you,
supaspeed..aparently the word smack is banned on this site lmao
you have been warned. heh.
GREAT so now i can say they will SMACK u the fuck out..cool NP luro

[This message has been edited by bitch1 (edited 13 May 2001).]
i started using chemical, mainly acid at first, in 1986. i took my first e on new years 1990. i loved it then and i love it now. i never let it interfere with my professional life, or my relationships.
i gave up on the acid 3yrs back when i realised i wasnt really enjoying it anymore.
it wasnt a hard thing to give up or "stop" i'm not sure i even thought much about it...
over the years i've gone through heavy use patches and zero use patches. i can go out and have fun on e or not on e. maybe i'll never stop! i'd like to say its been moderation thats kept me in touch.... but its not true. one cant, however, go full tilt forever, i'd like to say i'm slowing down...... but thats not really true either!
if i started passing a lot of blood i'd stop.
do people wonder if "drug fuckedness" sneaks up and like all of sudden its too late your drug fucked, cant think,cant communicate.... or is it like BAM you take one too many and nver come back?
i dont know. i dont feel any negatives from taking e, and in fact i feel quite safe as well....
so i do wonder if i'll ever stop taking e. its a lot of fun... its easy to get tired of dance parties or clubs but i like e on the beach or down the supermarket or at home on the patio... e's just always fun! ideally i'll slow down again soon, go through a lean patch, but at the moment i'm onto good supplies! so i'll make the most of it while i can....
oh yeah ummm when is it time to stop.... i dunno when you can no longer use the shift key
Do you think you need to stop *at current level*?
He who laughs last thinks slowest."
All warfare is based on deception. - Sun Tzu
Perhaps it's only time to stop (completely) when you can't control how much you take and its effects are physically and emotionally damaging to you and the people around you.
If you can control how much you take and it has no major impact on you and the people around you, perhaps it's time to slow down. Taking a break is fantastic because it helps to ensure that moderation in dosage and frequency is maintained. This is certainly the case if it becomes boring for you.
Ill sum this up straight up, i have always lived byt a saying and i swore to it the first day i did drugs. "you dominate drugs, dont let drugs dominate u" Its short and concise. The day drugs start becoming ur number 1 prioirity, is the day u start going downhill.
When you are over it?
Drugs get boring after a few years. Same old shit, especially when you witness people abusing them every weekend. Makes them not so FUN then!
Why not just go out and do what u wanna do when u feel like it? Then if u r starting to regret it the next day, then i guess STOP.
I think its time to stop using drugs when you rely on it to have fun in life. I believe drugs are to enhance what fun you are already having in your normal life, not be the main attraction.
When drugs become the main attraction I think that’s when you fall victim to drugs.
Discover fun with out drugs if you don’t want to fall victim to drugs.
If you want to win anything -- a race, your self, your life -- you have to go a little berserk.
I think a break is definately the answer...after that then you can decide whether to get back on or not... i tend to take breaks for about 2 months at a time....i have just started my break now actually...sorta helps you clear your head a bit and makes you feel better about everything... but I think if you decide to quit for good YOU will know when...
well i hope you know when! hehe its all about self control!
For me:
-> when you lose someone's trust
-> when you forget where you came from
-> when you lose respect (for yourself...other people...and the drugs)
-> when you need the drugs
-> when the substances are more important than anything else...like your friends...or a nice time
-> when pain outweighs pleasure
-> when you forget the truth.
bah....sooo many more....
I'm not going to pass judgement on when other people should stop..
I consider myself to be a kowledgable user. I accept the good with bad. I try to educate and prepare myself. I use common sense when I cannot find answers.
Foremost I am a parent, a son and a brother.
How does my drug use effect my relationship with my son??
The quality of time I spend with my son is directly related to, my quality of life.
The first time I used E I was looking for a release, much the way people drink. I wanted to enjoy myself.
On E, I have dealt with repressed inner feelings and walked away with a new lease on life.
(How many seachanges have come from that first use!!!)
My son has gained from that! I have become active instead of inactive and barely surviving.
I am a new person not because I need the drug but because I found an innner strength that I didn't know was there. I dont need a drug to find that strength now.
I also accept that the same result may of come about if I had seeked counselling.
I only use occasionally now(2-3 times a year), If my reasoning and judgement becomes impaired, then I am willing to accept that I will stop.
Age & experience has changed my perspective, if I had started using younger I may not have such a firm footing. I find it easy now to moderate and to know what I want to gain from an experience. To measure pros & cons and make a decision.
How will I know when it's time to stop?
I have faith in myself, to cross that bridge when I come to it..
Be true to yourself...
end ranting

Confessions of a middle aged ecstacy user]
[This message has been edited by RAveDuST (edited 07 November 2001).]
its time to stop when you are paying $20 hr to be studying at an institute and you stare through the monitor into oblivion in a daze.
You really really look forward to your next biccie coz it has become your freetime.
When you cant remember what you did last weekend and develop the goldfish syndrome.(2 second memory)not to mention short attention span.
It is also time to stop when you do a rough calculation of how much money you have spent this year on pills and it equates to the price of a decent car/holiday.
Definetly pills today are shite compared to the ones of old (in general) and i am finally getting over the mushed brain mongy feeling now that i have had 3 weeks off.
look to your future or get lost in the mix!
heavens forbidden, but im going soon
Kiss me one last time
Before i take my flesh away
its time to stop when you are paying $20 hr to be studying at an institute and you stare through the monitor into oblivion in a daze.
You really really look forward to your next biccie coz it has become your freetime.
When you cant remember what you did last weekend and develop the goldfish syndrome.(2 second memory)not to mention short attention span.
It is also time to stop when you do a rough calculation of how much money you have spent this year on pills and it equates to the price of a decent car/holiday.
Definetly pills today are shite compared to the ones of old (in general) and i am finally getting over the mushed brain mongy feeling now that i have had 3 weeks off.
look to your future or get lost in the mix!
heavens forbidden, but im going soon
Kiss me one last time
Before i take my flesh away
"I said nice one Bruvva!"
*BUMP* to aid Supaspeed with the psychological evaluation of BLers

SO when is it time to stop?????
Sleeping Madness