How do you hold on to motivation?

Snafu in the Void

Bukowski Jr.
May 27, 2020
I get really motivated to change my life, habits and whatever when I wake up and throughout the day, but once I get home it's back to getting drunk and high - I'm the fucking champ at that!

I don't understand how healthy successful people STAY motivated....
What motivates you.. if its anything like thev rest of us.. its what we dig. What do you enjoy?
i asked myself a lot of times.

It's my friends and my job. Family, hmmmm.. Another issue.

For me, it's all the terrible things I have done and said under the influence.
Last time I drank (hand sanitiser) I was convinced I was possessed, stripped off in front of my (VERY prudish) mother and told her to let Jesus fuck her while laughing and slashing my arm open repeatedly. I also told my dad "Do you know what he did, you cunting son?" and went on to explain how I was raped on my 13th birthday and then killed the guy (that bit is all true and he knew the firsst part but we've never spoke of it) and that is how the demon got in.
TBF I do sometimes think I am possessed. I have a schizophrenia diagnosis....
(that's not a fucked up joke, I'd been watching a possession movie and...beh I dunno, but I felt so guilty I didn't sleep for 4 days and nights).
That's a hell of a motivation not to drink again.
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To elicit change, Everything has to change. You may lose people along the way. Good news is, the ones that stay really give a shit about ya. Change is best BS filter there is
As for motivation, misery and pain
@F.U.B.A.R. I know :( :(
I dunno WTF is wrong with me. Most of the time I'm the nicest, most good-natured person but every so often it's like a streak of pure evil takes over. I am being tested for things like split-personality and have already been told it's schizophrenic psychosis and not something in mu control...but during these episodes I'm there like a passenger in my head, seeing and feeling what my body is doing/saying but I have no control to make it stop. It's terrifying and if that isn't possession (even if from an "alter" personality), what is?
I get that. Ever run your mouth, perfectly ripping someone to shreds verbally, seeing the damage in their eyes, but absolutely unable to shut it down til it's been said? I've had instances where I'm saying, in my head of course, STFU!
For me anyway, it usually boils down to things not going my way, despite my best efforts. Have been diagnosed with a long list myself; amounts to nothing in the long run.
Only speaking for myself
For me its sort of a religious thing, I know things will go bad and life is gonna hurt, but I also know things will get better, as long as I keep looking in the right direction so to speak. I call it religious because part of the reason I think things will always get better is because I just dont think life is all just science, I think there is something 'mystical' you could say about the universe, and I think the universe is too an extent about the pain of growth and then the happiness that follows it, like a wave, good times, then hard times and so forth. I like to think of it like the stock market, we have big drops now and then but in the long term we keep going up as long as we keep invested (in our lives).
Life Is a struggle man but we must carry on. It's an experience with UPS AND Downs but it's worth in the end.
I was about to comment, empty, you said it.
Not, no offense but you could have been a NA sponsor talking like that.
Cliches to keep us optimistic till the throw us in the hole
What motivates you.. if its anything like thev rest of us.. its what we dig. What do you enjoy?

Again here after 35 mg Ding-Dong-Rc-BEnzos.

what motivates me most is my work. I love it. But because im working in the medical sector, its hard to find a ned freelancer-job. We were sharing our practice - 4 people , and one started mobbing me heavily from the beginning of November on. Till I say - fuck you and do all your things alone! I'm done! Now im searching , but before i have been sick like never ever before. And I slept, I slept, i slept.... Incredible. My body seems to need it.

I'm so sucked out of evergy, and the first t ime in my life I feel this could be a real big depression.

I'm sorry for spelling mistakes, I have minimum 35 ml Benzos in my blood.

For me, it’s multi faceted.

I want to keep a ripped fit body to get laid and to defend myself. I want to eat high quality fresh whole foods so I can keep my body ripped and so that I can stay mentally happy and motivated. I have an ok job so I can afford things I like.

Pretty simple I suppose..

That said all of these things work in harmony and if I slack on one they all suffer and before you know it you don’t even know what motivation is anymore.

If I don’t work out I won’t have enough baseline energy, and may be unhappy from lack of sex. If I don’t eat right I’ll be tired from shit food and depressed. If I don’t have a job I can’t afford that good food and other things needed to stay healthy and motivated.

My biggest motivator though has probably been psychedelics. They gave me purpose in life. They seem to clear away all the garbage just long enough to keep all these healthy habits on track.

Again here after 35 mg Ding-Dong-Rc-BEnzos.

what motivates me most is my work. I love it. But because im working in the medical sector, its hard to find a ned freelancer-job. We were sharing our practice - 4 people , and one started mobbing me heavily from the beginning of November on. Till I say - fuck you and do all your things alone! I'm done! Now im searching , but before i have been sick like never ever before. And I slept, I slept, i slept.... Incredible. My body seems to need it.

I'm so sucked out of evergy, and the first t ime in my life I feel this could be a real big depression.

I'm sorry for spelling mistakes, I have minimum 35 ml Benzos in my blood.

Would ya be motivated minus the benzo hiatus'?
Again here after 35 mg Ding-Dong-Rc-BEnzos.

what motivates me most is my work. I love it. But because im working in the medical sector, its hard to find a ned freelancer-job. We were sharing our practice - 4 people , and one started mobbing me heavily from the beginning of November on. Till I say - fuck you and do all your things alone! I'm done! Now im searching , but before i have been sick like never ever before. And I slept, I slept, i slept.... Incredible. My body seems to need it.

I'm so sucked out of evergy, and the first t ime in my life I feel this could be a real big depression.

I'm sorry for spelling mistakes, I have minimum 35 ml Benzos in my blood.


How long daily on the benzos?